json_string 0.2.0 copy "json_string: ^0.2.0" to clipboard
json_string: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard


A simple and lightweight JSON data container for Dart and Flutter.

json_string #


A simple and lightweight JSON data container for Dart and Flutter.

Configure #

Add json_string to pubspec.yaml under the dependencies subsection.

  json_string: ^0.2.0

Install #

Install packages from the command line (or using your favourite IDE).

with pub:

$ pub get

with flutter:

$ flutter packages get

Import #

In your library, add the following line:

import 'package:json_string/json_string.dart';

How to use it #

All you need is the JsonString class. This is where your JSON data is stored. When you create a new instance, your JSON data is evaluated and minified.

Overview #

Check if your string represents a valid JSON, simply using the default constructor:

try {
    final jsonString = JsonString('{"username":"john_doe","password":"querty"}');
    // ...
} on JsonFormatException catch (e) {
    print('Invalid JSON format: $e');

Or just work with null values, if you prefer:

final jsonString = JsonString.orNull('{"username":"john_doe","password":"querty"}');

if(jsonString == null) {
    print('Invalid JSON format');
// ...

Then, access your data through the source property:

final source = jsonString.source;

print(source); // {"username":"john_doe","password":"querty"}

Or, read the equivalent decodedValue object, without using any other library:

final credentials = jsonString.decodedValue;

print(credentials['username']); // john_doe
print(credentials['password']); // querty

Encoding #

JsonString provides a set of different methods to encode Dart types, all implemented in a type-safe way and without any use of reflection or code generators.

Plain objects

Mark as Jsonable your "json2dart" style class, and encode it with no effort:

// class declaration
class User with Jsonable {
  String username;
  String password;


  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
        'username': username,
        'password': password,

// encoding
final user = User(username: 'john_doe', password: 'qwerty');
final jsonString = JsonString.encodeObject(user);

Or, provide an encoder to specify how to map your object:

final jsonString = JsonString.encodeObject(user, encoder: (u) => {
    'ba': btoa("${u.username}:${u.password}"),

Object lists

In the same way, you can encode a list of objects:

final userList = [
    User(username: 'john_doe', password: 'qwerty'),
    User(username: 'clara_brothers', password: 'asdfgh')

// default encoding
final jsonString1 = JsonString.encodeObjectList(userList);

// custom encoding
final jsonString2 = JsonString.encodeObjectList(userList, encoder: (u) => {
    'ba': btoa("${u.username}:${u.password}"),

Primitive lists

If you want to encode a list of primitive values (int, double, String or bool), use encodePrimitiveList():

// integers
final fibonacci = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13];
final jsonString = JsonString.encodePrimitiveList(fibonacci);

// strings
final message = ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o", "!"];
final jsonString = JsonString.encodePrimitiveList(message);

// doubles
final temperatures = [16.0, 18.0, 21.0, 19.0];
final jsonString = JsonString.encodePrimitiveList(temperatures);

// booleans
final flags = [false, false, true, false];
final jsonString = JsonString.encodePrimitiveList(flags);

Contribute #

If you find a bug or you would like to see a new feature, please create an issue.

pub points


verified publisherparsodyl.com

A simple and lightweight JSON data container for Dart and Flutter.

Repository (GitHub)
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Packages that depend on json_string