fs_shim 2.3.2+1 copy "fs_shim: ^2.3.2+1" to clipboard
fs_shim: ^2.3.2+1 copied to clipboard

A portable file system implementation working on io, browser and memory (through idb_shim)

fs_shim #

A portable file system library to allow working on io, browser (though idb_shim) and memory (through idb_shim).

Build Status

API supported #

It contains a subset of the io File/Directory API. Basically all sync methods are removed since on the web indexedDB cannot be accessed in a synchronous way.


  • File (create, openWrite, openRead, writeAsBytes, writeAsString, copy)
  • Link (create, target)
  • Directory (create, list)
  • FileSystem (file, link, directory, type, isFile, isDirectory, isLink)
  • FileSystemEntity (path, exists, delete, rename, absolute, isAbsolute, state, parent)
  • FileStat
  • FileSystemEntityType,
  • FileSystemException,

Static method

  • Directory.current
  • FileSystemEntity.isFile
  • FileSystemEntity.isDirectory
  • FileSystemEntity.isLink

Static and File/Directory/Link constructor uses fileSystemDefault which is platform dependent (web or io).

Usage #

In memory #

A simple usage example:

import 'package:fs_shim/fs_shim.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart';

Future main() async {
  final fs = fileSystemMemory;

  // Create a top level directory
  final dir = fs.directory('/dir');

  // and a file in it
  final file = fs.file(join(dir.path, 'file'));

  // create a file
  await file.create(recursive: true);
  await file.writeAsString('Hello world!');

  // read a file
  print('file: ${await file.readAsString()}');

  // use a file link if supported
  if (fs.supportsFileLink) {
    final link = fs.link(join(dir.path, 'link'));
    await link.create(file.path);

    print('link: ${await fs.file(link.path).readAsString()}');

  // list dir content
  print(await dir.list(recursive: true, followLinks: true).toList());

Using IO API #

Using fs_shim.dart

You can simply replace in the above example:

final fs = fileSystemMemory;


final fs = fileSystemIo;

If you only target io, you can still be able to use File and Directory constructor, replace

import 'dart:io'

import 'package:fs_shim/fs_shim.dart';


import 'package:fs_shim/fs_io.dart';

Then a reduced set of the IO API can be used, same source code that might requires some cleanup if you import from existing code

Simple example

import 'package:fs_shim/fs_shim.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart';

Future main() async {
  await exampleInit();
  final fs = fileSystemDefault;
  // safe place when running from package root
  final dirPath = join(Directory.current.path, 'test_out', 'example', 'dir');

  // Create a top level directory
  final dir = Directory(dirPath);
  print('dir: $dir');
  // delete its content
  if (await dir.exists()) {
    await dir.delete(recursive: true);

  // and a file in it
  final file = File(join(dir.path, 'file'));

  // create a file
  await file.create(recursive: true);
  await file.writeAsString('Hello world!');

  // read a file
  print('file: ${await file.readAsString()}');

  // use a file link if supported
  if (fs.supportsFileLink) {
    var link = Link(join(dir.path, 'link'));

    await link.create(basename(file.path));
    var linkFile = File(link.path);
    print('link: ${await linkFile.readAsString()}');

  // list dir content
  print(await dir.list(recursive: true, followLinks: true).toList());

Browser usage #

You can simply replace in the in memory example:

final fs = fileSystemMemory;


final fs = fileSystemWeb;

Default implementation on browser uses fileSystemWeb

Random access support. #

Random access is supported since version 2.1.0. Default web implementation is not optimized for random access support (it might change in the future).

You can specify a paging parameter (initial testing is good in some scenario with a 16Kb page, you might tune it for your needs).

import 'package:fs_shim/fs_browser.dart';

// Use default paging 16Kb
final fs =
  fileSystemWeb.withIdbOptions(options: FileSystemIdbOptions.pageDefault);

Storage remains compatible if the options is changed.

Utilities #

  • Lightweight glob support (**, * and ? in a posix style path)
  • Copy utilities (copy files, directories recursively)

Testing #

Dev dependencies #


fs_shim: any

Bleeding age

    git: https://github.com/tekartik/fs_shim.dart

Features and bugs #

  • On windows file links are not supported (fs.supportsFileLink returns false)
  • On windows directory link target are absolutes
  • On the web, the size of the file system is limited by the limit size of indexedDB databases (browser dependent)
pub points


verified publishertekartik.com

A portable file system implementation working on io, browser and memory (through idb_shim)

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-2-Clause (license)


idb_shim, meta, path, sembast, synchronized


Packages that depend on fs_shim