objectx 1.0.2 objectx: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard
Extension for Dart's Object: let, letOrNull, String extensions, etc...
// ignore_for_file: avoid_init_to_null, omit_local_variable_types, prefer_if_null_operators
import 'package:objectx/objectx.dart';
void main() {
String? a = null;
final b = a
?.let((it) => it); // [it] is not null, type of [it] is String (without ?)
// Cause [int.tryParse] require a non-null variable.
// The [number] is null if [a] is null or cannot parse to int. Otherwise, number is result of int.tryParse
int? number = a?.let(int.tryParse);
// Similar
int? number2 = a != null ? int.tryParse(a) : null;
// Like a?.let, letOrNull has a closure when the value is null.
// if a is null, the closure ()=> 0 will be executed
// Otherwise, (it) => int.tryParse(it) ?? 0 will be executed. [it] is not null
int number3 = a.letOrNull((it) => int.tryParse(it) ?? 0, onNull: () => 0);
// print a to terminal with a tag ('$tag: $a'), if debugMode is false, it is not effect.
a.print(tag: 'A value:', debugMode: true);