mock_cloud_firestore 0.0.2 copy "mock_cloud_firestore: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
mock_cloud_firestore: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard


Mock Cloud Firestore

Mock Cloud Firestore

The best way i found to test cloud_firestore is to use But this requires knowledge of firebase protocol. This implementation tries to provide easier way.

First define the firestore data as json #

  String source = r"""
	"goals": {
		"1": {
			"$": "Goal",
			"id": "1",
			"taskId": "1",
			"projectId": "1",
			"profileId": "1",
			"state": "ASSIGNED"
	"projects": {
		"1": {
			"id": "1",
			"$": "Project",
			"title": "test title",
			"description": "description",
			"contributors": ["2"],
			"creatorProfileId": "3",
			"state": "INCOMPLETE"
	"tasks": {
		"1": {
			"id": "1",
			"$": "Task",
			"projectId": "123",
			"description": "test desc",
			"closeReason": "",
			"closeReasonDescription": "",
			"creatorProfileId": "123",
			"assigneeProfileId": "123",
			"state": "INCOMPLETE"

create the mock #

  MockCloudFirestore mcf = MockCloudFirestore(source);

now you can #

main() {
  test("get a document", () async {
      MockCollectionReference col = mcf.collection("projects");
      MockDocumentReference docSnapshot = col.document("1");
      MockDocumentSnapshot docSnapshot = await doc.get();
      expect(["id"], "1");
      expect(["title"], "test project 1");
main() {
  test("get snapshots", () async {
      MockCollectionReference col = mcf.collection("projects");
      Stream<QuerySnapshot> snapshots = col.snapshots();
      QuerySnapshot first = await snaphosts.first;
      expect(first, isNotNull);
      MockDocumentSnapshot docSnap = first.documents[0];
      expect(["id"], "1");

To test widgets

create a backend to wrap firestore api #

class BackendApi {
  CollectionGet collectionGet;


  Future<Map<String, dynamic>> project() async {
    DocumentReference docRef = collectionGet("projects").document("1");
    DocumentSnapshot docSnap = await docRef.get();

remove firestore dependency from widget #

class FirebaseDepWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  BackendApi backend;


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return FutureBuilder(
      future: backend.project(),
      builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot) {
        if (!snapshot.hasData) {
          return Text("Loading...");
        return Text("${["title"]}");

now you can mock out firestore #

void main() {
  MockCloudFirestore mcf = getMockCloudFirestore();

  //BackendApi realBackend = BackendApi(Firestore.instance.collection);
  BackendApi mockBackend = BackendApi(mcf.collection);

  testWidgets('check task info ', (WidgetTester tester) async {
    await tester.pumpWidget(
        home: Container(
          child: FirebaseDepWidget(mockBackend),
    await tester.pump();
    expect(find.text("test project 1"), findsOneWidget);