huawei_push 5.0.2+301 copy "huawei_push: ^5.0.2+301" to clipboard
huawei_push: ^5.0.2+301 copied to clipboard


HUAWEI Push Kit plugin for Flutter that exposes all the functionality provided by the HUAWEI Push Kit SDK.

logo Huawei Push Kit Flutter Plugin #

Contents #

1. Introduction #

HUAWEI Push Kit is a messaging service provided by Huawei. It establishes a messaging channel from the cloud to devices. By integrating Push Kit, you can send messages to your apps on users' devices in real time. This helps you maintain closer ties with users and increases user awareness and engagement with your apps.

This plugin enables communication between HUAWEI Push Kit SDK and Flutter platform. It exposes all functionality provided by HUAWEI Push Kit SDK.

2. Installation Guide #

Before you get started, you must register as a HUAWEI Developer and complete identity verification on the HUAWEI Developer website. For details, please refer to Register a HUAWEI ID.

Creating a Project in AppGallery Connect #

Creating an app in AppGallery Connect is required in order to communicate with the Huawei services. To create an app, perform the following steps:

Step 1. Sign in to AppGallery Connect and select My projects.

Step 2. Select your project from the project list or create a new one by clicking the Add Project button.

Step 3. Go to Project Setting > General information, and click Add app. If an app exists in the project and you need to add a new one, expand the app selection area on the top of the page and click Add app.

Step 4. On the Add app page, enter the app information, and click OK.

Configuring the Signing Certificate Fingerprint #

A signing certificate fingerprint is used to verify the authenticity of an app when it attempts to access an HMS Core (APK) through the HMS SDK. Before using the HMS Core (APK), you must locally generate a signing certificate fingerprint and configure it in the AppGallery Connect. You can refer to 3rd and 4th steps of Generating a Signing Certificate codelab tutorial for the certificate generation. Perform the following steps after you have generated the certificate.

Step 1: Sign in to AppGallery Connect and select your project from My Projects. Then go to Project Setting > General information. In the App information field, click the icon next to SHA-256 certificate fingerprint, and enter the obtained SHA-256 certificate fingerprint.

Step 2: After completing the configuration, click OK to save the changes. (Check mark icon)

Integrating the Flutter Push Plugin #

Step 1: Sign in to AppGallery Connect and select your project from My Projects. Then go to Growing > Push Kit and click Enable Now to enable the Huawei Push Kit Service. You can also check Manage APIs tab on the Project Settings page for the enabled HMS services on your app.

Step 2: Go to Project Setting > General information page, under the App information field, click agconnect-services.json to download the configuration file.

Step 3: Copy the agconnect-services.json file to the android/app directory of your project.

Step 4: Open the build.gradle file in the android directory of your project.

  • Navigate to the buildscript section and configure the Maven repository address and agconnect plugin for the HMS SDK.

    buildscript {
      repositories {
          maven { url '' }
      dependencies {
            * <Other dependencies>
          classpath 'com.huawei.agconnect:agcp:'
  • Go to allprojects and configure the Maven repository address for the HMS SDK.

    allprojects {
      repositories {
          maven { url '' }

Step 5: Open the build.gradle file in the android/app/ directory.

  • Add apply plugin: 'com.huawei.agconnect' line after other apply entries.

    apply plugin: ''
    apply from: "$flutterRoot/packages/flutter_tools/gradle/flutter.gradle"
    apply plugin: 'com.huawei.agconnect'
  • Set your package name in defaultConfig > applicationId and set minSdkVersion to 17 or higher. Package name must match with the package_name entry in agconnect-services.json file.

    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "<package_name>"
        minSdkVersion 17
        * <Other configurations>

Step 6: Create a file <app_dir>/android/ that contains a reference to your keystore which you generated on the previous step (Generating a Signing Certificate). Add the following lines to the file and change the values regarding to the keystore you've generated.

storeFile=<location of the keystore file, for example: D:\\Users\\<user_name>\\key.jks>

Warning: Keep this file private and don't include it on the public source control.

Step 7: Add the following code to build.gradle before android block for reading the file:

def keystoreProperties = new Properties()
def keystorePropertiesFile = rootProject.file('')
if (keystorePropertiesFile.exists()) {
    keystoreProperties.load(new FileInputStream(keystorePropertiesFile))

android {

Step 8: Edit buildTypes as follows and add signingConfigs below:

signingConfigs {
    config {
        keyAlias keystoreProperties['keyAlias']
        keyPassword keystoreProperties['keyPassword']
        storeFile keystoreProperties['storeFile'] ? file(keystoreProperties['storeFile']) : null
        storePassword keystoreProperties['storePassword']
buildTypes {
    debug {
        signingConfig signingConfigs.config
    release {
        signingConfig signingConfigs.config

Step 9: On your Flutter project directory, find and open your pubspec.yaml file and add the huawei_push library to dependencies. For more details please refer to the Using packages document.

  • To download the package from

        huawei_push: {library version}


    If you downloaded the package from the HUAWEI Developer website, specify the library path on your local device.

            # Replace {library path} with actual library path of Huawei Push Kit Plugin for Flutter.
            path: {library path}
    • Replace {library path} with the actual library path of Flutter Push Plugin. The following are examples:
      • Relative path example: path: ../huawei_push
      • Absolute path example: path: D:\Projects\Libraries\huawei_push

Step 10: Run the following command to update package info.

[project_path]> flutter pub get

Step 11: Import the library to access the methods.

import 'package:huawei_push/push.dart';

Step 12: Run the following command to start the app.

[project_path]> flutter run

3. API Reference #

HmsInstanceId #

Public Method Summary

Method Return Type Description
Push.getToken(String scope) Future<void> Request for a token that required for accessing HUAWEI Push Kit. Requested token will be emitted to Token Stream..
Push.getId() Future<String> Obtains an AAID in synchronous mode of Push SDK.
Push.getAAID() Future<String> Obtains an AAID in asynchronous mode of Push SDK.
Push.getAppId() Future<String> Obtains the Application ID from the agconnect-services.json file.
Push.getCreationTime() Future<String> Obtains the generation timestamp of an AAID.
Push.deleteAAID() Future<String> Deletes a local AAID and its generation timestamp.
Push.deleteToken(String scope) Future<void> Deletes the push token. Result code will be emitted to the Token Stream's onError callback.
Push.registerBackgroundMessageHandler(Function callback) Future<bool> Defines a function to handle background messages
Push.removeBackgroundMessageHandler() Future<bool> Revokes the background message handler
Push.getAgConnectValues() Future<String> Obtains values from the agconnect-services.json.

Public Methods

Future<void> Push.getToken(String scope) async

This method is used to request a token that required for accessing HUAWEI Push Kit. If there is no local AAID, this method will automatically generate an AAID when it is called because the HUAWEI Push Kit server needs to generate a token based on the AAID.

The requested token will be emitted to Token Stream. Listen to the stream from Push.getTokenStream() to obtain the token.

Name Description
scope Authorization scope. Default scope value is "HCM"
Return Type
Type Description
Future<void> Future result of an execution that returns no value.
Call Example
Future<String> Push.getId() async

This method is used to obtain an AAID in synchronous mode of Push SDK. Before applying for a token, an app calls this method to obtain its unique AAID. The HUAWEI Push server generates a token for the app based on the AAID. If the AAID of the app changes, a new token will be generated next time when the app applies for a token. If an app needs to report statistics events, it must carry the AAID as its unique ID.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<String> A unique AAID string.
Call Example
getId() async {
  String aaid = await Push.getId();
Future<String> Push.getAAID() async

This method is used to obtain an AAID in asynchronous mode of Push SDK.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<String> A unique AAID string.
Call Example
getAAID() async {
  String aaid = await Push.getAAID();
Future<String> Push.getAppId() async

This method is used to obtain the Application ID from the agconnect-services.json file.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<String> Application ID from the agconnect-services.json file.
Call Example
getAppId() async {
  String appId = await Push.getAppId();
  print("Application ID is " + appId);
Future<String> Push.getCreationTime() async

This method is used to obtain the generation timestamp of an AAID.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<String> Generation timestamp of an AAID.
Call Example
getCreationTime() async {
  String creationTime = await Push.getCreationTime();
Future<String> Push.deleteAAID() async

This method is used to delete a local AAID and its generation timestamp.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<String> Result code value from Code.
Call Example
deleteAAID() async {
  String result = await Push.deleteAAID();
Future<void> Push.deleteToken(String scope) async

This method is used to delete a token. After a token is deleted, the corresponding AAID will not be deleted. Result of this method will be returned to onError callback of Token Stream.

Name Description
scope Authorization scope. Default scope value is "HCM"
Return Type
Type Description
Future<void> Future result of an execution that returns no value.
Call Example
Future<bool> registerBackgroundMessageHandler(void Function(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) callback)

Defines a function to handle background data messages.

Name Description
callback Callback function that will receive remote messages at background/killed application state
Return Type
Type Description
Future<bool> The value true indicates successfully registered and false indicates register failed.
Call Example
bool backgroundMessageHandler =
    await Push.registerBackgroundMessageHandler(backgroundMessageCallback);
static void backgroundMessageCallback(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) async {
    String data =;

      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.TITLE: '[Headless] DataMessage Received',
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.MESSAGE: data
Future<bool> removeBackgroundMessageHandler()

Revokes the background data message handler.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<bool> The value true indicates successfully revoked and false indicates revoke failed.
Call Example
await Push.removeBackgroundMessageHandler();
Future<String> Push.getAgConnectValues() async

This method is used to obtain values from the agconnect-services.json.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<String> Values of the agconnect-services.json file.
Call Example
getAgConnectValues() async {
  String result = await Push.getAgConnectValues();
  print("getAgConnectValues: " + result);

HmsMessaging #

Public Method Summary

Method Return Type Description
Push.isAutoInitEnabled() Future<bool> Checks whether automatic initialization is enabled.
Push.turnOnPush() Future<String> Enables the function of receiving notification messages in asynchronous mode.
Push.turnOffPush() Future<String> Disables the function of receiving notification messages in asynchronous mode.
Push.subscribe(String topic) Future<String> Subscribes to topics in asynchronous mode.
Push.unsubscribe(String topic) Future<String> Unsubscribes from topics in asynchronous mode.
Push.sendRemoteMessage(RemoteMessageBuilder remoteMsg) Future<String> Sends an uplink message to the app server.
Push.getInitialNotification() Future<dynamic> Returns the object that includes remoteMessage, extras and uriPage of the notification which opened the app with clicking notification.
Push.getInitialIntent() Future<String> Returns the Custom Intent URI of the notification which opened the app.

Public Methods

Future<bool> Push.isAutoInitEnabled() async

Checks whether automatic initialization is enabled.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<bool> true if automatic initialization is enabled, false otherwise
Call Example
isAutoInitEnabled() async {
  bool result = await Push.isAutoInitEnabled();
Future<String> Push.setAutoInitEnabled(bool enabled) async

This method is used to determine whether to enable automatic initialization. If this parameter is set to true, the SDK automatically generates an AAID and applies for a token. This behavior can also be achieved by adding a meta-data on the AndroidManifest.xml. Check the auto-initialization section for details.

Name Description
enabled Indicates whether to enable automatic initialization. The value true indicates yes and false indicates no.
Return Type
Type Description
Future<String> Result code value from Code.
Call Example
enableAutoInit() async {
  String result = await Push.setAutoInitEnabled(true);

disableAutoInit() async {
  String result = await Push.setAutoInitEnabled(false);
Future<String> Push.subscribe(String topic) async

This method is used to subscribe to topics in asynchronous mode. The HUAWEI Push Kit topic messaging function allows you to send messages to multiple devices whose users have subscribed to a specific topic. You can write messages about the topic as required, and HUAWEI Push Kit determines the release path and sends messages to the correct devices in a reliable manner.

Name Description
topic Topic to be subscribed to. The value must match the following regular expression: [\u4e00-\u9fa5\w-_.~%]{1,900}.
Return Type
Type Description
Future<String> Result code value from Code.
Call Example
subscribe() async {
  String topic = "weather";
  String result = await Push.subscribe(topic);
Future<String> Push.unsubscribe(String topic) async

This method is used to unsubscribe from topics that are subscribed to. When a topic is unsubscribed from, the user will not receive a notification from that topic.

Name Description
topic Topic to unsubscribe. The value must match the following regular expression: [\u4e00-\u9fa5\w-_.~%]{1,900}.
Return Type
Type Description
Future<String> Result code value from Code.
Call Example
unsubscribe() async {
  String topic = "weather";
  String result = await Push.unsubscribe(topic);
Future<String> Push.turnOnPush() async

This method is used to enable the display of notification messages. If you want to control the display of notification messages in an app, you can call this method. This method applies to notification messages but not data messages. It is the app that determines whether to enable data messaging.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<String> Result code value from Code.
Call Example
void turnOnPush() async {
  String result = await Push.turnOnPush();
Future<String> Push.turnOffPush() async

This method is used to disable the display of notification messages. If you want to control the display of notification messages in an app, you can call this method. This method applies to notification messages but not data messages. It is the app that determines whether to enable data messaging.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<String> Result code value from Code.
Call Example
void turnOffPush() async {
  String result = await Push.turnOffPush();
Future<String> Push.sendRemoteMessage(RemoteMessageBuilder remoteMsg) async

Sends an uplink message to the application server. After an uplink message is sent, the sent and delivered events and any send errors will be emitted to Push.getRemoteMsgSendStatusStream.

Name Description
RemoteMessageBuilder RemoteMessageBuilder object which constructs a RemoteMessage to be sent to the application server
Return Type
Type Description
Future<String> Result code value from Code.
Call Example
sendRemoteMsg() async {
  RemoteMessageBuilder remoteMsg = RemoteMessageBuilder(
      to: '', // gets the default value "push.hcm.upstream" if left empty
      data: {"Data": "test"},
      messageType: "my_type",
      ttl: 120,
      messageId: Random().nextInt(10000).toString(),
      collapseKey: '-1',
      sendMode: 1,
      receiptMode: 1);
  String result = await Push.sendRemoteMessage(remoteMsg);
Future<dynamic> Push.getInitialNotification() async

Returns the object that includes remoteMessage, extras and uriPage of the notification which opened the app.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<dynamic> Returns the object that includes remoteMessage, extras and uriPage of the notification which opened the app with clicking notification.
Call Example
getInitialNotification() async {
  final dynamic remoteMessage = await Push.getInitialNotification();
Example Response
  result: {
    extras: {
      _push_cmd_type: "cosa",
      _push_msgid: "-1744601771",
      _push_notifyid: 1218295586,
      KEY1: "VALUE1",
    remoteMessage: {
      Link: "null",
      NotifyId: "0",
      contents: "0",
      ttl: "86400",
      isDefaultSound: "true",
    uriPage: "app://app2",
  resultCode: "0",
Future<String> Push.getInitialIntent() async

Returns the initial Custom Intent URI of Remote Message Notification that starts the app. Updates itself with the latest custom intent value if another Remote Message Notification with custom intent is selected. Please check Receiving Custom Intent URI for the configuration.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<String> Custom Intent URI String of the selected Remote Message Notification which opened the app.
Call Example
getInitialIntent() async {
  final String initialIntent = await Push.getInitialIntent();
  var uri = Uri.dataFromString(initialIntent);
  String exampleParam = uri.queryParameters['key'];

HmsPushOpenDevice #

Public Method Summary

Method Return Type Description
Push.getOdid() Future<String> Obtains an Odid in asynchronous mode.

Public Methods

Future<String> Push.getOdid() async

This method is used to obtain an Odid in asynchronous mode.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<String> An Odid String.
Call Example
getOdid() async {
  String odid = await Push.getOdid();

HmsLocalNotification #

The Huawei Push Kit Plugin for Flutter supports sending local notifications. The methods and fields related to local notifications are defined here for the reference.

Public Method Summary

Method Return Type Description
Push.localNotification(Map<String, dynamic> localNotification) Future<Map<String,dynamic>> Pushes a local notification instantly.
Push.localNotificationSchedule(Map<String, dynamic> localNotification) Future<Map<String,dynamic>> Schedules a local notification to be pushed at a further time.
Push.cancelAllNotifications() Future<void> Cancels all pending scheduled notifications and the ones registered in the notification manager.
Push.cancelNotifications() Future<void> Cancels all pending notifications registered in the notification manager.
Push.cancelScheduledNotifications() Future<void> Cancels all pending scheduled notifications.
Push.cancelNotificationsWithId(List<int> ids) Future<void> Cancels all pending notifications by a list of IDs.
Push.cancelNotificationsWithIdTag(Map<int,String> idTags) Future<void> Cancels all pending notifications by a Map of keys as Ids and values as tags. Types are integer and String respectively.
Push.cancelNotificationsWithTag(String tag) Future<void> Cancels all notifications with the specified tag.
Push.getNotifications() Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> Returns the list of all active notifications.
Push.getScheduledNotifications() Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> Returns a list of all pending scheduled notifications.
Push.getChannels() Future<List<String>> Returns a list of all notification channels.
Push.channelExists(String channelId) Future<bool> Checks if the notification channel with the specified ID exists.
Push.channelBlocked(String channelId) Future<bool> Checks if the notification channel with the specified ID is blocked.
Push.deleteChannel(String channelId) Future<String> Deletes the notification channel with specified ID.

Public Methods

Future<Map<String,dynamic>> Push.localNotification(Map<String, dynamic> localNotification) async

Pushes a local notification with the specified properties instantly.

Name Description
localNotification Map of values for a Local Notification to be pushed, refer to HmsLocalNotificationAttr.
Return Type
Type Description
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> Property map of the pushed local notification.
Call Example
pushLocalNotification() async {
  try {
    Map<String, dynamic> localNotification = {
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.TITLE: 'Notification Title',
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.MESSAGE: 'Notification Message',
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.TICKER: "OptionalTicker",
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.TAG: "push-tag",
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.BIG_TEXT: 'This is a bigText',
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.SUB_TEXT: 'This is a subText',
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.LARGE_ICON: 'ic_launcher',
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.SMALL_ICON: 'ic_notification',
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.IMPORTANCE: Importance.MAX,
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.COLOR: "white",
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.VIBRATE: true,
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.VIBRATE_DURATION: 1000.0,
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.ONGOING: false,
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.DONT_NOTIFY_IN_FOREGROUND: false,
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.AUTO_CANCEL: false,
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.INVOKE_APP: false,
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.ACTIONS: ["Yes", "No"],
    Map<String, dynamic> response =
        await Push.localNotification(localNotification);
    print("Pushed a local notification: " + response.toString());
  } catch (e) {
    print("Error: " + e.toString());
Future<Map<String,dynamic>> Push.localNotificationSchedule(Map<String, dynamic> localNotification) async

Schedules a local notification with the specified properties to be pushed at a further time.

Name Description
localNotification Map of values for a Local Notification to be pushed, refer to HmsLocalNotificationAttr
Return Type
Type Description
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> Property map of the scheduled local notification.
Call Example
scheduleLocalNotification() async {
  try {
    Map<String, dynamic> localNotification = {
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.TITLE: 'Notification Title',
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.MESSAGE: 'Notification Message',
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.TICKER: "OptionalTicker",
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.TAG: "push-tag",
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.BIG_TEXT: 'This is a bigText',
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.SUB_TEXT: 'This is a subText',
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.LARGE_ICON: 'ic_launcher',
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.SMALL_ICON: 'ic_notification',
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.IMPORTANCE: Importance.MAX,
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.COLOR: "white",
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.VIBRATE: true,
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.VIBRATE_DURATION: 1000.0,
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.ONGOING: false,
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.DONT_NOTIFY_IN_FOREGROUND: false,
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.AUTO_CANCEL: false,
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.INVOKE_APP: false,
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.ACTIONS: ["Yes", "No"],
    Map<String, dynamic> response =
        await Push.localNotificationSchedule(localNotification);
    print("Scheduled a local notification: " + response.toString());
  } catch (e) {
    print("Error: " + e.toString());
Future<void> Push.cancelAllNotifications() async

Cancels all pending scheduled notifications and the ones registered in the notification manager.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<void> Future result of an execution that returns no value.
Call Example
Future<void> Push.cancelNotifications() async

Cancels all pending notifications registered in the notification manager.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<void> Future result of an execution that returns no value.
Call Example
Future<void> Push.cancelScheduledNotifications() async

Cancels all pending scheduled notifications.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<void> Future result of an execution that returns no value.
Call Example
Future<void> Push.cancelNotificationsWithId(List<int> ids) async

Cancels all pending notifications by a list of IDs.

Note: If the local notification has a tag use cancelNotificationsWithTag or cancelNotificationsWithIdTag methods.

Name Description
ids List of notification ids to be cancelled
Return Type
Type Description
Future<void> Future result of an execution that returns no value.
Call Example
Future<void> Push.cancelNotificationsWithIdTag(Map<int,String> idTags) async

Cancels all pending notifications by a Map of keys as Ids and values as tags. Types are integer and String respectively.

Name Description
idTags Map of local notification id-tag pairs.
Return Type
Type Description
Future<void> Future result of an execution that returns no value.
Call Example
Future<void> Push.cancelNotificationsWithTag(String tag) async

Cancels all notifications with the specified tag.

Name Description
tag Local Notification tag to be cancelled
Return Type
Type Description
Future<void> Future result of an execution that returns no value.
Call Example
Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> Push.getNotifications() async

Returns the list of all active notifications.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> List of maps that contain active local notification properties.
Call Example
getNotifications() async {
  List notifications = await Push.getNotifications();
  print(notifications.length.toString() + " active notifications" );
  print("Notification list: " + notifications.toString());
Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> Push.getScheduledNotifications() async

Returns a list of all pending scheduled notifications.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> List of maps that contain pending scheduled local notification properties.
Call Example
getScheduledNotifications() async {
  List scheduledNotifications = await Push.getScheduledNotifications();
  print(scheduledNotifications.length.toString() + " scheduled notifications");
  print("Scheduled notification list: " + scheduledNotifications.toString());
Future<List<String>> Push.getChannels() async

Returns a string list of all notification channels.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<List<String>> List of strings that contain the notification channel IDs.
Call Example
getChannels() async {
  List<String> channels = await Push.getChannels();
  print("Channel list: " + channels.toString());
Future<bool> Push.channelExists(String channelId) async

Returns true if the notification channel with the specified ID exists, returns false otherwise.

Name Description
channelId Local notification channel id to be checked for existence.
Return Type
Type Description
Future<bool> True if the specified Channel ID exists, false otherwise.
Call Example
channelExists() async {
  bool exists = await Push.channelExists('huawei-hms-flutter-push-channel-id-4-default');
  print("channelExists: " + exists.toString());
Future<bool> Push.channelBlocked(String channelId) async

Returns true if the notification channel with the specified ID is blocked, returns false otherwise.

Name Description
channelId Local notification channel id to be checked for blockage
Return Type
Type Description
Future<bool> True if the specified Channel ID is blocked, false otherwise.
Call Example
channelBlocked() async {
  bool blocked = await Push.channelBlocked('huawei-hms-flutter-push-channel-id-4-default');
  print("channelBlocked: " + blocked.toString());
Future<String> Push.deleteChannel(String channelId) async

Deletes the notification channel with the specified ID.

Name Description
channelId Local notification channel id to be deleted
Return Type
Type Description
Future<String> Result code value from Code if exists.
Call Example
deleteChannel() async {
  String result = await Push.deleteChannel("huawei-hms-flutter-push-channel-id-4-default");
  print("Result: " + result);

Local Notification Properties

local_notification.dart file exposes all the local notification property classes. Import this file to access all local notification attributes including Attributes, NotificationPriority, Visibility, Importance, RepeatType.

Example Code:

import 'package:huawei_push/local_notification/local_notification.dart';

  Map<String, dynamic> notification = {
    HMSLocalNotificationAttr.TITLE: 'Notification Title',
    HMSLocalNotificationAttr.MESSAGE: 'Notification Message',
    HMSLocalNotificationAttr.BIG_TEXT: 'This is a bigText',
    HMSLocalNotificationAttr.SUB_TEXT: 'This is a subText',
    HMSLocalNotificationAttr.TAG: 'hms_tag',
    HMSLocalNotificationAttr.IMPORTANCE: Importance.MAX,
    HMSLocalNotificationAttr.REPEAT_TYPE: RepeatType.minute


This class contains the field names for local notifications attributes. These fields are used to construct local notification messages.

Name Type Description
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.ID String An identifier for the notification message to be pushed.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.MESSAGE String The message (second row) of the notification.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.FIRE_DATE int The time at which the notification will be posted in milliseconds.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.TITLE String The title (first row) of the notification.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.TICKER String The ticker of the notification which is sent to the accessibility services.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.AUTO_CANCEL bool If true, the notification is dismissed on click.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.LARGE_ICON String The name of the file to be set as the large icon for notification.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.LARGE_ICON_URL String URL of the image to be set as the large icon for the notification to be pushed.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.SMALL_ICON String The name of the file to be set as the small icon for notification.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.BIG_TEXT String The longer text to be displayed in the big form of the template.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.SUB_TEXT String Additional information to be displayed in notification.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.BIG_PICTURE_URL String URL of the image to be set as the big picture for the notification to be pushed.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.SHORTCUT_ID String If the notification is duplicative of a launcher shortcut, sets the case the Launcher wants to hide the shortcut.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.NUMBER String Sets the number of items this notification represents. Launchers that support badging may display it as a badge.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.CHANNEL_ID String The id of the notification channel for the notification to be pushed.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.CHANNEL_NAME String Name of the channel to be created for the notification to be pushed.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION String Description for the channel to be created for the notification to be pushed.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.COLOR String The notification color in #RRGGBB or #AARRGGBB formats or string like 'white'.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.GROUP String The notification group, the notifications in the same group are displayed in a stacked way, if the device used supports such rendering.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.GROUP_SUMMARY bool If true, this notification is included in the specified group.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.PLAY_SOUND bool If true, the specified sound will be played when a notification message is pushed.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.SOUND_NAME String Name of the sound file in the raw folder to be played, when a notification message is pushed.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.VIBRATE bool Turn on or off the vibration of a notification message to be pushed.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.VIBRATE_DURATION double The duration of the vibration when a notification message is pushed.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.ACTIONS List<String> Adds action(s) to the notification to be pushed, actions are displayed as buttons under the notification content.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.INVOKE_APP bool If true, the app pushed the notification is invoked when a pushed notification is clicked.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.TAG String A tag for the notification to be set for identification.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.REPEAT_TYPE RepeatType The time to repeat pushing for a scheduled notification.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.REPEAT_TIME double The Time in milliseconds to repeat pushing the next scheduled notification message.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.ONGOING bool If true, the notification to be pushed will be an ongoing notification, which can't be cancelled by the user by a swipe and the app must handle the cancelling.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.ALLOW_WHILE_IDLE bool If true, a scheduled notification message can be pushed even when the device is in low-power idle mode.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.DONT_NOTIFY_FOREGROUND bool If true, the notification won't be pushed when the app is in foreground.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.PRIORITY Priority The priority for the notification to be pushed.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.IMPORTANCE Importance The importance for the notification to be pushed.
HMSLocalNotificationAttr.VISIBILITY Visibility The visibility of the notification to be pushed.


This class contains the values for the local notification priority.

Name Description
NotificationPriority.MAX Max priority for the notification to be pushed.
NotificationPriority.HIGH High priority for the notification to be pushed.
NotificationPriority.DEFAULT Default priority for the notification to be pushed.
NotificationPriority.LOW Low priority for the notification to be pushed.
NotificationPriority.MIN Min priority for the notification to be pushed.


This class contains the values for the local notification visibility.

Name Description
Visibility.PUBLIC When set, the notification is shown entirely in all lock screens.
Visibility.SECRET When set, the notification is hidden entirely in secure lock screens.
Visibility.PRIVATE When set, the notification is shown entirely in all lock screens, but the private information is hidden in secure lock screens.


This class contains the values for the local notification importance.

Name Description
Importance.MAX When set, the notification is pushed from the channel with max importance.
Importance.HIGH When set, the notification is pushed from the channel with high importance.
Importance.DEFAULT When set, the notification is pushed from the channel with default importance.
Importance.LOW When set, the notification is pushed from the channel with low importance.
Importance.MIN When set, the notification is pushed from the channel with min importance.
Importance.NONE When set, the notification is pushed from the channel with none importance.
Importance.UNSPECIFIED When set, the notification is pushed from the channel with unspecified importance.


This class contains the repeat types (repeat periods) of the scheduled messages to be sent.

Name Description
RepeatType.HOUR 1 Hour
RepeatType.MINUTE 1 Minute
RepeatType.DAY 1 Day
RepeatType.WEEK 1 Week
RepeatType.CUSTOM_TIME Custom Time

RemoteMessage #

Represents a message entity class. You can use the getters in this class to receive data messages that are obtained. This class maps the native class RemoteMessage of the Android Push SDK.

Public Properties

Name Type Description
messageId String Remote Message ID that is unique for each message.
to String The recipient of a message.
from String The source of a message.
type String The type of a message. The message type is not set for data messages and notification messages, and the default value is null.
token String The push token in a message.
ttl int The maximum cache duration of a message, in seconds.
collapseKey String The classification identifier of a message.
urgency int The message priority set on the HUAWEI Push Kit server.
originalUrgency int The message priority set by an app.
sentTime int The time when a message is sent from the server.
data String The message content of the string type.
dataOfMap Map<String,String> The payload of a Map message.
notification RemoteMessageNotification Notification data of a message represented with a RemoteMessageNotification instance.
receiptMode int Receipt mode value of an uplink remote message. The value can be 0 or 1. The value 1 indicates that the receipt capability is enabled after messages are sent. That is, if an uplink message sent by the app is successfully sent to the app server, the server will respond and send a receipt to the app through the remoteMessageSendStatusStream.
sendMode int Send mode value of an uplink remote message. The value can be 0 or 1. Value 1 indicates that the cache and resending capability is enabled.

Public Method Summary

Method Return Type Description
getCollapseKey String Obtains the classification identifier (collapse key) of a message.
getData String Obtains the payload of a message.
getDataOfMap Map<String,String> Obtains the payload of a Map message.
getMessageId String Obtains the ID of a message.
getMessageType String Obtains the type of a message.
getOriginalUrgency int Obtains the message priority set by an app.
getUrgency int Obtains the message priority set on the HUAWEI Push Kit server.
getTtl int Obtains the maximum cache duration of a message.
getSentTime int Obtains the time when a message is sent from the server.
getTo String Obtains the recipient of a message.
getFrom String Obtains the source of a message.
getToken String Obtains the token in a message.
getNotification RemoteMessageNotification Obtains the RemoteMessageNotification instance from a message.
toMap() Map<String,dynamic> Converts Remote Message instance to a Map.
Call Example
/* Listening to the onMessageReceived stream at some point */
 Push.onMessageReceivedStream.listen(_onMessageReceived, onError: _onMessageReceiveError);

_onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage rm) {
  String data = rm.getData; // or
  String from = rm.getFrom;
  String token = rm.getToken;

Public Methods

String getCollapseKey

This method is used to obtain the classification identifier (collapse key) of a message.

Return Type
Type Description
String A message classification identifier.
String getData

This method is used to obtain the payload of a message. Data obtained using the getData method is of the String type instead of the Map type. You can determine the parsing rule of the data format. If data in the key-value format is transferred on the HUAWEI Push console, the data is converted into a JSON string and needs to be parsed. If data transmitted through HUAWEI Push is of high sensitivity and confidentiality, it is recommended that the message body be encrypted and decrypted by yourselves for security.

Return Type
Type Description
String A common string or a string in JSON format, for example: "your data" or "{"param1":"value1","param2":"value2"}".
Map<String, String> getDataOfMap

This method is used to obtain the payload of a Map message. Different from the getData method, this method directly returns a Map data instance.

Return Type
Type Description
Map<String, String> If you set data to 123 in the message to be sent, the getData method returns 123, and this method returns an empty Map-type instance. If you set data to {'param1':'value1'}, the getData method returns the string in JSON format, for example, {'param1':'value1'}, and this method returns a Map-type instance containing {'param1':'value1'}.
String getMessageId

This method is used to obtain the ID of a message.

Return Type
Type Description
String A message ID.
String getMessageType

This method is used to obtain the type of a message.

Return Type
Type Description
String A message type set by you and transparently transmitted by the SDK.
int getOriginalUrgency

This method is used to obtain the message priority set by the app when it sends a message through an API of the HUAWEI Push Kit server.

Return Type
Type Description
int A message priority.
int getUrgency

This method is used to obtain the message priority set on the HUAWEI Push Kit server.

Return Type
Type Description
int A message priority.
int getTtl

This method is used to obtain the maximum cache duration (in seconds) of a message. For a downstream message, the value of ttl in the AndroidConfig structure is returned.

Return Type
Type Description
int A message priority.
int getSentTime

This method is used to obtain the time (in milliseconds) when a message is sent from the server.

Return Type
Type Description
int Number of milliseconds from 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970 to the time when a message is sent from the server.
String getTo

This method is used to obtain the recipient of a message.

Return Type
Type Description
String A message recipient.
String getFrom

This method is used to obtain the source of a message. When the Push Kit server sends a message, appId of the app to which the message belongs is set in the message body. You can use this method to obtain the appId.

Return Type
Type Description
String A message source.
String getToken

This method is used to obtain the token in a message.

Return Type
Type Description
String A push token.
RemoteMessageNotification getNotification

This method is used to obtain the notification in a message.

Return Type
Type Description
RemoteMessageNotification A notification message instance.
Map<String,dynamic> toMap()

Converts Remote Message instance to a Map.

Return Type
Type Description
Map<String,dynamic> Map object that represents the converted RemoteMessage instance.

_RemoteMessageNotification #

Private class that represents the notification payload of a message entity. You can use this class' methods on a Remote Message instance with the notification field.

Public Properties

Name Type Description
title String Title of a notification message.
titleLocalizationKey String The localization key of the displayed title of a message.
titleLocalizationArgs List<String> The localization variables of the displayed title of a message.
body String The displayed content of a message.
bodyLocalizationKey String The localization key of the displayed content of a message.
bodyLocalizationArgs List<String> The localization variables of the displayed content of a message.
icon String The image resource name of the notification icon.
sound String The name of an audio resource to be played when a notification message is displayed.
tag String The tag of a message.
color String The colors of icons and buttons in a message.
clickAction String Actions triggered by message tapping.
channelId String IDs of channels that support the display of messages.
ticker String The text that displayed on the status bar for a notification message.
intentUri String The intent in a notification message.
imageUrl Uri The URL of an image in a message.
link Uri The deep link from a message. A deep link is a specific URL, such as the URL of a web page or rich media.
when double The display time (in milliseconds) of a notification message.
notifyId int The unique ID of a message.
badgeNumber int The badge number of the notification message.
importance int The priority of a notification message.
visibility int The visibility of a notification message.
lightSettings List<int> The blinking frequency and color of a breathing light.
vibrateConfig List<double> The list of vibration patterns.
isDefaultLight bool Whether a notification message uses the default notification light settings.
isDefaultSound bool Whether a notification message uses the default sound.
isDefaultVibrate bool Whether a notification message uses the default vibration mode.
isAutoCancel bool Whether a notification message is sticky.
isLocalOnly bool Whether a notification message is local only.

Public Method Summary

Method Return Type Description
getTitle String Obtains the title of a message.
getTitleLocalizationKey String Obtains the key of the displayed title of a message.
getTitleLocalizationArgs List<String> Obtains variables of the displayed title of a message.
getBodyLocalizationKey String Obtains the key of the displayed content of a message.
getBodyLocalizationArgs List<String> Obtains variables of the displayed content of a message.
getBody String Obtains the displayed content of a message.
getIcon String Obtains the image resource name of the notification icon.
getSound String Obtains the name of an audio resource to be played when a notification message is displayed.
getTag String Obtains the tag from a message for message overwriting.
getColor String Obtains the colors of icons and buttons in a message.
getClickAction String Obtains actions triggered by message tapping.
getChannelId String Obtains IDs of channels that support the display of messages.
getImageUrl Uri Obtains the image URL from a message.
getLink Uri Obtains the deep link from a message.
getNotifyId int Obtains the unique ID of a message.
isDefaultLight bool Checks whether a notification message uses the default notification light settings.
isDefaultSound bool Checks whether a notification message uses the default sound.
isDefaultVibrate bool Checks whether a notification message uses the default vibration mode.
getWhen double Obtains the display time of a notification message.
getLightSettings List<int> Obtains the blinking frequency and color of a breathing light.
getBadgeNumber int Obtains a badge number.
isAutoCancel bool Checks whether a notification message is sticky.
getImportance int Obtains the priority of a notification message.
getTicker String Obtains the text to be displayed on the status bar for a notification message.
getVibrateConfig List<double> Obtains an array of vibration patterns.
getVisibility int Obtains the visibility of a notification message.
getIntentUri String Obtains the intent in a notification message.
toMap() Map<String,dynamic> Converts _RemoteMessageNotification instance to a Map.

Public Methods

String getTitle

This method is used to obtain the title of a message.

Return Type
Type Description
String Title of a message
String getTitleLocalizationKey

This method is used to obtain the key of the localized title of a notification message for message display localization. To implement localization for notification messages, the key must be consistent with the node name defined in the strings.xml file of the app.

Return Type
Type Description
String Title localization key of a message.
List<String> getTitleLocalizationArgs

This method is used to obtain variable string values in the localized title of a notification message. It must be used together with the getTitleLocalizationKey method. The key obtained by the getTitleLocalizationKey method must be the same as the node name in the strings.xml file of the app, and the number of variable string values obtained by the getTitleLocalizationArgs method cannot be smaller than the number of placeholders in the value mapping the key in the strings.xml file. For details, please refer to Notification Message Localization.

Sample code:

getTitleLocalizationKey: "demo_title_new"
getTitleLocalizationArgs: ["apple", "orange"]

Configuration in the strings.xml file

<string name="demo_title_new">I want eat %1$s and %2$s.</string>
Return Type
Type Description
List<String> List of Title Localization Arguments of a message.
String getBody

This method is used to obtain the displayed content of a message.

Return Type
Type Description
String Displayed content of a message.
String getBodyLocalizationKey

This method is used to obtain the key of the localized content of a notification message for message display localization. To implement localization for notification messages, the key must be consistent with the node name defined in the strings.xml file of the app.

Return Type
Type Description
String The localization key of the displayed content of a message.
List<String> getBodyLocalizationArgs

This method is used to obtain variable string values in the localized content of a message. It must be used together with the getBodyLocalizationKey method. The key obtained by the getBodyLocalizationKey method must be the same as the node name in the strings.xml file of the app, and the number of variable string values obtained by the getBodyLocalizationArgs method cannot be smaller than the number of placeholders in the value mapping the key in the strings.xml file.

Return Type
Type Description
List<String> The localization variables of the displayed content of a message.
String getIcon

This method is used to obtain the image resource name of a notification icon. On an Android device, all icon files are stored in the /res/raw/ directory of the app.

Return Type
Type Description
String The image resource name of the notification icon.
String getSound

This method is used to obtain the name of an audio resource to be played when a notification message is displayed. On an Android device, all audio files are stored in the /res/raw/ directory of the app. If no audio resource is set, set this parameter to null.

Return Type
Type Description
String The name of an audio resource to be played when a notification message is displayed.
String getTag

This method is used to obtain the tag from a message for message overwriting. A message will be overwritten by another message with the same tag but is sent later.

Return Type
Type Description
String The tag of a message.
String getColor

This method is used to obtain the colors (in #RRGGBB format) of icons in a message.

Return Type
Type Description
String The colors of icons and buttons in a message.
String getClickAction

This method is used to obtain the action triggered upon notification message tapping. If no action is specified, null is returned.

Return Type
Type Description
String Actions triggered by message tapping.
String getChannelId

This method is used to obtain IDs of channels that support the display of a message. If no channel is set, null is returned.

Return Type
Type Description
String IDs of channels that support the display of messages.
Uri getImageUrl

This method is used to obtain the URL of an image in a message. The image URL must be a URL that can be accessed from the public network.

Return Type
Type Description
Uri The URL of an image in a message.

This method is used to obtain the deep link from a message. A deep link is a specific URL, such as the URL of a web page or rich media. If no URL is set, null is returned.

Return Type
Type Description
Uri The deep link from a message. A deep link is a specific URL, such as the URL of a web page or rich media.
int getNotifyId

This method is used to obtain the unique ID of a message. Different messages can have the same value of NotifyId, so that new messages can overwrite old messages.

Return Type
Type Description
int The unique ID of a message.
bool isDefaultLight

This method is used to check whether a notification message uses the default notification light settings.

Return Type
Type Description
bool Whether a notification message uses the default notification light settings.
bool isDefaultSound

This method is used to check whether a notification message uses the default sound.

Return Type
Type Description
bool Whether a notification message uses the default sound.
bool isDefaultVibrate

This method is used to check whether a notification message uses the default vibration mode.

Return Type
Type Description
bool Whether a notification message uses the default vibration mode.
double getWhen

This method is used to obtain the time (in milliseconds) when an event occurs from a notification message. Developers can sort notification messages by this time.

Return Type
Type Description
double The display time (in milliseconds) of a notification message.
List<int> getLightSettings

This method is used to obtain the blinking frequency and color of a breathing light.

Return Type
Type Description
List<int> The blinking frequency and color of a breathing light.
int getBadgeNumber

This method is used to obtain the number of notification messages.

Return Type
Type Description
int The badge number of the notification message.
bool isAutoCancel

This method is used to check whether a notification message is sticky. If true is returned, the notification message will disappear after a user taps it. If false is returned, the notification message will not disappear after a user taps it, but the user can swipe right or tap the trash can icon to delete the message.

Return Type
Type Description
bool Whether a notification message is sticky.
int getImportance

This method is used to obtain the priority of a notification message.

Return Type
Type Description
int The priority of a notification message.
String getTicker

This method is used to obtain the text to be displayed on the status bar for a notification message.

Return Type
Type Description
String The text that displayed on the status bar for a notification message.
List<double> getVibrateConfig

This method is used to obtain the vibration mode of a message. For details, please refer to the description of vibrate_config in the AndroidNotification structure in Sending Messages.

Return Type
Type Description
List<double> The list of vibration patterns.
int getVisibility

This method is used to obtain the visibility of a notification message. For details, please refer to the definition of visibility in the AndroidNotification structure in Sending Messages.

Return Type
Type Description
int The visibility of a notification message.
String getIntentUri

This method is used to obtain the intent in a notification message. The intent can be opening a page specified by the app. For details, please refer to the definition of the intent parameter in the ClickAction structure in Sending Messages of the development guide.

Return Type
Type Description
String The intent in a notification message.
Map<String,dynamic> toMap()

Converts _RemoteMessageNotification instance to a Map object.

Return Type
Type Description
Map<String,dynamic> Map object that represents the converted _RemoteMessageNotification instance.

RemoteMessageBuilder #

Builder class for constructing remote messages to be sent as uplink messages. Push.sendRemoteMessage() method takes an instance of the RemoteMessageBuilder class for the input parameter.

Public Constructor Summary

Signature Description
RemoteMessageBuilder({String to, String collapseKey, Map<String,String> data, String messageId, String messageType, int ttl, int sendMode, int receiptMode}) A RemoteMessageBuilder object which is converted to a RemoteMessage instance internally when sending as an uplink message.

Public Properties

Name Type Description
to String For an uplink message, the value is always push.hcm.upstream, if this field is left empty it will get this value as the default.
messageId String Message ID, which is generated by an app and is unique for each message.
messageType String The message type is transparently transmitted by the SDK.
ttl int Maximum cache duration of an offline message set for HUAWEI Push Kit, in seconds. The duration can be set to 15 days at most. The value of the input parameter ttl must be within the range [1,1296000]
collapseKey String Sets the maximum cache duration of a message, in seconds. If you set to -1, all offline messages of the app are sent to the user after the user's device goes online. If you set 0, offline messages of the app sent to the user are determined by the default policy of HUAWEI Push Kit. Generally, only the latest offline message is sent to the user after the user's device goes online. You can set a value ranging from 1 to 100 to group messages. For example, if you send 10 messages and set collapse_key to 1 for the first five messages and to 2 for the rest, the latest offline message whose value is 1 and the latest offline message whose value is 2 are sent to the user after the user's device goes online.
receiptMode int The value can be 0 or 1. The value 1 indicates that the receipt capability is enabled after messages are sent. That is, if an uplink message sent by the app is successfully sent to the app server, the server will respond and send a receipt to the app through the RemoteMessageSendStatusStream.
sendMode int Sets whether to enable the message cache and resending capability of the Push Kit client. If this parameter is not set, messages cannot be cached or resent. For example, when the network is unavailable, messages are directly discarded. The value can be 0 or 1. The value 1 indicates that the cache and resending capability is enabled.
data Map<String,String> Data field of the message to be sent to the app server.

Public Method Summary

Method Return Type Description
addData(String key, String value) RemoteMessageBuilder Adds key-value pair data to a message.
setData(Map<String, String> dataMap) RemoteMessageBuilder Sets Map data to a message.
clearData() RemoteMessageBuilder Deletes message data.
setMessageId(String messageId) RemoteMessageBuilder Sets the ID of a message.
setMessageType(String messageType) RemoteMessageBuilder Sets the type of a message.
setTtl(int ttl) RemoteMessageBuilder Sets the maximum cache duration of a message, in seconds.The duration can be set to 15 days at most.
setCollapseKey(String collapseKey) RemoteMessageBuilder Sets the classification identifier of a message.
setSendMode(int sendMode) RemoteMessageBuilder Sets whether to enable the message cache and resending capability of the Push Kit client.
setReceiptMode(int receiptMode) RemoteMessageBuilder Sets the receipt capability after an uplink message is sent to the app server.
toMap() Map<String,dynamic> Converts RemoteMessageBuilder object to Map.

Public Constructor


Constructs a RemoteMessageBuilder instance.

Parameter Type Description
to String Recipient of the message. For an uplink message, the value is always push.hcm.upstream, if this field is left empty it will get this value as the default.
messageId String Unique message identifier.
messageType String Message type specified by you.
ttl int Maximum cache duration of a message, in seconds.
collapseKey String Message classification identifier.
receiptMode int 0 or 1 depending on the selected mode.
sendMode int 0 or 1 depending on the selected mode.
data Map<String,String> Message data.
Call Example
void sendRemoteMsg() async {
  RemoteMessageBuilder remoteMsg = RemoteMessageBuilder(
      to: '',
      data: {"Data": "test"},
      messageType: "my_type",
      ttl: 120,
      messageId: Random().nextInt(10000).toString(),
      collapseKey: '-1',
  String result = await Push.sendRemoteMessage(remoteMsg);

Public Methods

RemoteMessageBuilder addData(String key, String value)

This method is used for adding a key-value pair data to a message.

Name Type Description
key String Key in a key-value pair, for example, name.
value String Key in a key-value pair, for example, FlutterPushKit.
Return Type
Type Description
RemoteMessageBuilder The current RemoteMessageBuilder instance.
RemoteMessageBuilder setData(Map<String,String> dataMap)

Specifies message data as Map data. All existing data will be deleted.

Name Type Description
dataMap Map<String, String> Map data.
Return Type
Type Description
RemoteMessageBuilder The current RemoteMessageBuilder instance.
RemoteMessageBuilder clearData()

Deletes the message data of the RemoteMessageBuilder instance.

Return Type
Type Description
RemoteMessageBuilder The current RemoteMessageBuilder instance.
RemoteMessageBuilder setMessageId(String messageId)

Sets the ID of a message.

Name Type Description
messageId String Message ID, which is generated by an app and is unique for each message. If not set Flutter Push SDK will automatically generate one.
Return Type
Type Description
RemoteMessageBuilder The current RemoteMessageBuilder instance.
RemoteMessageBuilder setMessageType(String messageType)

Sets the type of an uplink message sent through the Push.sendRemoteMessage() method. The message type is transparently transmitted by the SDK.

Name Type Description
messageType String Message type specified by you.
Return Type
Type Description
RemoteMessageBuilder The current RemoteMessageBuilder instance.
RemoteMessageBuilder setTtl(int ttl)

Sets the maximum cache duration of an offline message, in seconds. If the duration is not set, the message is resent immediately instead of being cached. If the destination device cannot be connected, the message will be discarded.

Name Type Description
ttl int Maximum cache duration of an offline message set for HUAWEI Push Kit, in seconds. The duration can be set to 15 days at most.
Return Type
Type Description
RemoteMessageBuilder The current RemoteMessageBuilder instance.
RemoteMessageBuilder setCollapseKey(String collapseKey)

Sets the classification identifier of a message, which is used to control the overwriting function of offline messages. For cached offline messages, the latest message with the same classification identifier overwrites earlier messages. When HUAWEI Push Kit detects that the destination device is offline, it caches messages to be sent based on the messages' TTL. After the device goes online, HUAWEI Push Kit sends the cached messages to the device.

Name Type Description
collapseKey String If you set collapse_key to -1, all offline messages of the app are sent to the user after the user's device goes online. If you set collapse_key to 0, offline messages of the app sent to the user are determined by the default policy of HUAWEI Push Kit. Generally, only the latest offline message is sent to the user after the user's device goes online.You can set collapse_key to a value ranging from 1 to 100 to group messages. For example, if you send 10 messages and set collapse_key to 1 for the first five messages and to 2 for the rest, the latest offline message whose value of collapse_key is 1 and the latest offline message whose value of collapse_key is 2 are sent to the user after the user's device goes online.
Return Type
Type Description
RemoteMessageBuilder The current RemoteMessageBuilder instance.
RemoteMessageBuilder setSendMode(int sendMode)

Sets whether to enable the message cache and resending capability of the Push Kit client. If this parameter is set to 0, messages cannot be cached or resent. For example, when the network is unavailable, messages are directly discarded.

Name Type Description
sendMode int The value can be 0 or 1. The value 1 indicates that the cache and resending capability is enabled.
Return Type
Type Description
RemoteMessageBuilder The current RemoteMessageBuilder instance.
RemoteMessageBuilder setReceiptMode(int receiptMode)

Sets the receipt capability after an uplink message is sent to the app server. That is, if an uplink message sent by the app is successfully sent to the app server, the server will respond and send a receipt to the app through the onMessageDelivered method of the native HmsMessageService class which can be listened from Push.getRemoteMsgSendStatusStream.

Name Type Description
receiptMode int The value can be 0 or 1. The value 1 indicates that the receipt capability is enabled after messages are sent.
Return Type
Type Description
RemoteMessageBuilder The current RemoteMessageBuilder instance.
Map<String,dynamic> toMap()

Converts RemoteMessageBuilder object to a Map.

Return Type
Type Description
Map<String, dynamic> Map object representing the converted RemoteMessageBuilder instance.

Push Streams #

List of Flutter Push Kit Streams that provide Native Push SDK Events and extra functionality.

Method Name ReturnType Description
Push.getTokenStream Stream<String> Emits the token when a new token is received.Token errors are also emitted to this stream's onError callback.
Push.getRemoteMsgSendStatusStream Stream<String> Emits the status of uplink message sending.
Push.getIntentStream Stream<String> Emits the URI string when a notification with custom intent uri is selected.
Push.onMessageReceivedStream Stream<RemoteMessage> Emits a remote message object when a new message is received. Data Messages can be listened from this stream.
Push.onNotificationOpenedApp Stream<dynamic> Emits an event when the user selects a pushed notification.
Push.onLocalNotificationClick Stream<Map<String,dynamic>> Emits the local notification payload when the user clicks on an action button.

Stream<String> Push.getTokenStream

When a new token is requested by getToken() method or by Auto-Initialization the requested token will be emitted to this stream. Any errors that can occur during the operation will be emitted to the onError callback of the stream.

Return Type
Type Description
Stream<String> The listenable stream that emits new token events and errors that may occur.
Call Example
void initState() {

Future<void> initPlatformState() async {
  if (!mounted) return;
  Push.getTokenStream.listen(_onTokenEvent, onError: _onTokenError);

String _token = "";
_onTokenEvent(String event) {
  setState(() {
    _token = event;
  print("Token obtained: " + _token);

_onTokenError(Object error) {
  PlatformException e = error;
  print("TokenErrorEvent" + e.message);

Stream<String> Push.getRemoteMsgSendStatusStream

After sending and uplink message with sendRemoteMessage() method, this stream will emit the events from onMessageSent, onSendError and onMessageDelivered methods of Native Push SDK. Quick summary of these methods are as follows:

onMessageSent is fired after an uplink message is successfully sent. onSendError is fired after an uplink message fails to be sent. onMessageDelivered sends the response from the app server to the app.

The errors will be emitted to the onError callback of the stream.

Return Type
Type Description
Stream<String> The listenable stream that emits remote message send status events.
Call Example
void initState() {

Future<void> initPlatformState() async {
  if (!mounted) return;
  Push.getRemoteMsgSendStatusStream.listen(_onRemoteMessageSendStatus, onError: _onRemoteMessageSendError);

_onRemoteMessageSendStatus(String event) {
  print("RemoteMessageSendStatus: " + event));

_onRemoteMessageSendError(Object error) {
  PlatformException e = error;
  print("RemoteMessageSendError" + e.toString());

Stream<String> Push.getIntentStream

When a notification that include a Custom Intent URI is selected, this stream will emit the URI string. Note that the first Custom Intent URI of the notification that will open the app will not be emitted in this stream. Use the getInitialIntent() method instead to obtain the initial Custom Intent URI of the notification which opens the app. Please check Receiving Custom Intent URI for the configuration.

Return Type
Type Description
Stream<String> The listenable stream that emits the Custom Intent URI string of the Remote Message Notification which opened the app.
Call Example
void initState() {

Future<void> initPlatformState() async {
  if (!mounted) return;
  Push.getIntentStream.listen(_onNewIntent, onError: _onIntentError);

_onNewIntent(String intentString) {
  // For navigating to the custom intent page (deep link) the custom
  // intent that sent from the push kit console is:
  // app://app2
  intentString = intentString ?? '';
  if (intentString != '') {
    showResult('CustomIntentEvent: ', intentString);
    List parsedString = intentString.split("://");
    if (parsedString[1] == "app2") {
      SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((timeStamp) {
            MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => CustomIntentPage()));

_onIntentError(Object err) {
  PlatformException e = err;
  print("Error on intent stream: " + e.toString());

Stream<RemoteMessage> Push.onMessageReceivedStream

This stream emits the received data messages pushed by the app server. The data fields of the message can be obtained by calling getData() or getDataOfMap() methods of the emitted remote message object.

Return Type
Type Description
Stream<RemoteMessage> The listenable stream that emits the received RemoteMessage object.
Call Example
void initState() {

Future<void> initPlatformState() async {
  if (!mounted) return;
  Push.onMessageReceivedStream.listen(_onMessageReceived, onError: _onMessageReceiveError);

_onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage rm) {
  RemoteMessage remoteMessage = rm;
  String dataString = remoteMessage.getData;
  Map<String,String> dataMap = remoteMessage.getDataOfMap;
  print("Data of the received message: " + dataMap.toString());

_onMessageReceiveError(Object error) {
  print("onRemoteMessageReceiveError: " + error.toString());

Stream<dynamic> Push.onNotificationOpenedApp

This stream emits an object which represents the selected notification that opened the app.

Return Type
Type Description
Stream<dynamic> The listenable stream that emits an object which represents the selected notification that opened the app.
Call Example
void initState() {

Future<void> initPlatformState() async {
  if (!mounted) return;

_onNotificationOpenedApp(dynamic initialNotification) {
  print("[onNotificationOpenedApp]" + initialNotification.toString());
Example Response
  result: {
    extras: {
      _push_cmd_type: "cosa",
      _push_msgid: "-1744601771",
      _push_notifyid: 1218295586,
      KEY1: "VALUE1",
    remoteMessage: {
      Link: "null",
      NotifyId: "0",
      contents: "0",
      ttl: "86400",
      isDefaultSound: "true",
    uriPage: "app://app2",
  resultCode: "0",

Stream<Map<String,dynamic>> Push.onLocalNotificationClick

After pressing a local notification button action, this stream will emit a Map Object that represents the clicked local notification.

Return Type
Type Description
Stream<Map<String,dynamic>> The listenable stream that emits the property map of a local notification when the action button is clicked.
Call Example
void initState() {

Future<void> initPlatformState() async {
  if (!mounted) return;

_onLocalNotificationClickEvent(Map<String,dynamic> event) {
  receivedNotification = event;
  if (receivedNotification["action"] == "Yes") {
        {int.parse(receivedNotification["id"]): receivedNotification['tag']});

HMSLogger #

Includes the methods for enabling and disabling HMSLogger capability which is used for sending usage analytics of Push SDK's methods to improve the service quality.

Method Name ReturnType Description
Push.enableLogger() Future<void> Enables HMS Plugin Method Analytics.
Push.disableLogger() Future<void> Disables HMS Plugin Method Analytics


This method enables the HMSLogger capability.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<void> Future result of an execution that returns no value.

Call Example

Push.enableLogger(); // Enables HMSLogger


This method disables the HMSLogger capability.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<void> Future result of an execution that returns no value.

Call Example

Push.disableLogger(); // Disables HMSLogger

Result Codes #

Constants result codes for Push Kit SDK. Push SDK result codes consist of HMS Core SDK Framework Result Codes and HMS Core Push SDK Result Codes. If you cannot find a result code you want in this section, search for it in HMS Core SDK Framework Result Codes. If you still cannot find it, go to Submit ticket online to provide logs or join Stack Overflow for discussion.

Name ResultCode Description
ERROR "-1" Error
NULL_BUNDLE "333" Bundle is null, exception
ERROR_NO_TOKEN "907122030" You do not have a token. Apply for a token.
ERROR_NO_NETWORK "907122031" The current network is unavailable. Check the network connection.
ERROR_TOKEN_INVALID "907122032" The token has expired. Delete the token and apply for a new one.
ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE "907122046" If the Push service is unavailable, contact Huawei technical support.
ERROR_PUSH_SERVER "907122047" If the Push server returns an error, contact Huawei technical support.
ERROR_UNKNOWN "907122045" Unknown error. Contact Huawei technical support.
ERROR_TOPIC_EXCEED "907122034" The number of subscribed topics exceeds 2000.
ERROR_TOPIC_SEND "907122035" Failed to send the subscription topic. Contact Huawei technical support.
ERROR_NO_RIGHT "907122036" Push rights are not enabled. Enable the service and set push service parameters at AppGallery Connect.
ERROR_GET_TOKEN_ERR "907122037" Failed to apply for the token. Contact Huawei technical support.
ERROR_STORAGE_LOCATION_EMPTY "907122038" No storage location is selected for the application or the storage location is invalid. Select a correct storage location for your app in AppGallery Connect.
ERROR_NOT_ALLOW_CROSS_APPLY "907122053" Failed to apply for a token. Cross-region token application is not allowed.
ERROR_SIZE "907122041" The message body size exceeds the maximum 1KB.
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS "907122042" The message contains invalid parameters.
ERROR_TOO_MANY_MESSAGES "907122043" The number of sent messages reaches the upper limit. The messages will be discarded.
ERROR_TTL_EXCEED "907122044" The message lifetime expires before the message is successfully sent to the APP server.
ERROR_HMS_CLIENT_API "907122048" Huawei Mobile Services (APK) can't connect Huawei Push Kit.
ERROR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED "907122049" The current EMUI version is too early to use the capability.
ERROR_MAIN_THREAD "907122050" The operation cannot be performed in the main thread.
ERROR_HMS_DEVICE_AUTH_FAILED_SELF_MAPPING "907122051" Failed to authenticate the device certificate.
ERROR_BIND_SERVICE_SELF_MAPPING "907122052" Failed to bind the service.
ERROR_AUTO_INITIALIZING "907122054" The HMS Core Push SDK is being automatically initialized. Please try again later.
ERROR_RETRY_LATER "907122055" The system is busy. Please try again later.
ERROR_SEND "907122056" Failed to send an uplink message.
ERROR_CACHE_SIZE_EXCEED "907122058" The message is discarded because the number of cached uplink messages sent by the app exceeds the threshold (20).
ERROR_MSG_CACHE "907122059" The uplink message sent by the app is cached due to a cause such as network unavailability.
ERROR_APP_SERVER_NOT_ONLINE "907122060" The app server is offline.
ERROR_OVER_FLOW_CONTROL_SIZE "907122061" Flow control is performed because the frequency for the app to send uplink messages is too high.
ERROR_ARGUMENTS_INVALID "907135000" The input parameter is incorrect. Check whether the related configuration information is correct. For example: app_id in the agconnect-services.json file. Check whether the build.gradle file is configured with the certificate signature.
ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR "907135001" Internal Push error. Contact Huawei technical support engineers.
ERROR_NAMING_INVALID "907135002" The API required by the Push SDK does not exist or the API instance fails to be created.
ERROR_CLIENT_API_INVALID "907135003" The HMS Core SDK fails to connect to the HMS Core (APK). The possible cause is that the HMS Core process is stopped or crashed. Try again later.
ERROR_EXECUTE_TIMEOUT "907135004" Invoking AIDL times out. Contact Huawei technical support.
ERROR_NOT_IN_SERVICE "907135005" This service is unavailable in this region.
ERROR_SESSION_INVALID "907135006" If the AIDL connection session is invalid, contact Huawei technical support.
ERROR_GET_SCOPE_ERROR "907135700" Failed to invoke the gateway to query the application scope.
ERROR_SCOPE_LIST_EMPTY "907135701" Scope is not configured on the AppGallery Connect.
ERROR_CERT_FINGERPRINT_EMPTY "907135702" The certificate fingerprint is not configured on the AppGallery Connect.
ERROR_PERMISSION_LIST_EMPTY "907135703" Permission is not configured on the AppGallery Connect.
ERROR_AUTH_INFO_NOT_EXIST "6002" The authentication information of the application does not exist.
ERROR_CERT_FINGERPRINT_ERROR "6003" An error occurred during certificate fingerprint verification. Check whether the correct certificate fingerprint is configured in AppGallery Connect.
ERROR_PERMISSION_NOT_EXIST "6004" Interface authentication: The permission does not exist and is not applied for in AppGallery Connect.
ERROR_PERMISSION_NOT_AUTHORIZED "6005" Interface authentication: unauthorized.
ERROR_PERMISSION_EXPIRED "6006" Interface authentication: The authorization expires.

4. Configuration and Description #

Receiving Data Messages at Background/Killed Application State #

To listen to Data Messages in the foreground, listen the onMessageReceivedStream stream inside of your application.

When the application is in a background or killed state, the onMessageReceivedStream handler will not be called when receiving data messages. Instead, you need to setup a background callback handler via the registerBackgroundMessageHandler method.

To setup a background handler, call the registerBackgroundMessageHandler outside of your application logic as early as possible:

Step 1 Add an class to your app in the same directory as your This is typically found in ./android/app/src/main/java/<organization-path>/

package com.huawei.hms.flutter.push_example;

import com.huawei.hms.flutter.push.PushPlugin;

import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry;
import io.flutter.plugins.GeneratedPluginRegistrant;

public class Application extends FlutterApplication implements PluginRegistry.PluginRegistrantCallback {
    public void onCreate() {

    public void registerWith(PluginRegistry registry) {

Step 2 In, make sure to change package com.huawei.hms.flutter.push_example; to your package's identifier. Your package's identifier should be something like com.domain.application_name

package com.domain.application_name;

Step 3 Set name property of application in AndroidManifest.xml. This is typically found in ./android/app/src/main/

    android:label="HMS Push Demo" ... >

Step 4 Define a top-level or static function to handle background data messages

static void backgroundMessageCallback(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) async {
    String data =;

      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.TITLE: '[Headless] DataMessage Received',
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.MESSAGE: data

Step 5 Set backgroundMessageCallback handler when calling registerBackgroundMessageHandler

void initState() {
    bool backgroundMessageHandler =
      await Push.registerBackgroundMessageHandler(backgroundMessageCallback);
    print("backgroundMessageHandler registered: $backgroundMessageHandler");
static void backgroundMessageCallback(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) async {
    String data =;

      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.TITLE: '[Headless] DataMessage Received',
      HMSLocalNotificationAttr.MESSAGE: data

Note: Background data message handler and more generally waking up an application in the background can cause battery drain. Please note that taking too long to handle the callback can cause your application to be waked up less frequently by the system.

See the example app for a demonstration.

Receiving Custom Intent URI #

To receive the custom intent URIs you need to declare an intent filter inside AndroidManifest.xml file as shown below. Replace the value for the android:scheme with your custom scheme (for example: myapp).

<manifest ...>
  <!-- Other configurations -->
  <application ...>
    <activity ...>
      <!-- Other configurations -->

      <!-- The Intent filter below is for receiving custom intents-->
          <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
          <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
          <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
          <data android:scheme="<YOUR_SCHEME>"/>

For further details about this configuration please check the Android developer documentation for deep links.

Auto-Initialization #

The HMS Core Push SDK provides the capability of automatically generating AAIDs and automatically applying for tokens. After this capability is configured, the applied token is returned through the TokenStream. You can configure automatic initialization by adding the meta-data section to the AndroidManifest.xml file or calling the setAutoInitEnabled(boolean enable) method from the Push SDK.

To enable Auto-Initialization with the configuration, add the meta-data section under application tag in the AndroidManifest.xml file.

<manifest ...>
    <!-- Other configurations -->
    <application ...>
        <activity ...>
          <!-- Other configurations -->

            android:value="2" />
        <!-- Setting push kit auto enable to true -->
            android:value="true" />
        <!-- Other configurations -->

Local Notification Configurations #

Scheduled local notifications use the Android Alarm Manager in order to be pushed at the specified time. Permissions and receivers that shown below should be added to the AndroidManifest.xml file of your project for scheduling local notifications.

Example AndroidManifest.xml file

<manifest .../>
    <!-- Other configurations -->
    <!-- Add the permissions below for local notifications -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW"/>
    <application ...>
        <activity ...>
        <!-- Other configurations -->
        <!-- Don't delete the meta-data below.
             This is used by the Flutter tool to generate -->
            android:value="2" />
        <!-- These receivers are for sending scheduled local notifications -->
        <receiver android:name="com.huawei.hms.flutter.push.receiver.local.HmsLocalNotificationBootEventReceiver">
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" />
        <receiver android:name="com.huawei.hms.flutter.push.receiver.local.HmsLocalNotificationScheduledPublisher"


In order to customize the vibration pattern of the local notifications you need to add the permission below to AndroidManifest.xml file

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />

Playing Custom Sound

For playing a custom sound for a local notification you should add your sound file as a raw resource. The path for raw resources as follows: <your_flutter_project>/android/app/src/main/res/raw

Check the sample project of the plugin for a working demonstration.

Preparing for Release #

Before building a release version of your app you may need to customize the obfuscation configuration file to prevent the HMS Core SDK from being obfuscated. Add the configurations below to exclude the HMS Core SDK from obfuscation. For more information on this topic refer to this Android developer guide.


-keepattributes *Annotation*
-keepattributes Exceptions
-keepattributes InnerClasses
-keepattributes Signature
-keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable
-keep class**{*;}
-keep class com.huawei.updatesdk.**{*;}
-keep class com.huawei.hms.**{*;}
-keep class com.huawei.hms.flutter.** { *; }

## Flutter wrapper
-keep class** { *; }
-keep class io.flutter.plugin.**  { *; }
-keep class io.flutter.util.**  { *; }
-keep class io.flutter.view.**  { *; }
-keep class io.flutter.**  { *; }
-keep class io.flutter.plugins.**  { *; }
-dontwarn io.flutter.embedding.**


buildTypes {
    debug {
        signingConfig signingConfigs.config
    release {
        signingConfig signingConfigs.config
        // Enables code shrinking, obfuscation and optimization for release builds
        minifyEnabled true
        // Unused resources will be removed, resources defined in the res/raw/keep.xml will be kept.
        shrinkResources true
        proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

If you have added any custom resources for local notifications such as custom sound or icon, make sure that you have configured to keep these resources as stated here. In the plugin's sample project the custom sound resource is kept by adding the res/raw/keep.xml file that shown below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:tools=""
    tools:keep="@raw/huawei_bounce" />

5. Sample Project #

This plugin includes a demo project in the example folder, there you can find more usage examples.

6. Questions or Issues #

If you have questions about how to use HMS samples, try the following options:

  • Stack Overflow is the best place for any programming questions. Be sure to tag your question with huawei-mobile-services.
  • Github is the official repository for these plugins, You can open an issue or submit your ideas.
  • Huawei Developer Forum HMS Core Module is great for general questions, or seeking recommendations and opinions.
  • Huawei Developer Docs is place to official documentation for all HMS Core Kits, you can find detailed documentations in there.

If you run into a bug in our samples, please submit an issue to the GitHub repository.

7. Licensing and Terms #

Huawei Push Kit Flutter Plugin is licensed under Apache 2.0 license

pub points



HUAWEI Push Kit plugin for Flutter that exposes all the functionality provided by the HUAWEI Push Kit SDK.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)




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