ind_utils 0.1.0 copy "ind_utils: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
ind_utils: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard

ind_utils package use this package for SizedBox and also Padding. No Need to write long code for these`

ind_utils #

ind_utils package use this package for SizedBox, Padding , Text , Show Toast , Get height and width of Screen. No Need to write long code for these`

Installation #

  1. Add the latest version of package to your pubspec.yaml (and rundart pub get):
  ind_utils: ^0.1.0
  1. Import the package and use it in your Flutter App.
import 'package:ind_utils/ind_utils.dart';

Example #

Use for SizedBox, Padding , Text , Show Toast , Get height and width of Screen. No Need to write long code for these

  • Padding
  • Text
  • Go to Next Page
  • Log
  • Show Toast Message
  • Get Height and Width of Screen
  • SizedBox
  • More Widgets

class INDWidgets extends StatelessWidget {
  const INDWidgets({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: ListView(
        children: [
          const Text("Welcome").pSym(v: 10, h: 20),// Padding EdgeInsets.symmetric
          const Text("Welcome").mSym(v: 10, h: 20),// Margin EdgeInsets.symmetric
          const Text("Welcome").pO(b: 10, l: 10, r: 10, t: 10),// Padding EdgeInsets.only
          const Text("Welcome").mO(b: 10, l: 10, r: 10, t: 10),// Margin EdgeInsets.only
          const Text("Welcome").pAll(a: 10),// Padding EdgeInsets.all
          const Text("Welcome").mAll(a: 10),// Margin EdgeInsets.all
          const Text("Welcome").pZ(),// Padding
          const Text("Welcome").pZ().align(),// Align Widget
          50.hBox,// Give Space with Two Widgets Vertical
          50.wBox, // Give Space with Two Widgets Horizontal
          "Center Widget".txt(c: Colors.white, tA:, fS: 30, fW: FontWeight.bold).center(),// Center Widget
          "Console Value".txt(fS: 20).onTab(() {
            var log = Log();
            log.w("Waning"); // print Waning value
            log.url(""); // print url
            log.e("Please Check Your URL");// print values
            log.i("Welcome in IndianCreator");// 
          Icons.home_filled.icon(),// build icon Like This
          Icons.add.iconButton(iS: 20, pressed: () {
            context.goTo(context: context,page: NextPage());/// Open New Page
          }), // build iconButton Like This
          "Show Toast Message".text(fW: FontWeight.bold).onTab(() {
            context.message(text: "Toast Message");// show Toast Message
          "welcome".text(c: Colors.white).pSym(h: 10, v: 10).card(color: Colors.indigoAccent),// Card Widget
          "Show Dialog".text(fS: 20).onTab(() {
                title: "Delete App".text(fS: 30, fW: FontWeight.bold),
                content: "This is Dialog".text(),
                actions: [
                  "Cancel".text().onTab(() {
                    context.back();// Navigator.pop(context, false); No Need to write This
                  "OK".text().onTab(() {
                    context.back();// Navigator.pop(context, false); No Need to write This
                ]);/// Show Dialog

Next Goals #

  • ✅ We will Explore More Utils
pub points



ind_utils package use this package for SizedBox and also Padding. No Need to write long code for these`

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connectivity_plus, flutter, google_fonts, http, intl, shared_preferences


Packages that depend on ind_utils