jaspr_builder 0.13.1 copy "jaspr_builder: ^0.13.1" to clipboard
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Builders for jaspr

0.13.1 #

  • Fixed namespace handling for nested svg elements.
  • Fixed global key conflicts during server-side rendering by disabling them on the server.
  • Change testComponents(isClient: _) default to true.

0.13.0 #

  • Added Head component to render metadata inside the documents <head>.

    You can specify a title, metadata or custom children:

      title: 'My Title',
      meta: {
        'description': 'My Page Description',
        'custom': 'my-custom-metadata',
      children: [
        link(rel: "canonical" href: "https://mysite.com/example"),

    Deeper or latter Head components will override duplicate elements:

    Parent(children: [
        title: "My Title",
        meta: {"description": "My Page Description"}
      Child(children: [
          title: "Nested Title"

    will render:

      <title>Nested Title</title>
      <meta name="description" content="My Page Description">
  • Added AsyncStatelessComponent and AsyncBuilder. These are special components that are only available on the server (using package:jaspr/server.dart) and have an asynchronous build function.

  • Improved internal framework implementation of different element types.

    • Added BuildableElement and ProxyElement as replacement for MultiChildElement and SingleChildElement.
    • Added Element.didMount() and Element.didUpdate() lifecycle methods.
  • Fixed race condition where routes were skipped during static rendering.

  • Fixed infinite loading bug for async server builds.

  • Fixed hydration bug with empty or nested client components.

  • Added documentation comments.

0.12.0 #

  • BREAKING Removed Document.file(), instead use new Document.template().

  • Added Document.template() for loading template html files.

    Files that should be used with Document.template() must have the .template.html extension to differentiate between normal .html files that are served as-is. The name parameter provided to Document.template() must be the simple name of the file without extension, e.g. Document.template(name: 'index') loads the web/index.template.html file.

  • Added the lang attribute to Document() constructor.

  • Added <main> as main_() to the standard html components.

  • Fixed bug with PreloadStateMixin and improved async server builds.

  • Fixed crash with server hot-reload.

  • Improved the shelf backend template for proper handling of server hot-reload.

  • Fixed DomValidator to allow attributes with ..

0.11.1 #

  • Fixed bug with base paths.

0.11.0 #

  • BREAKING Changed jaspr configuration to require jaspr.mode in pubspec.yaml:

    The jaspr.mode option now sets the rendering mode and must be one of:

    • static: For building a statically pre-rendered site (SSG) with optional client-side hydration.
    • server: For building a server-rendered site (SSR) with optional client-side hydration.
    • client: For building a purely client-rendered site (SPA).

    This replaces the old jaspr.uses-ssr option.

  • BREAKING Removed jaspr generate command in favor using the jaspr build command in combination with the new jaspr.mode = static option in pubspec.yaml.

  • BREAKING Removed the runServer() method along with its support for adding middleware and listeners. Users should instead migrate to the custom backend setup using package:shelf.

  • BREAKING Removed rawHtml flag from Text component and text() method, in favor of new RawText component and raw() method respectively, which fixes multiple bugs with the old implementation.

  • Improved the jaspr create command by changing to a scaffolding system as replacement for templates. You will now be walked through a configuration wizard that creates a starting project based on the selected options.

  • Removed jaspr.uses-flutter option. This is now auto-detected based on the dependencies.

  • Styles can now be written more concise using the ability to chain style groups as well as the new css() method.

  • Changes made to main.dart are now also hot-reloaded on the server.

  • Document is no longer required when using server-side rendering. A basic document structure (<html><head>...<body>...) is automatically filled in.

  • Improved how @client components are hydrated.

  • The jaspr build command now accepts an optimization option. Minification (-O 2) enabled by default.

  • Fixed DomValidator to allow special attributes with uppercase letters and colons.

  • Exceptions thrown during renderHtml are now correctly passed through to the spawning isolate.

0.10.0 #

  • BREAKING Restructured core libraries:

    • Removed package:jaspr/html.dart -> Use package:jaspr/jaspr.dart instead.
    • Renamed package:jaspr/components.dart to package:jaspr/ui.dart.
  • BREAKING Updated @client components for a more streamlined usage.

    Annotated components no longer generate a .g.dart file and don't need to implement any generated mixin anymore. Instead, a single lib/jaspr_options.dart file is generated when using @client components.

    You must now call Jaspr.initializeApp(options: defaultJasprOptions) at the start of your app, where defaultJasprOptions is part of the newly generated jaspr_options.dart file.

    Note: Calling Jaspr.initializeApp() will be required in a future version of Jaspr, and the cli will warn you when it's not called.

  • BREAKING Changed type of the classes property of html components from List<String> to String. Multiple class names can be set using a single space-delimited string, e.g. classes: 'class1 class2'.

  • BREAKING Event callbacks are now typed. The events property of html components now expects a Map<String, void Function(Event)> instead of the old Map<String, void Function(dynamic)>.

    In addition to this Jaspr comes with a new events() function to provide typed event handlers for common events, like onClick, onInput and onChange. Use it like this:

      // Uses the [events] method to provide typed event handlers.
      events: events(
        onClick: () {
        // [value] can be typed depending on the element, e.g. `String` for text inputs or `bool` for checkboxes.
        onInput: (String value) {
          print("Value: $value");

    Moreover, the html components button, input, textarea and select now also come with additional shorthand properties for their supported event handlers:

      onClick: () {
  • BREAKING Refactored components inside the package:jaspr/ui.dart library. Some component properties have changed or been discontinued. Check the separate components for details.

  • BREAKING Promoted jaspr_web_compilers to non-experimental status.

    This also changes the respective cli option from jaspr create --experimental-web-compilers (old) to jaspr create --jaspr-web-compilers (new).

  • Added support for rendering svg elements. Also added svg(), rect(), circle(), ellipse(), line(), path() and polygon() components.

  • Refactored rendering implementation to use RenderObjects.

  • Added NotificationListener component.

  • Added Colors.transparent.

  • Added Unit.auto, Unit.vw() and Unit.vh() for responsive styling.

  • Added StyleRule.fontFace() to add external font files.

  • Several bug fixes and stability improvements when running jaspr serve or jaspr build.

0.9.3 #

  • Fixed melos format on Windows.
  • Fixed infinite loop attempting to find root directory on Windows when running a built Jaspr executable.
  • Add .exe extension to the output of jaspr build on Windows.

0.9.2 #

  • Fixed cli execution on windows.

0.9.1 #

  • Improved the stability and logging of the cli and added the commands:

    • clean command to clean your project directory
    • update command to automatically update the cli to the latest version
    • doctor command to print information about the environment and project
  • We added lightweight anonymous usage tracking to the cli. We use mixpanel.com and only process anonymized data. The usage statistics are made public and can be viewed here (TODO: Link will be added in next release).

    To opt out of usage tracking, use jaspr --disable-analytics.

0.9.0 #

  • Added Static Site Generation support.

    With the new jaspr generate command you can generate static pages from your Jaspr app. This requires a normal server-rendered Jaspr app and will output separate .html pages for each of your routes.

    To specify which routes your application should handle, either use jaspr_router or call ServerApp.requestRouteGeneration('/my/route'); for each target route.

0.8.2 #

  • Fixed client template to set uses-ssr: false correctly.

0.8.1 #

  • Fixed bug with rebuilding the root component.

0.8.0 #

  • Added StyleRule.media({MediaRuleQuery query, List<StyleRule> styles}) to support @media css statements.

  • Added support for Tailwind using the jaspr_tailwind integration.
    Simply run dart pub add jaspr_tailwind --dev and start using tailwind classes in your Jaspr components.
    For a full setup and usage guide see Tailwind Integration Docs.

0.7.0 #

  • Improved cli experience with better logging and progress indicators.

  • Removed --ssr and --flutter cli options.

  • Added support jaspr config section in pubspec.yaml.

    It is now possible to define certain configuration options for the Jaspr cli directly inside the pubspec.yaml file under the jaspr section. Initially supported options are:

      uses-ssr: true # or false; Toggles server-side-rendering on or off.
      uses-flutter: true # or false; Whether the project uses flutter element embedding.

0.6.2 #

  • Added integrated support for seamless flutter element embedding. Refer to Flutter Embedding Docs on how to setup and use this.

0.6.1 #

  • Fixed bug with jaspr create.

  • Added prompts when running jaspr create without any arguments. This way the developer is guided through the creation process more dynamically.

0.6.0 #

  • Added support for flutter web plugins.

    Jaspr apps can now depend-on and import flutter plugins that work on web. This is achieved by using a modified compiler toolchain: jaspr_web_compilers.

    To enable support for flutter plugins simply exchange your build_web_compilers dependency for jaspr_web_compilers:

      jaspr_web_compilers: ^4.0.4

    For an example see examples/flutter_plugin_interop](https://github.com/schultek/Jaspr/tree/main/examples/flutter_plugin_interop).

  • Improved flutter element embedding.

    Flutter apps can now be directly embedded from your Jaspr codebase and integrated into the existing Jaspr component tree.

    This removes the need for any kind of interop between apps as they can directly communicate through the usual primitives of passing properties and callbacks.

    For an example see examples/flutter_embedding](https://github.com/schultek/jaspr/tree/main/examples/flutter_embedding).

  • jaspr build now outputs to /build/jaspr instead of /build.

0.5.0 #

  • BREAKING Added @client as replacement for both @app and @island.

    Components annotated with @client act as entry points for the client application and are automatically detected, compiled and shipped to the client when using the Document() component.

    This combines the behaviour of the now removed @app and @island annotations, as well as the removed Document.app() and Document.islands() constructors. Use the default Document() constructor instead.

  • BREAKING Removed DeferRenderMixin as async first builds are no longer permitted on clients.

  • Added support for Flutter element embedding.

    Flutter apps can now easily be embedded within Jaspr sites. The cli supports the --flutter argument for both the serve and build commands to specify the entrypoint of the flutter application.

    The complete setup is demonstrated in the flutter_embedding example.

  • Fixed handling of initial uri.

  • Added SynchronousFuture.

0.4.0 #

  • BREAKING Bindings are no longer singletons.

    • ComponentsBinding.instance, SchedulerBinding.instance etc. were removed.
    • You can access the current binding through BuildContexts context.binding property.
  • BREAKING Removed ComponentTester.setUp(), BrowserTester.setUp() and ServerTester.setUp().

    • Use testComponents(), testBrowser() and testServer() instead.
  • Requires Dart 3.0 or later.

0.3.0 #

  • BREAKING The cli is now a separate package: jaspr_cli. To migrate run:
      dart pub global deactivate jaspr
      dart pub global activate jaspr_cli
    The usage stays the same with jaspr create, jaspr serve and jaspr build.

0.2.0 #

BREAKING: This is the first major release after the initial publish and contains several breaking changes.

  • Update to Dart 2.17
  • Rewrite of the rendering system that comes with a lot of improvements in stability and performance.
  • Added support for custom backend & server setup.
  • Added support for multiple apps on the client as well as island components.
  • Added html utility components for common elements.
  • Added Styles class for writing typed css in dart.
  • Various other improvements throughout the framework.

0.1.5 #

  • Refactor cli code #12
  • Fixed issue with jaspr serve

0.1.4 #

  • Added --port option to jaspr serve (#6)
  • Fixed webdev dependency constraint (#5)

0.1.3 #

  • Fixed domino dependency (#4)
  • Fixed build on windows (#3)

0.1.2 #

  • Added executable to pubspec.yaml (#2)

0.1.1 #

  • Fixed template for jaspr create (#1)

0.1.0 #

  • Initial version