graphql 3.1.0-beta.4 copy "graphql: ^3.1.0-beta.4" to clipboard
graphql: ^3.1.0-beta.4 copied to clipboard


A stand-alone GraphQL client for Dart, bringing all the features from a modern GraphQL client to one easy to use package.

MIT License All Contributors PRs Welcome

Star on GitHub Watch on GitHub Discord

Build Status Coverage version

GraphQL Client #

Installation #

First, depend on this package:

  graphql: ^3.0.0

And then import it inside your dart code:

import 'package:graphql/client.dart';

Migration Guide #

Find the migration from version 2 to version 3 here.

Parsing at build-time #

To parse documents at build-time use ast_builder from package:gql_code_gen:

  gql_code_gen: ^0.1.0

Usage #

To connect to a GraphQL Server, we first need to create a GraphQLClient. A GraphQLClient requires both a cache and a link to be initialized.

In our example below, we will be using the Github Public API. In our example below, we are going to use HttpLink which we will concatenate with AuthLink so as to attach our github access token. For the cache, we are going to use InMemoryCache.

// ...

final HttpLink _httpLink = HttpLink(
    uri: '',

final AuthLink _authLink = AuthLink(
    getToken: () async => 'Bearer $YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN',

final Link _link = _authLink.concat(_httpLink);

final GraphQLClient _client = GraphQLClient(
        cache: InMemoryCache(),
        link: _link,

// ...

Using Concat

final Link _link = _authLink.concat(_httpLink);

Using Links.from

Link.from joins multiple links into a single link at once.

final Link _link = Link.from([_authLink, _httpLink]);

Once you have initialized a client, you can run queries and mutations.

Query #

Creating a query is as simple as creating a multiline string:

const String readRepositories = r'''
  query ReadRepositories($nRepositories: Int!) {
    viewer {
      repositories(last: $nRepositories) {
        nodes {

Then create a QueryOptions object:

NB: for documentNode - Use our built-in help function - gql(query) to convert your document string to ASTs documentNode.

In our case, we need to pass nRepositories variable and the document name is readRepositories.

const int nRepositories = 50;

final QueryOptions options = QueryOptions(
    documentNode: gql(readRepositories),
    variables: <String, dynamic>{
        'nRepositories': nRepositories,

And finally you can send the query to the server and await the response:

// ...

final QueryResult result = await _client.query(options);

if (result.hasException) {

final List<dynamic> repositories =['viewer']['repositories']['nodes'] as List<dynamic>;

// ...

Mutations #

Creating a Mutation is also similar to creating a query, with a small difference. First, start with a multiline string:

const String addStar = r'''
  mutation AddStar($starrableId: ID!) {
    action: addStar(input: {starrableId: $starrableId}) {
      starrable {

Then instead of the QueryOptions, for mutations we will MutationOptions, which is where we pass our mutation and id of the repository we are starring.

// ...

final MutationOptions options = MutationOptions(
  documentNode: gql(addStar),
  variables: <String, dynamic>{
    'starrableId': repositoryID,

// ...

And finally you can send the query to the server and await the response:

// ...

final QueryResult result = await _client.mutate(options);

if (result.hasException) {

final bool isStarred =['action']['starrable']['viewerHasStarred'] as bool;

if (isStarred) {
  print('Thanks for your star!');

// ...

AST documents #

We are deprecating document and recommend you update your application to use documentNode instead. document will be removed from the api in a future version.

For example:

// ...

final MutationOptions options = MutationOptions(
  documentNode: gql(addStar),
  variables: <String, dynamic>{
    'starrableId': repositoryID,

// ...

With package:gql_code_gen you can parse your *.graphql files at build-time.


mutation AddStar($starrableId: ID!) {
  action: addStar(input: {starrableId: $starrableId}) {
    starrable {
import 'package:gql/add_star.ast.g.dart' as add_star;

// ...

final MutationOptions options = MutationOptions(
  documentNode: add_star.document,
  variables: <String, dynamic>{
    'starrableId': repositoryID,

// ...

Perform custom logic when a GraphQL or network error happens, such as logging or signing out.

final ErrorLink errorLink = ErrorLink(errorHandler: (ErrorResponse response) {
  Operation operation = response.operation;
  FetchResult result = response.fetchResult;
  OperationException exception = response.exception;

To improve performance you can make use of a concept introduced by Apollo called Automatic persisted queries (or short "APQ") to send smaller requests and even enabled CDN caching for your GraphQL API.

ATTENTION: This also requires you to have a GraphQL server that supports APQ, like Apollo's GraphQL Server and will only work for queries (but not for mutations or subscriptions).

You can than use it simply by prepending a PersistedQueriesLink to your normal HttpLink:

final PersistedQueriesLink _apqLink = PersistedQueriesLink(
  // To enable GET queries for the first load to allow for CDN caching
  useGETForHashedQueries: true,

final HttpLink _httpLink = HttpLink(
  uri: 'https://api.url/graphql',

final Link _link = _apqLink.concat(_httpLink);
pub points



A stand-alone GraphQL client for Dart, bringing all the features from a modern GraphQL client to one easy to use package.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


crypto, gql, http, http_parser, meta, mime, path, quiver, rxdart, uuid_enhanced, websocket


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