google_maps_flutter_ios_ground_overlays 1.0.0 copy "google_maps_flutter_ios_ground_overlays: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
google_maps_flutter_ios_ground_overlays: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

iOS implementation of the google_maps_flutter plugin.


  • Updates minimum Flutter version to 3.0.

2.1.13 #

  • Updates code for stricter lint checks.
  • Updates code for new analysis options.
  • Re-enable XCUITests: testUserInterface.
  • Remove unnecessary RunnerUITests target from Podfile of the example app.

2.1.12 #

  • Updates imports for prefer_relative_imports.
  • Updates minimum Flutter version to 2.10.
  • Fixes violations of new analysis option use_named_constants.
  • Fixes avoid_redundant_argument_values lint warnings and minor typos.

2.1.11 #

  • Precaches Google Maps services initialization and syncing.

2.1.10 #

  • Splits iOS implementation out of google_maps_flutter as a federated implementation.