geocore 0.4.1-nullsafety.0 copy "geocore: ^0.4.1-nullsafety.0" to clipboard
geocore: ^0.4.1-nullsafety.0 copied to clipboard


Geospatial data structures (features, geometry and metadata) and utilities (GeoJSON parser) for Dart.

Geocore #

pub package License

Geocore is a library package for Dart and Flutter mobile developers to help on handling geospatial data like geometries, features and metadata. It also contains utilities for parsing GeoJSON content.

The package supports representing both geographic (decimal degrees or longitude-latitude) and projected coordinates in 2D and 3D. Points may have also a M (measure) coordinate associated as needed. There are classes for common geometries including points, bounding boxes, line strings (polylines), polygons and various multi-geometries known by GeoJSON and WKT (Well-known text representation of geometry) specifications.

Key features:

  • Base geometry classes
    • Point abstraction to represent coordinate values, different variations:
      • x, y
      • x, y, m (measure)
      • x, y, z
      • x, y, z, m (measure)
    • Num-based Point classes: Point2, Point2m, Point3, Point3m
      • coordinate values can be any num (that is double or int)
    • Int-based Point classes: Point2i, Point3i
    • PointSeries is a custom iterable for points with intersect methods
    • BoundedSeries is a custom iterable for to support other geometries too
    • Bounds to represents bounding boxes
    • LineString and Polygon to represent line string (polylines) and polygons
    • MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, GeometryCollection
    • Temporal coordinates: Instant, Interval
  • Coordinate reference system (CRS) identifiers
  • Geographic coordinate based on decimal degrees (longitude, latitude)
    • GeoPoint abstraction to represent geographic coordinate values:
      • lon, lat
      • lon, lat, m (measure)
      • lon, lat, elev
      • lon, lat, elev, m (measure)
    • Concrete classes: GeoPoint2, GeoPoint2m, GeoPoint3, GeoPoint3m
    • GeoBounds for geographic bounds
  • Feature data
    • Feature is a geospatial entity with id, properties and geometry
    • FeatureCollection is a collection of features
  • Meta data structures
    • Extent with spatial and temporal parts
  • Geospatial data parsers
    • Implementation to parse GeoJSON from text strings.

Package #

This is a Dart code package named geocore under the geospatial repository.

This package is at the alpha-stage, breaking changes are possible.

The package is associated with and depending on the attributes package containing non-geospatial data structures that are extended and utilized by the geocore to provide geospatial data structures and utilities.

The package is used by the geodata package that provides a geospatial client for fetching data from different data sources.

Installing #

The package supports Dart null-safety and using it requires the latest SDK from a beta channel. However your package using it doesn't have to be migrated to null-safety yet.

Please see the official null-safety migration guide how to switch to the latest beta release of Dart or Flutter SDKs.

In the pubspec.yaml of your project add the dependency:

  geocore: ^0.4.0-nullsafety.0

All dependencies used by geocore are also ready for null-safety!

Libraries #

The package contains following mini-libraries:

Library Description
base Geometry classes including points, bounds, line strings, polygons and more.
crs Classes to represent coordinate reference system (CRS) identifiers.
feature Feature and FeatureCollection to handle dynamic geospatial data objects.
geo Geographic points and bounds classes to represent longitude-latitude data
meta_extent Metadata structures to handle extents with spatial and temporal parts.
parse_factory Base interfaces and implementations for geospatial data factories.
parse_geojson Geospatial data factory implementation to parse GeoJSON from text strings.

For example to access a mini library you should use an import like:

import 'package:geocore/base.dart';

To use all libraries of the package:

import 'package:geocore/geocore.dart';

Usage #

Parsing GeoJSON data #

The GeoJSON format supports encoding of geographic data structures. Below is an example with sample GeoJSON data and code to parse it.


import 'package:geocore/parse_geojson.dart';

The sample code:

  // sample GeoJSON data
  const sample = '''
      "type": "FeatureCollection",
      "features": [
          "type": "Feature",
          "id": "ROG",
          "geometry": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [-0.0014, 51.4778, 45.0]  
          "properties": {
            "title": "Royal Observatory",
            "place": "Greenwich",
            "city": "London"

  // parse FeatureCollection using the default GeoJSON factory
  final fc = geoJSON.featureCollection(sample);

  // loop through features and print id, geometry and properties for each
  fc.features.forEach((f) {
    print('Feature with id: ${}');
    print('  geometry: ${f.geometry}');
    print('  properties:');, value) => print('    $key: $value'));

At this stage the package supports reading following GeoJSON elements:

  • FeatureCollection
  • Feature
  • Point, LineString and Polygon
  • MultiPoint, MultiLineString and MultiPolygon
  • GeometryCollection

Using geospatial data structures #

It's also possible to create feature, geometry and metadata structures by hand.

Please see example code for more information.

Some samples also below.


import 'package:geocore/geocore.dart';

The sample code:

  // Geospatial feature
  final f = Feature.view(
    id: 'ROG',
    geometry: GeoPoint3.from([-0.0014, 51.4778, 45.0]),
    properties: {
      'title': 'Royal Observatory',
      'place': 'Greenwich',
      'city': 'London',

  // Geographical points (lon-lat, lon-lat-m, lon-lat-elev, lon-lat-elev-m)
  final geo2 = GeoPoint2.lonLat(-0.0014, 51.4778);
  final geo2m = GeoPoint2m.lonLatM(-0.0014, 51.4778, 123.0);
  final geo3 = GeoPoint3.lonLatElev(-0.0014, 51.4778, 45.0);
  final geo3m = GeoPoint3m.lonLatElevM(-0.0014, 51.4778, 45.0, 123.0);

Non-geospatial data #

Classes described above and provided by this package are designed for geospatial use cases.

When geospatial geometries and features are not needed, then the attributes package might be useful for representing dynamic data objects, property maps and identifiers.

Authors #

This project is authored by Navibyte.

More information and other links are available at the geospatial repository from GitHub.

License #

This project is licensed under the "BSD-3-Clause"-style license.

Please see the LICENSE.




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Geospatial data structures (features, geometry and metadata) and utilities (GeoJSON parser) for Dart.

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attributes, equatable, meta


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