phoenix_widgets 1.17.6 copy "phoenix_widgets: ^1.17.6" to clipboard
phoenix_widgets: ^1.17.6 copied to clipboard

Phoenix library collections.

1.0.0 #

  • Initial Release
  • Add PhoenixCard widget
  • Add PhoenixFooter widget

1.1.0 #

  • Add Phoenix Bottom Menu

1.2.0 #

  • Add Phoenix Button

1.3.0 #

  • Add Phoenix Product Tiles

1.4.0 #

  • Add Phoenix Generic Popup

1.5.0 #

  • Add Phoenix WebView
  • Add Phoenix Title
  • Add Phoenix Back Button
  • Add Phoenix Empty Page

1.5.1 #

  • Fix empty space issue on Phoenix Generic Popup

1.5.2 #

  • Bug fixes

1.5.3 #

  • Enhancement on Phoenix Button

1.6.0 #

  • Add Phoenix Bottom Sheet

1.6.1 #

  • Make PhoenixProductTiles supports SVG assets

1.6.2 #

  • Bug fixes

1.6.3 #

  • Update Phoenix Card : Support hide footer separator

1.6.4 #

  • PhoenixBottomMenuUHF : add options to change background and elevation

1.6.5 #

  • PhoenixExpandableContentBlock: Enable copy text by long press

1.6.6 #

  • Bug fixes

1.6.7 #

  • PhoenixBottomMenuUHF: add options to add selected image

1.7.0 #

  • Add Phoenix Shimmer

1.7.1 #

  • Bug fixes

1.7.2 #

  • Phoenix Back Button: Change back button icon to new design

1.7.3 #

  • Update PhoenixProductTiles to return non sliver widget

1.7.4 #

  • Update to Flutter 3

1.7.4 #

  • Dialog/Popup Enhancement

1.8.0 #

  • Add PhoenixBanner

1.9.0 #

  • Add PhoenixSearchbar

1.10.0 #

  • Add PhoenixExpandableList

1.11.0 #

  • Revamp design for PhoenixBottomSheet
  • Add PhoenixWarning
  • Add PhoenixListGroup
  • Add PhoenixListGroupPartition
  • Add PhoenixTextField
  • Add PhoenixDropdown
  • Add PhoenixDialog

1.11.1 #

  • Fix UI issue for PhoenixListGroupPartition

1.11.2 #

  • Fix dynamic value for PhoenixBottomMenuUHF

1.11.3 #

  • Improve the PhoenixWebview to handle offline user
  • Add function to inject custom javaScript to the PhoenixWebview

1.12.0 #

  • Update Dependencies

1.13.0 #

  • Add PhoenixNavigationCard
  • Bug fixes

1.13.1 #

  • Bug fixes

1.13.2 #

  • Improve the PhoenixWebview to handle certain url in custom tab for android or safari view controller for ios
  • Bug fixes

1.14.0 #

  • Add PhoenixBottomSheetTile

1.14.1 #

  • Bug fixes

1.14.2 #

  • Modify PhoenixNavigationCard to make some components can be hidden

1.15.0 #

  • Add PhoenixTabView

1.15.1 #

  • Modify phoenix bottom sheet and accordion by adding optional params

1.15.2 #

  • Add Padding customization for bottom sheet

1.16.0 #

  • Add PhoenixSearchNoContent
  • Add PhoenixChip
  • Add PhoenixListview

1.16.1 #

  • Modify phoenix search bar to receive TextEditingController()

1.16.2 #

  • Modify phoenix tab view to receive textstyle for selected and unselected tab

1.16.3 #

  • Modify the Phoenix dialog and remove the requirement for a title field,

1.16.4 #

  • Modify the Phoenix Expendable feature so that only the title is clickable, allowing for expansion and contraction of the content.

1.16.5 #

  • Set phoenix bottom sheet divider height to 0

1.17.0 #

  • Add PhoenixMore
  • Add PhoenixCheckbox
  • Add PhoenixEndOfSection
  • Add PhoenixTick

1.17.1 #

  • Update library version in our libraries
  • Update .gitlab-ci.yml configuration to use latest version of flutter

1.17.2 #

  • Add Disabled Text Style in Pheonix Text Field

1.17.3 #

  • Add last divider visibility in PhoenixListGroup

1.17.4 #

  • Bug fixes

1.17.5 #

  • Add shadow visibility and border color for Phoenix Card

1.17.6 #

  • Add error message in Phoenix dropdown widget