persistent_state 0.1.0 copy "persistent_state: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
persistent_state: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard


Persist state in a Sqlite database across restarts and returns from hibernation

Persistent state #

pub package

Persist state in an Sqlite database across restarts and returns from hibernation. Powered by Sqlcool

Api #

Constructor #

PersistentState: constructor parameters:

  • db: an Sqlcool database: see the documentation
  • table: the table to be used for the state. Defailt "state".
  • id: id of the table row to use. Default 1.
  • verbose: verbosity level

Methods #

init: initialize the state. Run before using it.

onReady: a future that will complete when the state is initialized

mutate: change the value of a key in the persistent state

  • key: the key to modify
  • value: the new value

This method is asynchronous but can not be awaited. The database queries are queued and will be exectuted in order in case of multiple calls to this method.

select: get the value of a key

  • key: the key to get

This method does not hit the database.

dispose: dispose the state once finished using to clean up memory

describe: prints a description of the state

Example #

Goal: to persist the current page

Define the state data and initialize the database #

In db.dart:

import 'package:sqlcool/sqlcool.dart';

Db db = Db();

DbTable stateTableSchema() {
  /// Define a state table in the database
  /// Documentation about schemas:
  return DbTable("state")..varchar("route", defaultValue: '"/page1"');

Future<void> initDb() async {
   try {
      await db.init(
         path: "db.sqlite",
         schema: [stateTableSchema()],
         queries: [_populate()]);
      } catch (e) {
   throw ("Can not init db $e");

String _populate() {
   return 'INSERT INTO state(id) VALUES(1)';

Create the state #

In state.dart:

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:persistent_state/persistent_state.dart';
import 'db.dart';

AppState state = AppState();

class AppState {
   PersistentState store;

   Completer _readyCompleter = Completer();

   String get currentRoute =>"route");

   Future<dynamic> get onReady => _readyCompleter.future;

   Future<void> navigate(BuildContext context, String routeName) async {
      // Hit the database to update the route
      store.mutate("route", routeName);
      await Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(routeName);

   Future<void> init() async {
      /// db is an Sqlcool [Db] object
      /// run [initDb] before this
      try {
         store = PersistentState(db: db);
         await store.onReady;
      } catch (e) {
         throw ("Can not create persistent state $e");

Init state #

void main() {
   initDb().then((_) => state.init());

// later
await state.onReady;
// or
state.onReady.then((_) => doSomething());

Use the state #

Calling navigate from anywhere will persist the state of the current route

state.navigate(context, "/page3");
pub points


unverified uploader

Persist state in a Sqlite database across restarts and returns from hibernation

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unknown (LICENSE)


cupertino_icons, flutter, sqlcool


Packages that depend on persistent_state