raii 0.2.0
raii: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard
Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII) pattern for Dart, providing automated lifecycle management of resources.
raii #
A Flutter package that provides RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) pattern implementation for managing object lifecycles and ensuring proper resource cleanup.
Features #
- Automatic resource disposal through lifecycle management
- Fluent API for resource registration
- Debug logging support for lifecycle events
- Type-safe resource management
- Integration with Flutter's widget lifecycle
- Support for Material and Cupertino components
- Built-in support for common Flutter resources:
- Controllers (Animation, Text, Scroll, etc.)
- Notifiers and Listeners
- Streams
- App lifecycle
Getting Started #
Add the package to your pubspec.yaml
raii: ^0.1.0
Usage #
Basic Widget State Management #
class MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget>
// Add RaiiStateMixin
with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin, RaiiStateMixin {
// Resources are automatically disposed together with widget
late final controller = AnimationController(vsync: this)
.withLifecycle(this, debugLabel: 'MyAnimation');
late final textController = TextEditingController()
.withLifecycle(this, debugLabel: 'TextInput');
// Works like initState() but runs when widget is mounted and
// context is accesible, you are free to move it to `initState`
// if you don't need context access.
void initLifecycle() {
// Register listeners with automatic cleanup
() => setState(() {}),
debugLabel: 'AnimationListener',
Material Components #
// Tab Controller
late final tabController = TabController(length: 3, vsync: this)
.withLifecycle(this, debugLabel: 'TabBar');
// Search Controller
late final searchController = SearchController()
.withLifecycle(this, debugLabel: 'SearchBar');
// Data Table Source
final dataSource = MyDataSource()
.withLifecycle(this, debugLabel: 'TableDataSource');
Cupertino Components #
// Cupertino Tab Controller
late final cupertinoTabs = CupertinoTabController(initialIndex: 0)
.withLifecycle(this, debugLabel: 'CupertinoTabs');
// Restorable Tab Controller
late final restorableTabs = RestorableCupertinoTabController(initialIndex: 0)
.withLifecycle(this, debugLabel: 'RestorableTabs');
Custom Resource Management #
Using RaiiBox (Wrapper Approach)
class MyCustomResource {
void initialize() { /* ... */ }
void cleanup() { /* ... */ }
// Usage in a widget state
class MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> with RaiiStateMixin {
late final resource = RaiiBox.withLifecycle(
instance: MyCustomResource(),
init: (r) => r.initialize(),
dispose: (r) => r.cleanup(),
debugLabel: 'CustomResource',
// The resource will be automatically initialized and disposed
// with the widget's lifecycle
// Alternative usage with RaiiManager
final raiiManager = RaiiManager();
final resource = RaiiBox.withLifecycle(
instance: MyCustomResource(),
init: (r) => r.initialize(),
dispose: (r) => r.cleanup(),
debugLabel: 'CustomResource',
// When done
// Will properly clean up the resource
Direct Lifecycle Implementation
// Implementing lifecycle directly in your resource class
class ManagedResource with RaiiLifecycleMixin {
late final Socket _socket;
late final StreamSubscription _subscription;
// Named constructor that immediately attaches to a lifecycle manager
ManagedResource.withLifecycle(RaiiLifecycleAware lifecycleAware) {
void initLifecycle() {
// Initialize resources
_socket = Socket.connect(...);
_subscription = _socket.listen(...);
debugPrint('ManagedResource: Initialized socket and subscription');
void disposeLifecycle() {
// Clean up resources
debugPrint('ManagedResource: Cleaned up socket and subscription');
// Usage in a widget - cleaner syntax with .attach constructor
class MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> with RaiiStateMixin {
late final resource = ManagedResource.withLifecycle(this);
// The resource will be automatically initialized and disposed
// with the widget's lifecycle
// Alternative usage with RaiiManager
final raiiManager = RaiiManager();
final resource = ManagedResource.withLifecycle(raiiManager);
// When done
// Will properly clean up the resource
Choose RaiiBox
- You need to add lifecycle to an existing class
- You don't control the resource's source code
Choose direct RaiiLifecycleMixin
implementation when:
- You're creating a new resource class
- You prefer explicit lifecycle management in your class
- You want a cleaner API with
constructor pattern
More Examples #
Stream Management #
// Automatic stream subscription cleanup
debugLabel: 'MyStreamSubscription',
Listenable Management #
class MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> with RaiiStateMixin {
late final valueNotifier = ValueNotifier<int>(0)
.withLifecycle(this, debugLabel: 'Counter');
void onLifecycleAttach() {
// Simple listener
setState(() {}),
debugLabel: 'ValueNotifierListener',
// Multiple listeners for the same listenable
debugLabel: 'UIListener',
debugLabel: 'StorageListener',
// Listening to animation controller
final controller = AnimationController(vsync: this)
.withLifecycle(this, debugLabel: 'Animation');
() => debugPrint('Animation value: ${controller.value}'),
debugLabel: 'AnimationListener',
App Lifecycle Observer #
class MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> with RaiiStateMixin {
void initLifecycle() {
// Basic app lifecycle observer
final observer = AppStateObserver();
// raii addObserver alternative that allows you to
// attach to the state's lifecycle
debugLabel: 'AppLifecycle',
class AppStateObserver with WidgetsBindingObserver {
void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) {
switch (state) {
case AppLifecycleState.resumed:
debugPrint('App resumed - restore resources');
case AppLifecycleState.inactive:
debugPrint('App inactive - pause updates');
case AppLifecycleState.paused:
debugPrint('App paused - save state');
case AppLifecycleState.detached:
debugPrint('App detached - cleanup');
void didChangePlatformBrightness() {
debugPrint('Brightness changed');
Timer Management #
class TimerWidgetState extends State<TimerWidget> with RaiiStateMixin {
late final periodicTimer = RaiiBox.withLifecycle(
instance: Timer.periodic(
Duration(seconds: 1),
(_) => debugPrint('Timer tick'),
dispose: (timer) => timer.cancel(),
debugLabel: 'PeriodicTimer',
Global Resources #
// Resources that live for the entire application lifetime
final globalResource = MyGlobalResource.withLifecycle(
Important Notes #
Mixin Order #
When using RaiiStateMixin
with TickerProviderStateMixin
, the order matters:
// Correct order:
class MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget>
with TickerProviderStateMixin, RaiiStateMixin {
// ...
// Incorrect order - will cause incorrect resources disposal:
class MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget>
with RaiiStateMixin, TickerProviderStateMixin {
// ...
Debug Labels #
Debug labels help track lifecycle events in the console:
late final animationController = AnimationController(vsync: this)
.withLifecycle(this, debugLabel: 'MyAnimation');
late final textInput = EditingTextController()
.withLifecycle(this, debugLabel: 'TextInput');
Console output:
[RAII] Init lifecycle: MyAnimation
[RAII] Init lifecycle: TextInput
[RAII] Dispose lifecycle: TextInput
[RAII] Dispose lifecycle: MyAnimation
Additional Resources #
Core Concepts #
- Base interface for objects with manageable lifecyclesRaiiLifecycleAware
- Interface for objects that aware about other lifecycles typically used for managing multiple lifecyclesRaiiLifecycleMixin
- Mixin that helps add basic lifecycle implementationRaiiManagerMixin
- Mixin that helps implementat for managing multiple lifecycles, it implementsRaiiLifecycleAware
- Container for managing custom resources
License #
Licensed under the MIT (LICENSE or https://mit-license.org/)