result_command 1.0.0 copy "result_command: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
result_command: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

A command pattern implementation for Dart and Flutter using result_dart package.

Result Command #

Result Command is a lightweight package that brings the Command Pattern to Flutter, allowing you to encapsulate actions, track their execution state, and manage results with clarity. Perfect for simplifying complex workflows, ensuring robust error handling, and keeping your UI reactive.

Why Use Result Command? #

  1. Encapsulation: Wrap your business logic into reusable commands.
  2. State Tracking: Automatically manage states like Idle, Running, Success, Failure, and Cancelled.
  3. Error Handling: Centralize how you handle successes and failures using the intuitive Result API.
  4. Cancellation Support: Cancel long-running tasks when needed.
  5. UI Integration: React to command state changes directly in your Flutter widgets.

How It Works #

At its core, Result Command lets you define reusable actions (commands) that manage their lifecycle. Each command:

  • Executes an action (e.g., API call, user input validation).
  • Tracks its state (Idle, Running, etc.).
  • Notifies listeners when the state changes.
  • Returns a result (Success or Failure) using the Result API.

Command State (CommandState) #

Each Command exposes its current state through a CommandState. The state represents one of the following:

  • IdleCommand: The command is ready to execute.
  • RunningCommand: The command is currently executing an action.
  • SuccessCommand: The action completed successfully.
  • FailureCommand: The action failed with an error.
  • CancelledCommand: The action was explicitly stopped.

Accessing the State #

You can access the current state using the value property of the command:

final command = Command0<String>(() async {
  return Success('Hello, World!');

// The current state of the command.
print(command.value); // Outputs: SuccessCommand<String>

Reacting to State Changes #

The state updates automatically as the command executes:

  • Use addListener for manual handling.
  • Use ValueListenableBuilder to bind the state to your UI.

Examples #

Example 1: Simple Command with No Arguments #

Encapsulate a simple action into a reusable Command:

final fetchGreetingCommand = Command0<String>(
  () async {
    await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2));
    return Success('Hello, World!');

fetchGreetingCommand.addListener(() {
  if (fetchGreetingCommand.value is SuccessCommand<String>) {
    final result = (fetchGreetingCommand.value as SuccessCommand<String>).value;
    print('Success: $result');
  } else if (fetchGreetingCommand.value is FailureCommand<String>) {
    final error = (fetchGreetingCommand.value as FailureCommand<String>).error;
    print('Failure: $error');

// Execute the command

Example 2: Command with Arguments #

Pass input to your command's action:

final calculateSquareCommand = Command1<int, int>(
  (number) async {
    if (number < 0) {
      return Failure(Exception('Negative numbers are not allowed.'));
    return Success(number * number);

calculateSquareCommand.addListener(() {
  if (calculateSquareCommand.value is SuccessCommand<int>) {
    final result = (calculateSquareCommand.value as SuccessCommand<int>).value;
    print('Square: $result');
  } else if (calculateSquareCommand.value is FailureCommand<int>) {
    final error = (calculateSquareCommand.value as FailureCommand<int>).error;
    print('Error: $error');

// Execute the command with input

Example 3: Binding State to the UI #

Use ValueListenableBuilder to update the UI automatically:

final loginCommand = Command2<bool, String, String>(
  (username, password) async {
    if (username == 'admin' && password == 'password') {
      return Success(true);
    return Failure(Exception('Invalid credentials.'));

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Column(
    children: [
        valueListenable: loginCommand,
        builder: (context, state, child) {
          if (state is RunningCommand<bool>) {
            return CircularProgressIndicator();
          } else if (state is SuccessCommand<bool>) {
            return Text('Login Successful!');
          } else if (state is FailureCommand<bool>) {
            return Text('Login Failed: ${(state as FailureCommand).error}');
          return ElevatedButton(
            onPressed: () => loginCommand.execute('admin', 'password'),
            child: Text('Login'),

Example 4: Cancellation #

Cancel long-running commands gracefully:

final uploadCommand = Command0<void>(
  () async {
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
      print('Uploading: ${i + 1}0%');
    return Success();
  onCancel: () {
    print('Upload cancelled!');

// Start the upload

// Cancel after 3 seconds
Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 3), () {

Benefits for Your Team #

  • Simplified Collaboration: Encapsulation makes it easier for teams to work independently on UI and business logic.
  • Reusability: Commands can be reused across different widgets or flows.
  • Maintainability: Cleaner separation of concerns reduces technical debt.

Getting Started #

  1. Add the package to your pubspec.yaml:

      result_command: ^1.0.0
  2. Wrap your actions in commands:

    • Use pre-defined Command types to encapsulate your logic.
    • Attach listeners to update your UI dynamically.
  3. Execute commands from your UI and enjoy the benefits of encapsulated logic and state tracking.

Contribute #

We’d love your help in improving Result Command! Feel free to report issues, suggest features, or submit pull requests.




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A command pattern implementation for Dart and Flutter using result_dart package.

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flutter, result_dart


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