nhentai 1.0.0-dev.3 nhentai: ^1.0.0-dev.3 copied to clipboard
nhentai.net API client.
Dart client for nhentai.net undocumented APIs. #
Features #
- Full model (books, images, tags).
- Search for text query or tags.
- Getting random books.
- Configurable hosts.
- Proxy support via custom
Usage #
Import the package:
import 'package:nhentai/nhentai.dart';
Create client instance:
final api = NHentai();
Get the data:
final Book? book = await api.getBook(177013);
if (book == null)
throw Exception('Something went wrong.');
// Short book summary
'Book: $book\n'
'Artists: ${book.tags.artists.join(', ')}\n'
'Languages: ${book.tags.languages.join(', ')}\n'
'Cover: ${book.cover.getUrl(api: api)}\n'
'First page: ${book.pages.first.getUrl(api: api)}\n'
'First page thumbnail: ${book.pages.first.thumbnail.getUrl(api: api)}\n',
License #
- ISC License