ingdao 0.0.18 copy "ingdao: ^0.0.18" to clipboard
ingdao: ^0.0.18 copied to clipboard


Data Management Framework

Why IngDao? #

IngDao is a data management framework for flutter mobile application. It encapsulates how the data source coming and persistance way from the service layer. The data source can be file, database, network or hybrid mode. Programmer just need to configure all the available data sources in one time and activate it, then programmer no need to know the data source exactly during data manipulating in the rest of the functions. They just need know the common data manipulate method like, fetch, delete, save, count...

Framework adopted the factory/repository concept. Factory will expose out the generic data function: save, delete, fetch and count. Repository will be used by the factory to provide actual implementation.

Currently, the framework supported sqlite database and network data sources as repository term. For sqlite database, it will auto detect the sql table changes without user specify the migration plan and version. Currently the support mode is able to detect new field/new table be added. In future, will detect field/table be removed or even field type change. It support table joining, pagination, grouping and allow user select multiple fields from different table at once time without write pure sql.

Framework also supported database encryption with AES and SSL pinning for web request. In future, AES/DH for data network flow will be supported too.
*Backend server need to follow the same way to receive and decrypt the AES data.

Programmer can create own repostiory by extends from DfBaseRepository, and provide the implementation. After that, programmer need to register the repository to factory.

The framework architecture concept is provided as below: -

Custom Repository #

You can create your own repository by implementing the following functions: -

import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/model/DfBaseModel.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/model/DfBaseRepository.dart';

class DfMyCustomRepositoryModel extends DfBaseModel<DfMyCustomEntity> {
  String extraParamINeed;

  DfDbModel({@required String name, @required bool encrypt, @required this.extraParamINeed, @required List<DfMyCustomEntity> entities}) : super(name: name, encrypt: encrypt, entities: entities);


class DfMyCustomRepository extends DfBaseRepository<DfMyCustomRepositoryModel> {

  DfMyCustomRepository({@required DfMyCustomRepositoryModel model}) : super(model: model);

  Future<void> startInit() async {


  Future<void> stop() async {


  Future<DfResponse> fetch(DfQuery query) async {


  Future<List<DfResponse>> save(List<DfQuery> queries) async {


  Future<List<DfResponse>> delete(List<DfQuery> queries) async {


Then register and activate your new repository via DfFactory: -

  DfFactory instance = DfFactory();
  DfMyCustomRepository repMyCustom = DfMyCustomRepository(model: modelMyCustom); 
  instance.registerRepository("myRepositoyName", repMyCustom);
  await instance.activateRepository("myRepositoyName");

How to use repositories. #

  1. Define all the available repositories in Enum
const REPO_NAME_SQLITEDB = "sqlitedb";
const REPO_NAME_WEB = "web";
const REPO_NAME_ONLINE_SYNC = "onlinesync";

enum RepositoryType {

extension RepositoryTypeExtension on RepositoryType {

  String get name {
    switch (this) {
      case RepositoryType.sqlitedb:
        return REPO_NAME_SQLITEDB;
      case RepositoryType.web:
        return REPO_NAME_WEB;
      case RepositoryType.onlinesync:
        return REPO_NAME_ONLINE_SYNC;                
        return null;

  String desp() {

2. Start plan out the fields for the table entity and web http json response. Example, we have an object called "TankTimesheet" which stores the timesheet event against the oil tank maintenance.

So, create a 'TankTimesheetField' class that represent the tank timesheet fields container. The data source of tank timesheet object can be db table entity or HTTP response. This class also have one method call createFieldBasedOnRepo(DfBaseRepository repo). It will based on pass in repository to return the related entity accordingly. One is the db entity and another one is web entity. The entity will be implemented at below later

import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/field/dfbasefield.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/repository/dfbaserepository.dart';
import '../../data_factory.dart';
import '../../entity/tanktimesheet/tanktimesheet.dart';
import '../../entity/tanktimesheet/tanktimesheetweb.dart';

abstract class TankTimesheetField {

  DfBaseField fId;
  DfBaseField fTankId;
  DfBaseField fName;
  DfBaseField fMarkOn;
  DfBaseField fActive;

  static TankTimesheetField createFieldBasedOnRepo(DfBaseRepository repo) {
    switch ( {
        return TankTimesheet();
      case REPO_NAME_WEB :
        return TankTimesheetWeb();
    return null;

3. Create a tank timesheet entity class. This class will be for database repository. The class will extends DfDbEntity and TankTimesheetField together. Please look at the commented 'fTankName' field. This field is not the db field under timesheet table. But declare here is to store the sql fetch result for the tank name of tank table. so the sql look like: "select, tanktimesheet.tankid,, tanktimesheet.markon,, from tanktimesheet inner join tank", if this field be uncommented.

super(name: "tanktimesheet") - indicate the table name is "tanktimesheet"

The data types available are: text, datetime, boolean, real, blob and int

DfDateTimeValidator, DfStringValidator can be use as field validator before the data saving.

Data Mapping. Declare yours variables to store/retrieve the data such as id, tankid, name, markOn and active. Use the getObjectValue and setObjectValue in DfBaseField (inheritance: DfDbField and DfWebField) to get/fetch the value from db query result or web json response.

parseExecRawJsonResultToEntity(DfQueryPurpose purpose, Mapper map) method determines the json response/query result will be rendered to which entity class.

customFieldJsonMap() method determines the json response/query result attribute how render/map to an entity custom field.

import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/entity/dfbaseentity.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/entity/dfdbentity.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/field/dfbasefield.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/field/dfdbfield.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/field/dffieldtype.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/control/dfquery.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/field/dfstringvalidator.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/field/dfdatetimevalidator.dart';
import '../../field/tanktimesheet/tanktimesheet_field.dart';
import 'package:object_mapper/object_mapper.dart';

class TankTimesheet extends DfDbEntity with TankTimesheetField {

  String id;
  String tankId;
  String name;
  DateTime markOn;
  bool active;
  TankTimesheet ({String pId, String pTankId, String pName, DateTime pMarkOn, bool pActive}) : super(name: "tanktimesheet") {
    fId = DfDbField(entity: this, name: "id", primaryKey: true, joinKey: false, fieldType: DfFieldType.text(), getObjectValue: () => id, setObjectValue: (v) => id = v, value: pId);
    fTankId = DfDbField(entity: this, name: "tankid", primaryKey: false, joinKey: true, fieldType: DfFieldType.text(), getObjectValue: () => tankId, setObjectValue: (v) => tankId = v, value: pTankId);
    fName = DfDbField(entity: this, name: "name", primaryKey: false, joinKey: false, fieldType: DfFieldType.text(strValidator: DfStringValidator(isAllowEmpty: false, minLen: 5, maxLen: 100, isAlphaAndSpaceAndDigitOnly: true)), getObjectValue: () => name, setObjectValue: (v) => name = v, value: pName);
    fMarkOn = DfDbField(entity: this, name: "markon", primaryKey: false, joinKey: false, fieldType: DfFieldType.datetime(dateTimeValidator: DfDateTimeValidator(isLtNowCheck: true)), getObjectValue: () => markOn, setObjectValue: (v) => markOn = v, value: pMarkOn);
    fActive = DfDbField(entity: this, name: "active", primaryKey: false, joinKey: false, fieldType: DfFieldType.boolean(), getObjectValue: () => active, setObjectValue: (v) => active = v, value: pActive);
    //fTankName = DfDbField(entity: Tank(), name: "name", primaryKey: false, joinKey: false, fieldType: DfFieldType.text(), displayOnly: true);

  //Define the sqilite table fields available.
  //Define the fields will map back to the sqlite query executed reuslt: Map<String,dynamic>
  List<DfDbField> fields() {
     return [fId,fTankId,fName,fMarkOn,fActive/*,fTankName*/];

  DfBaseEntity<DfBaseField> newInstance() {
    return TankTimesheet();

  DfBaseEntity<DfDbField> parseExecRawJsonResultToEntity(DfQueryPurpose purpose, Mapper map) {
    return map.toObject<TankTimesheet>();

  void customFieldJsonMap(Mapper map, List<DfDbField> fields) {
    for (var field in fields) {
      // if (field == fTank) {
      //   map<Tank>(, field.getObjectValue(), (v) => field.setObjectValue(v), field.getTransform());        
      // }

DfDbField Parameter

  • Parameters:
    Name Type Nullable Remark
    entity DfBaseEntity N field entity
    name String N Sql table field name
    primaryKey bool N Is primary key field
    joinKey bool N will be use to join with another table
    fieldType FieldType N Field type like text, real, int
    getObjectValue Function N field value map to json attribute in a json request
    setObjectValue Function N field value map to json attribute in a json response (store value to entity field)
    value dynamic Y Any value
    displayOnly bool N True means the field not under current entity but from other entity with display puporse only.

4. TankTimesheeWeb entity class for web repository. The class will extends DfWebEntity and TankTimesheetField. One extra method need to implement is "convertToWebReqParam(DfQuery query)" this will let the entity know how to define the HTTP request params, path variable, http headers and json body based on the DfQuery object.

super(name: "tanktimesheet") - indicate the web service end point is "tanktimesheet"

Programmer can specify the web http method via query.purpose variable.

  • Parameters:
    Name Http Method
    Fetch GET
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/control/dfquery.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/control/dfqueryorderby.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/entity/dfbaseentity.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/entity/dfwebentity.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/field/dfbasefield.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/field/dfwebfield.dart';
import '../../field/tanktimesheet/tanktimesheet_field.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/field/dffieldtype.dart';
import 'package:object_mapper/object_mapper.dart';
import '../../../appsetting.dart';

class TankTimesheetWeb extends DfWebEntity with TankTimesheetField {

  String id;
  String tankId;
  String name;
  DateTime markOn;
  bool active;
  //Tank tank;
  //List<TsNote> notes;

  TankTimesheetWeb ({String pId, String pTankId, String pName, DateTime pMarkOn, bool pActive}) : super(contextPath: "tanktimesheet") {
    fId = DfWebField(entity: this, name: "id", fieldType: DfFieldType.text(), getObjectValue: () => id, setObjectValue: (v) => id = v, value: pId);
    fTankId = DfWebField(entity: this, name: "tankId", fieldType: DfFieldType.text(), getObjectValue: () => tankId, setObjectValue: (v) => tankId = v, value: pTankId);
    fName = DfWebField(entity: this, name: "name", fieldType: DfFieldType.text(), getObjectValue: () => name, setObjectValue: (v) => name = v, value: pName);
    fMarkOn = DfWebField(entity: this, name: "markOn", fieldType: DfFieldType.datetime(), getObjectValue: () => markOn, setObjectValue: (v) => markOn = v, value: pMarkOn);
    fActive = DfWebField(entity: this, name: "active", fieldType: DfFieldType.boolean(), getObjectValue: () => active, setObjectValue: (v) => active = v, value: pActive);
    //fTank = DfWebField(entity: this, name: "tank", fieldType: DfFieldType.custom(), getObjectValue: () => tank, setObjectValue: (v) => tank = v, value: null);
    //fNotes = DfWebField(entity: this, name: "notes", fieldType: DfFieldType.custom(), getObjectValue: () => notes, setObjectValue: (v) => notes = v, value: null);

  //Define what are the fields will map back the result from http response Map<String,dynamic>
  List<DfWebField> fields() {
     return [fId,fTankId,fName,fMarkOn,fActive];

  DfWebReqParam convertToWebReqParam(DfQuery query) {
    DfWebReqParam param = DfWebReqParam();

    if (query.purpose == DfQueryPurpose.FETCH) {

      if (query.extraReq != null && query.extraReq.toDict() != null) {
        param.reqBody = query.extraReq.toDict();

      if (query.paging != null) {
        param.reqParams["pageNumber"] = "${query.paging.pageNumber}";
        param.reqParams["perPageCount"] = "${query.paging.perPageCount}";
      if (query.orderBy != null) {
        int i = 0;
        for (var orderBy in query.orderBy) {
          param.reqParams["orderBy$i"] =;
          param.reqParams["asc$i"] = orderBy.orderByType ==OrderByType.asc ? "true" : "false";

        if (query.criteriaGroups != null) {
          query.criteriaGroups.queryGroups.forEach((grp) => grp.criterias.forEach((cri) => param.pathVariables.add(cri.values[0])) );

        return param;
    return null;

  DfBaseEntity<DfBaseField> newInstance() {
    return TankTimesheetWeb();

  DfBaseEntity<DfWebField> parseExecRawJsonResultToEntity(DfQueryPurpose purpose, Mapper map) {
    if (purpose == DfQueryPurpose.FETCH)
      return map.toObject<TankTimesheetWeb>();

    return null;

  void customFieldJsonMap(Mapper map, List<DfWebField> fields) {
    for (var field in fields) {
      // if (field == fTank) {
      //   map<TankWeb>(, field.getObjectValue(), (v) => field.setObjectValue(v), field.getTransform());        
      // }

DfWebField Parameter

  • Parameters:
    Name Type Nullable Remark
    entity DfBaseEntity N field entity
    name String N json body field name
    value dynamic Y Any value

5. Create a factory class that contains all the available repository and defined what the the entities for the repository.

import '../appsetting.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/ingdao.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/model/dfwebmodel.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/repository/dfwebrepository.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/repository/dfsyncrepository.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/model/dfdbmodel.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/model/dfsyncmodel.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/repository/dfdbrepository.dart';
import 'entity/tanktimesheet/tanktimesheet.dart';
import 'entity/tanktimesheet/tanktimesheetweb.dart';

const REPO_NAME_SQLITEDB = "sqlitedb";
const REPO_NAME_WEB = "web";
const REPO_NAME_ONLINE_SYNC = "onlinesync";

enum RepositoryType {

extension RepositoryTypeExtension on RepositoryType {

  String get name {
    switch (this) {
      case RepositoryType.sqlitedb:
        return REPO_NAME_SQLITEDB;
      case RepositoryType.web:
        return REPO_NAME_WEB;
      case RepositoryType.onlinesync:
        return REPO_NAME_ONLINE_SYNC;                
        return null;

  String desp() {

class DataFactory {
  static final instance = DataFactory._();

  Future<DfFactory> getManipulator(RepositoryType type) async {
    DfConverter.dtTimeFormat = 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss'; //Specify the datetime parse format between json/sqlitedb and flutter variable.
    DfFactory dfFactory = DfFactory();

      SslPinningCri sslPinningCri;//SslPinningCri(shakeys: appSetting.sslPinningFingerPrints, shatype: SslPinningCriShaType.SHA256);
      DfWebModel modelWeb = DfWebModel(name:, 
                                      encrypt: AppSetting.dataEncrypt, 
                                      entities: [TankTimesheetWeb()], 
                                      serverUrl: AppSetting.serverUrl, 
                                      commonHeaders: DfWebModel.formJsonHeader(), 
                                      sslPinningCri: sslPinningCri);

      DfWebRepository repWeb = DfWebRepository(model: modelWeb); 
      dfFactory.registerRepository(, repWeb);

      DfDbModel modelDb = DfDbModel(name:, 
                                    dbName: AppSetting.dbName, 
                                    encrypt: AppSetting.dataEncrypt, 
                                    entities: [TankTimesheet()]);
      DfDbRepository repDb = DfDbRepository(model: modelDb);
      dfFactory.registerRepository(, repDb);

      //Online Sync
      DfSyncModel modelSync = DfSyncModel(name:, 
                                          retryIntervalInSecond: 15 * 60, 
                                          dbRepository: repDb, 
                                          webRepository: repWeb);
      DfSyncRepository repSync = DfSyncRepository(model: modelSync);                                          
      dfFactory.registerRepository(, repSync);

      await dfFactory.activateRepository(;  
      return dfFactory;

DfDbModel Parameter

  • Parameters:
    Name Type Nullable Remark
    name String N repository name
    dbName String N database name
    encrypt bool N Database need to encrypt or not
    entities List N list of database entities

DfWebModel Parameter

  • Parameters:
    Name Type Nullable Remark
    name String N repository name
    serverUrl String N serverUrl e.g.
    encrypt bool N Data transfer need to encrypt or not. AES will be used
    entities List N list of database entities
    sslPinningCri SslPinningCri N provide one or more fingerprints string for SSL pinning purpose

5.1. Create a Service layer class. A class that should not contains any code related to UI. The class should extends from DfService. The class should contains business logic functions and utiltise the CRUD methods provided by the repositories.

import 'package:ingdao/ingdao.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/field/dfbasefield.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/control/dfquery.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/control/dfquerypaging.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/control/dfqueryorderby.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/control/dfresponse.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/control/dfquerycriteriagroup.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/control/dfquerycriteria.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/control/dfqueryentityjoin.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/service/dfservice.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/model/dfwebmodel.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/repository/dfwebrepository.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/model/dfdbmodel.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/repository/dfdbrepository.dart';
import 'package:ingdao/dataflow/entity/dfbaseentity.dart';

class AppService extends DfService {
  DfFactory dfFactory = DfFactory();

  startInit() async {

CRUD Sample. Add the following functions to the service class above. So this will be the data manipulation center. #

DfQuery Parameter - define the request data/operation parameters for the repository generic method: fetch, delete, save and count. It defines the purpose, select fields, entities invole, criterias, order by, grouping and pagination.

  • Parameters:
    Name Type Nullable Remark
    purpose DfQueryPurpose N Http Method
    queryFields List N select query fields, or fields need to insert/save
    entityJoin DfQueryEntityJoin N List of entities involves and the join type like inner join, left join
    criteriaGroups DfQueryCriteriaGroups Y select criteria based on field value and operator like eq, neq, like all supported
    orderBy List Y order by one or more field with asc/desc support
    groupBy List Y Group by one or more field
    paging Paging Y Pagination by Page number and limit

CRUD - Save Record #

Save the timesheet object. If the primary key exists, the record will be updated. Otherwise, insert.

Future<List<DfResponse>> saveTimesheet(List<TankTimesheet> entries) async {
    DfFactory dbFactory = await DataFactory.instance.getManipulator(RepositoryType.sqlitedb);
    DfBaseRepository repository = dbFactory.currentRepository;
    DfBaseEntity tankTimeSheetEntity = repository.model.entities[0];

    List<DfQuery> timesheetEntriesSaveQueries = List<DfQuery>();
    entries.forEach((entry) {
      DfQuery query = DfQuery(purpose: DfQueryPurpose.ADD, queryFields: entry.toMap(), entityJoin: DfQueryEntityJoin(entities: [tankTimeSheetEntity])  );
    return await;

CRUD - Fetch Record #

First of all, use count function to see the local db got record or not. If not, fetch from web service and save to local db.

  Future<FetchEntityResult<TankTimesheet>> fetchTimesheet(String tankId, int pageNumber, int limit) async {
    DfFactory webFactory = await DataFactory.instance.getManipulator(RepositoryType.web);
    DfFactory dbFactory = await DataFactory.instance.getManipulator(RepositoryType.sqlitedb);

    FetchEntityResult<DfBaseEntity> webResult;

    //Check table got record, if no, then only fetch from web
    int recCount = await _fetchCount(dbFactory, tankId);
    if (recCount == 0) {
      //Fetch from web
      webResult = await _fetch(webFactory, tankId, pageNumber, limit);
      if (webResult.error == null) {
        //Save to db
        DfBaseRepository repository = dbFactory.currentRepository;
        DfBaseEntity tankTimeSheetEntity = repository.model.entities[0];

        List<DfQuery> timesheetEntriesSaveQueries = List<DfQuery>();
        webResult.entities.forEach((entry) {
          TankTimesheetWeb tankTimesheetWeb = entry;
          TankTimesheet saveObj = TankTimesheet();
          saveObj.tankId = tankTimesheetWeb.tankId;
          saveObj.markOn = tankTimesheetWeb.markOn;
          DfQuery query = DfQuery(purpose: DfQueryPurpose.ADD, queryFields: saveObj.toMap(), entityJoin: DfQueryEntityJoin(entities: [tankTimeSheetEntity])  );

    //Fetch latest from db
    FetchEntityResult<DfBaseEntity> dbResult = await _fetch(dbFactory, tankId, pageNumber, limit);
    if (webResult != null && webResult.error != null) {
      dbResult.error = webResult.error;

    FetchEntityResult<TankTimesheet> finalResult = FetchEntityResult<TankTimesheet>();
    finalResult.error = dbResult.error;
    if (dbResult.entities != null) {
      finalResult.entities = List<TankTimesheet>();
      dbResult.entities.forEach((ent) {
        finalResult.entities.add(ent as TankTimesheet); 

    return finalResult;

CRUD - Generic util method (entity fetch and count fetch) for function above. #

  Future<int> _fetchCount(DfFactory factory, String tankId) async {
    DfBaseRepository repository = factory.currentRepository;
    DfBaseEntity tankTimeSheetEntity = repository.model.entities[0];
    TankTimesheetField tankTimesheetField = TankTimesheetField.createFieldBasedOnRepo(repository);

    List<DfQueryCriteria> criterias = [];
    if (tankId != null && tankId.length > 0) {
      criterias.add(DfQueryCriteria(field: tankTimesheetField.fTankId, oper: OperType.eq, values: [tankId] ));

    DfQuery query = DfQuery(purpose: DfQueryPurpose.FETCH, 
                            queryFields: tankTimeSheetEntity.getSelectQueryCountField(), 
                            entityJoin: DfQueryEntityJoin(entities: [tankTimeSheetEntity], 
                            joins: []), //JoinType.innerJoin 
                            //queryStr can be something like "(g and g) or g"  - g represent a DfQueryCriteriaGroup object 
                            criteriaGroups: DfQueryCriteriaGroups(queryGroups: [DfQueryCriteriaGroup(criterias: criterias, andOrType: AndOrType.and)], queryStr: ""), 
                            orderBy: null, 
                            paging: null);

    DfResponse resp = await factory.fetch(query);
    return resp.renderFetchAggregateResultToInt();

  Future<FetchEntityResult<DfBaseEntity>> _fetch(DfFactory factory, String tankId, int pageNumber, int limit) async {
    DfBaseRepository repository = factory.currentRepository;
    DfBaseEntity tankTimeSheetEntity = repository.model.entities[0];
    TankTimesheetField tankTimesheetField = TankTimesheetField.createFieldBasedOnRepo(repository);

    List<DfBaseField> selFields = tankTimeSheetEntity.fields();

    List<DfQueryCriteria> criterias = [];
    if (tankId != null && tankId.length > 0) {
      criterias.add(DfQueryCriteria(field: tankTimesheetField.fTankId, oper: OperType.eq, values: [tankId] ));

    DfQueryOrderBy orderBy =DfQueryOrderBy(field: tankTimesheetField.fName, orderByType: OrderByType.asc);
    Paging paging = Paging(pageNumber: pageNumber, perPageCount: limit);

    DfQuery query = DfQuery(purpose: DfQueryPurpose.FETCH, 
                            queryFields: selFields, 
                            entityJoin: DfQueryEntityJoin(entities: [tankTimeSheetEntity], 
                            joins: []), //JoinType.innerJoin 
                            //queryStr can be something like "(g and g) or g"  - g represent a DfQueryCriteriaGroup object 
                            criteriaGroups: DfQueryCriteriaGroups(queryGroups: [DfQueryCriteriaGroup(criterias: criterias, andOrType: AndOrType.and)], queryStr: ""), 
                            orderBy: [orderBy], 
                            paging: paging);

    DfResponse resp = await factory.fetch(query);
    List<DfBaseEntity> finalList;
    if (resp.error == null) {
      finalList = resp.renderResultToEntityList();

    return FetchEntityResult<DfBaseEntity>(entities: finalList, error: resp.error);

Start initialize your service class #

class SplashScr extends StatelessWidget {
  final AppService appService = AppService();

  _loadAppService(BuildContext context) async {
    await appService.startInit();
      MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => UserListScr(appService: appService))

Error Handling #

Error handling for below potential errors should be handle in service layer first and than propagate up to UI layer. DfResponse will contains an error object if any error below or generic HTTP error happen.

class MinDateValidateException extends DfError {
   MinDateValidateException(DateTime dtTime) : super(code: 10013, message: "Input date/time is less than ${dtTime.toString()}");

class MaxDateValidateException extends DfError {
   MaxDateValidateException(DateTime dtTime) : super(code: 10014, message: "Input date/time is greater than ${dtTime.toString()}");

class LtNowValidateException extends DfError {
   LtNowValidateException() : super(code: 10015, message: "Input date/time must be less than now.");

class MinValueValidateException extends DfError {
   MinValueValidateException(double minValue) : super(code: 10011, message: "Input value is less than $minValue");

class MaxValueValidateException extends DfError {
   MaxValueValidateException(double maxValue) : super(code: 10012, message: "Input value is greater than $maxValue");

class MinLenValidateException extends DfError {
   MinLenValidateException(int minLen) : super(code: 10002, message: "Input length is less than min length: $minLen required.");

class MaxLenValidateException extends DfError {
   MaxLenValidateException(int maxLen) : super(code: 10003, message: "Input length is more than max length: $maxLen allowed.");

class EmailValidateException extends DfError {
   EmailValidateException() : super(code: 10004, message: "Invalid email address.");

class AlphaValidateException extends DfError {
   AlphaValidateException() : super(code: 10005, message: "Input must be alphabetic only.");

class AlphaSpaceValidateException extends DfError {
   AlphaSpaceValidateException() : super(code: 10006, message: "Input must be alphabetic or space only.");

class DigitValidateException extends DfError {
   DigitValidateException() : super(code: 10007, message: "Input must be digit character only.");

class NumericValidateException extends DfError {
   NumericValidateException() : super(code: 10008, message: "Input must be numeric character only.");

class AlphaDigitValidateException extends DfError {
   AlphaDigitValidateException() : super(code: 10009, message: "Input must be alphabetic or digit character only.");

class CustomInputValidateException extends DfError {
   CustomInputValidateException() : super(code: 10010, message: "Invalid input format.");

class AlphaSpaceDigitValidateException extends DfError {
   AlphaSpaceDigitValidateException() : super(code: 10011, message: "Input must be alphabetic, digit or space only.");

class AllowEmptyValidateException extends DfError {
   AllowEmptyValidateException() : super(code: 10001, message: "Value empty is not allowed");

//Db Operation
class OpenDbException extends DfError {
  OpenDbException() : super(code: 7100, message: "Fail to open db.");

class CloseDbException extends DfError {
  CloseDbException() : super(code: 7101, message: "Fail to close db.");

class UpdateDbStructException extends DfError {
  UpdateDbStructException() : super(code: 7102, message: "Fail to update db structure.");

class DeleteQueryException extends DfError {
  DeleteQueryException() : super(code: 7103, message: "Fail to execute delete query.");

class FetchQueryException extends DfError {
  FetchQueryException() : super(code: 7104, message: "Fail to execute fetch query.");

class SaveQueryException extends DfError {
  SaveQueryException() : super(code: 7105, message: "Fail to execute save query.");

//Web Operation
class InvalidWebReqException extends DfError {
  InvalidWebReqException() : super(code: 8100, message: "Invalid web request. Please specify web request in EntityJoin");

class SslPinningFailException extends DfError {
  SslPinningFailException() : super(code: 8101, message: "Fail to identify the backend server. SSL Pinning failure.");

class OfflineException extends DfError {
  OfflineException() : super(code: 8102, message: "Internet is not available.");

class LocalStoreException extends DfError {
  LocalStoreException() : super(code: 9101, message: "Fail to cache, so unable to proceed next step: online synchronization.");

Working Example #

Please look at example/datasync folder. Key in the "Tank 1223" into search text field, then list of the records will show. Tap on the list row to edit the tank time sheet and save it.