multi_select_flutter 2.2.0 copy "multi_select_flutter: ^2.2.0" to clipboard
multi_select_flutter: ^2.2.0 copied to clipboard


A flexible multi-select package for Flutter. Make multi-select widgets the way you want.

Changelog #

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

[2.2.0] - 2020-08-31 #

Added #

A number of parameters that allow more customizations.

  • backgroundColor
  • chipColor
  • chipOpacity
  • searchIcon, closeSearchIcon
  • itemsTextStyle, searchTextStyle, searchHintStyle
  • icon and shape for MultiSelectChipDisplay

[2.1.1] - 2020-08-27 #

Changed #

  • When colorator is applied to Field or FormField, apply the same colorator to the chipDisplay if there is one. Previously, when using a MultiSelectDialogField with a chipDisplay and you wanted the same effect both within the dialog and on the chipDisplay, you would have to define the colorator for both widgets. This is repetitive and not ideal. Now, the MultiSelectChipDisplay inherits the colorator from the parent field, and can still override that with the use of its own colorator.

[2.1.0] - 2020-08-24 #

Added #

  • colorator param for all widgets. Set the color of individual items based on their value.
    • works like FormField's validator
      • takes a function in which you compare the value
      • return a color based on the value
      • return null if no conditions satisfied
      • applies to selected chips and checkboxes
  • opacity param for MultiSelectChipDisplay

Changed #

  • MultiSelectChipDisplay's chipColor param now automatically sets the opacity to 0.33 and sets the text to the same color but with full opacity.
    • previously you would have to set the chipColor to and textStyle to TextStyle( to achieve this simple look.
      • you can still override this if you want different colored text by using the textStyle param
      • and you can override the default 0.33 opacity of the chip body with the new opacity param
  • set the color of the FormField widgets bottom border to selectedColor if there is one
  • set the color of confirm/cancel buttons to selectedColor if there is one

[2.0.3] - 2020-08-22 #

Added #

  • parameter searchPlaceholder to replace the default "Search" text.

Fixed #

  • selectedColor wasn't being passed to MultiSelectDialog when using MultiSelectDialogField or MultiSelectDialogFormField

[2.0.2] - 2020-08-17 #

Added #

  • dartdoc comments

[2.0.1] - 2020-08-17 #

Added #

  • selectedColor param which controls the color of the selected checkbox / chips within a dialog / bottomsheet
  • height param to MultiSelectDialog widgets.

Changed #

  • Set the default color of the confirmText and cancelText to primary for BottomSheet widgets.

Fixed #

  • onSelectionChanged wasn't being called for all widgets.

[2.0.0] - 2020-08-16 #

Added #

  • MultiSelectBottomSheet, MultiSelectBottomSheetField, MultiSelectBottomSheetFormField
  • barrierColor param to MultiSelectDialog

Changed #

  • The addition of the MultiSelectBottomSheet widgets prompted a bit of a re-write in order to de-couple widgets. Didn't want the generic MultiSelectField to be responsible for both types (dialog, bottomsheet). The new structure makes more sense and is easier to work with.
  • MultiSelectField replaced with MultiSelectDialogField / MultiSelectBottomSheetField.
  • MultiSelectListDialog and MultiSelectChipDialog have been replaced with MultiSelectDialog.
  • dialogType replaced with listType, now accepts MultiSelectListType instead of MultiSelectDialogType.
  • Improved the look of validator text, matches the look of TextFormField validator style much more closely.
  • buttonText, confirmText, cancelText all now accept a Text widget instead of a string, allowing the removal of the textStyle param.

[1.0.6] - 2020-08-14 #

Fixed #

  • Implement scrolling in MultiSelectChipDialog.
    • When the source list was large enough, the chip dialog would just overflow but it is now scrollable.

Changed #

  • title is no longer required for List / Chip dialogs, default to "Select".

  • initialSelectedItems is now required for List / Chip dialogs.

  • items is now required for MultiSelectChipDisplay.

  • Removed iconSize - can set icon size as param of Icon.

  • Removed state as a parameter of MultiSelectField and created a constructor MultiSelectField.withState() that gets called by MultiSelectFormField.

    • state never needs to be set by the user, and would do nothing if set explicitly, so it shouldn't be a named param on the default constructor.
  • Updated docs

[1.0.5] - 2020-07-10 #

Fixed #

  • A bug was introduced in version 1.0.4 that caused the MultiSelectFormField to not highlight any of the selected values in the dialog.

Added #

  • Boolean parameter 'searchable'. Useful for larger lists, the searchable parameter enables a search icon in the dialog which shows a search bar that lets you query the list.
  • String parameters for 'confirmText' and 'cancelText'. This is important for users who want text other than 'OK' and 'CANCEL', especially for other languages and alphabets.

[1.0.4] - 2020-07-06 #

Changed #

  • Allow user to set initial selected values for MultiSelectField and MultiSelectFormField by adding param 'initialValue' to MultiSelectField, and enabled the same functionality for MultiSelectFormField by passing its existing 'initialValue' param to the MultiSelectField's new 'initialValue' param.

    • MultiSelectFormField creates a MultiSelectField which never had an 'initialValue' param that could be set by the user. Even if 'initialValue' was set on the MultiSelectFormField, it never got passed to the MultiSelectField that it creates. Now it does.

      • Previously when using a MultiSelectField or FormField, the values in the MultiSelectListDialog / MultiSelectChipDialog were only being stored internally when a user confirms the values. Now the initial values can be set before any user interaction has occurred.

      • Another use case is when a MultiSelectField is being re-inserted into the widget tree (such as one inside of a PersistentBottomSheet), and if the developer wants the previously selected values to remain after the bottomsheet re-opens, they can use this parameter to achieve that.

  • Updated example app

[1.0.3] - 2020-06-21 #

Changed #

  • Updated pubspec.yaml project description and added homepage link

[1.0.2] - 2020-06-20 #

Added #

  • Example project

  • analysis_options.yaml

[1.0.1] - 2020-06-20 #

Changed #

  • Added readme

[1.0.0] - 2020-06-20 #

Added #

  • Creation of MultiSelect package

  • Widgets include MultiSelectListDialog, MultiSelectChipDialog, MultiSelectChipDisplay, MultiSelectField, MultiSelectFormField.

pub points


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A flexible multi-select package for Flutter. Make multi-select widgets the way you want.

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