peg2 0.1.2 copy "peg2: ^0.1.2" to clipboard
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PEG+ (Parsing expression grammar) parser source code generator, command line tool.

peg2 #

PEG+ (Parsing expression grammar) parser generator.

Version 0.1.2

Warning: This software is under development.
There is currently no instruction available.
This software does not contain public APIs because it is a tool (utility).

This tool works, it is able to generate itself (yet another peg2), but it may contain errors and it will be changed in order to improve results of work.

All planned improvements and discovered flaws can be found in the "todo.txt" file.

This is not a pure PEG (Parsing expression grammar).
This is a slightly modified (extended) version of PEG with support for nonterminal, terminal and subterminal symbols and with the support of the expression "Capture".

Example of grammar:

# Globals

import 'package:peg2/grammar.dart';
import 'package:peg2/expressions.dart';

int _escape(int c) {
  switch(c) {
    case 110:
     return 0xA;
    case 114:
      return 0xD;
    case 116:
      return 0x9;

  return c;

Expression _prefix(String prefix, Expression expression, String variable) {
  switch (prefix) {
    case '&':
     expression = AndPredicateExpression(expression);
    case '!':
     expression = NotPredicateExpression(expression);

  expression.variable = variable;
  return expression;

Expression _suffix(String suffix, Expression expression) {
  switch (suffix) {
    case '?':
      return OptionalExpression(expression);
    case '*':
      return  ZeroOrMoreExpression(expression);
    case '+':
      return OneOrMoreExpression(expression);

  return expression;

# Nonterminals

Grammar Grammar =
  'leading spaces'? g:'globals'? m:'members'? d:Definition+ 'end of file' { $$ = Grammar(d, g, m); }

Definition =
  / TerminalDefinition
  / SubterminalDefinition

ProductionRule NonterminalDefinition =
  t:Type n:'non terminal name' '=' e:NonterminalExpression ';' { $$ = ProductionRule(n, ProductionRuleKind.Nonterminal, e, t); }
  / n:'non terminal name' '=' e:NonterminalExpression ';' { $$ = ProductionRule(n, ProductionRuleKind.Nonterminal, e, null); }

OrderedChoiceExpression NonterminalExpression =
  e:NonterminalSequence n:('/' e:NonterminalSequence)* { $$ = OrderedChoiceExpression([e, ...n]); }

SequenceExpression NonterminalSequence =
  e:NonterminalPrefix+ a:'action'? { $$ = SequenceExpression(e, a); }

Expression NonterminalPrefix =
  s:'semantic value'? p:('&' / '!')? e:NonterminalSuffix { $$ = _prefix(p, e, s); }

Expression NonterminalSuffix =
  e:NonterminalPrimary s:('?' / '*' / '+')? { $$ = _suffix(s, e); }

Expression NonterminalPrimary =
  n:'non terminal name' { $$ = NonterminalExpression(n); }
  / n:'terminal name' { $$ = TerminalExpression(n); }
  / '(' e:NonterminalExpression ')'

ProductionRule TerminalDefinition =
  t:Type n:'terminal name' '=' e:Expression ';' { $$ = ProductionRule(n, ProductionRuleKind.Terminal, e, t); }
  / n:'terminal name' '=' e:Expression ';' { $$ = ProductionRule(n, ProductionRuleKind.Terminal, e, null); }

OrderedChoiceExpression Expression =
  e:Sequence n:('/' e:Sequence)* { $$ = OrderedChoiceExpression([e, ...n]); }

SequenceExpression Sequence =
  e:Prefix+ a:'action'? { $$ = SequenceExpression(e, a); }

Expression Prefix =
  s:'semantic value'? p:('&' / '!')? e:Suffix { $$ = _prefix(p, e, s); }

Expression Suffix =
  e:Primary s:('?' / '*' / '+')? { $$ = _suffix(s, e); }

Expression Primary =
  n:'sub terminal name' { $$ = SubterminalExpression(n); }
  / '(' e:Expression ')'
  / 'literal'
  / 'character class'
  / '.' { $$ = AnyCharacterExpression(); }
  / '<' e:Expression '>' { $$ = CaptureExpression(e); }

ProductionRule SubterminalDefinition =
  t:Type n:'sub terminal name' '=' e:Expression ';' { $$ = ProductionRule(n, ProductionRuleKind.Subterminal, e, t); }
  / n:'sub terminal name' '=' e:Expression ';' { $$ = ProductionRule(n, ProductionRuleKind.Subterminal, e, null); }

String Type =
  n:'type name' a:('<' a:TypeArguments '>')? { $$ = n + (a == null ? '' : '<' + a.join(', ') + '>'); }

List<String> TypeArguments =
  t:Type n:(',' t:Type)* { $$ = [t, ...n]; }

# Terminals

'non terminal name' =

'terminal name' =
  <['] (!['] @TERMINAL_CHAR)+ [']> @SPACING

'sub terminal name' =

'semantic value' =

'type name' =

';' =
  ";" @SPACING

'action' =
  "{" b:<@ACTION_BODY*> "}" @SPACING

'&' =
  "&" @SPACING

Expression 'character class' =
  "[" r:(!"]" r:@RANGE)+ "]" @SPACING { $$ = CharacterClassExpression(r); }

')' =
  ")" @SPACING

'.' =
  "." @SPACING

'end of file' =

'globals' =
  "%{" b:<@GLOBALS_BODY*> "}%" @SPACING

'leading spaces' =

'=' =
  "=" @SPACING

Expression 'literal' =
  ["] c:(!["] c:@LITERAL_CHAR)* ["] @SPACING { $$ = LiteralExpression(String.fromCharCodes(c)); }

'members' =
  "{" b:<@ACTION_BODY*> "}" @SPACING

'!' =
  "!" @SPACING

'(' =
  "(" @SPACING

'+' =
  "+" @SPACING

',' =
  "," @SPACING

'?' =
  "?" @SPACING

'/' =
  "/" @SPACING

'*' =
  "*" @SPACING

'<' =
  "<" @SPACING

'>' =
  ">" @SPACING

# Subterminals

  "{" @ACTION_BODY* "}"
  / !"}" .

  "#" (!@EOL .)* @EOL?

@EOL =
  / [\n\r]

  !"}%" .

  [\\] "u" d:<[0-9A-Fa-f]+> { $$ = int.parse(d, radix: 16); }


  / [0-9_]


  "\\" c:["\\nrt] { $$ = _escape(c); }
  / !"\\" !@EOL c:.

List<int> @RANGE =
  s:@RANGE_CHAR "-" e:@RANGE_CHAR { $$ = [s, e]; }
  / c:@RANGE_CHAR { $$ = [c, c]; }

  "\\" c:[\-\\\]nrt] { $$ = _escape(c); }
  / !"\\" !@EOL c:.

  [\t ]
  / @EOL


  "//" c:[']
  / [ -&(-~]

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PEG+ (Parsing expression grammar) parser source code generator, command line tool.

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args, dart_style, lists, path, strings


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