## Running analysis for "hy_sqlite" version "1.0.1" STARTED: 2024-04-18T20:01:43.984166Z ### Starting pana 2024-04-18 20:01:58.019174 INFO: Running `/home/worker/dart/stable/bin/dart --version`... 2024-04-18 20:01:58.078630 INFO: Running `/home/worker/flutter/stable/bin/flutter --no-version-check --version --machine`... 2024-04-18 20:01:58.290347 INFO: Downloading package hy_sqlite 1.0.1 from https://pub.dev/api/archives/hy_sqlite-1.0.1.tar.gz 2024-04-18 20:01:58.507289 INFO: Running `/home/worker/dart/stable/bin/dart pub get --no-example`... 2024-04-18 20:02:27.825252 SEVERE: `dart pub outdated` failed. 2024-04-18 20:02:27.825252 SEVERE: The current Flutter SDK version is 3.3.3. 2024-04-18 20:02:27.825252 SEVERE: Because sqflite >=2.0.0-nullsafety.0 <2.3.2-2 depends on flutter from sdk which doesn't exist (could not find package flutter in the Flutter SDK), sqflite >=2.0.0-nullsafety.0 <2.3.2-2 is forbidden. 2024-04-18 20:02:31.547290 INFO: Writing summary.json 2024-04-18 20:02:31.553948 INFO: Running dartdoc post-processing 2024-04-18 20:02:31.557106 INFO: Creating .tar.gz archive 2024-04-18 20:02:31.569896 INFO: Finished post-processing 2024-04-18 20:02:31.576893 INFO: Finished .tar.gz archive ### Execution of pana exited 0 STOPPED: 2024-04-18T20:02:31.669200Z