jaguar_json 0.0.1 copy "jaguar_json: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
jaguar_json: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

jaguar_serializer based JSON interceptors for Jaguar

jaguar_json #

jaguar_serializer based JSON interceptors for Jaguar

Usage #

Encoding and decoding using a Serializer

class SerializerExample {
  WrapEncodeJson<Hello> helloEncoder() => new WrapEncodeJson<Hello>(helloCodec);
  WrapDecodeJson<MathInput> mathInputDecoder() =>
      new WrapDecodeJson<MathInput>(mathInputCodec);
  WrapEncodeJson<MathResult> mathResultEncoder() =>
      new WrapEncodeJson<MathResult>(mathResultCodec);

  @Get(path: '/hello')
  @Wrap(const [#helloEncoder])
  Hello sayHello() => new Hello()..greeting = "Hello";

  @Post(path: '/math')
  @Wrap(const [#mathResultEncoder, #mathInputDecoder])
  MathResult math(@Input(DecodeJson) MathInput input) {
    int a = input.a;
    int b = input.b;

    return new MathResult()
      ..addition = (a + b)
      ..subtraction = (a - b)
      ..mulitplication = (a * b)
      ..division = (a ~/ b);

Encoding and decoding is a SerializerRepo

@Wrap(const [#encoder, #decoder])
class RepoExample {
  WrapEncodeJsonRepo encoder() => new WrapEncodeJsonRepo(repo, withType: true);

  WrapDecodeJsonRepo decoder() => new WrapDecodeJsonRepo(repo);

  @Get(path: '/hello')
  Hello sayHello() => new Hello()..greeting = "Hello";

  @Post(path: '/math')
  MathResult math(@Input(DecodeJsonRepo) MathInput input) {
    int a = input.a;
    int b = input.b;

    return new MathResult()
      ..addition = (a + b)
      ..subtraction = (a - b)
      ..mulitplication = (a * b)
      ..division = (a ~/ b);

Intro #

jaguar_json exposes interceptors to encode and decode Dart objects to and from JSON using two methods:

  1. Using Serializer
  2. Using SerializerRepo

Using Serializer #

EncodeJson and DecodeJson interceptors are provided to encode and decode json. Both these interceptors accept an instance of the Serializer<ModelType> class that it internally uses to serialize and deserialize.

EncodeJson automatically serializes result returned from the route method. Care must be taken that the route returns an object of type ModelType.

DecodeJson automatically deserializes JSON body in the request to ModelType. The deserialized dart object can be obtained in the route method using @Input(DecodeJson) injector.

Using SerializerRepo #

Using SerializerRepo simplifies the encoding and decoding. First task is to create a JsonRepo object and add all the required serializers to it.

EncodeJsonRepo and DecodeJsonRepo interceptors are provided to encode and decode json using repo. Both these interceptors accept an instance of the JsonRepo class that it internally uses to find the appropriate serializer to serialize and deserialize. For the decoder to find the right serializer, the incoming JSON body must have a type field. The type field can be set in the DecodeJsonRepo using typeKey argument.

EncodeJson automatically serializes result returned from the route method.

DecodeJson automatically deserializes JSON body in the request to ModelType. The deserialized dart object can be obtained in the route method using @Input(DecodeJsonRepo) injector.

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jaguar_serializer based JSON interceptors for Jaguar



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jaguar, jaguar_serializer


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