form_maker 0.0.1 copy "form_maker: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
form_maker: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

The Form Maker package is a convenient tool for developers to easily create forms in their Flutter applications.

Form Maker pub package #

The Form Maker package is a convenient tool for developers to easily create forms in their Flutter applications. With this package, you can easily create different types of form fields like text fields, password fields. This package aims to simplify the process of creating forms by providing a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to customize the look and feel of each form field.

Usage #

To use this package, add form_maker as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

Example #

class HomeScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  const HomeScreen({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: const Text('Form Maker'),
          actions: [
              onPressed: () {},
              icon: const Icon(Icons.share),
              onPressed: () {},
              icon: const Icon(Icons.favorite_border),
        body: Container(
          margin: const EdgeInsets.all(10),
          child: Column(
            crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
            children: [
              /// Form Maker [] widget
                onTap: () {
              /// Form Maker [] widget

Parameters #

Parameter Type Description
'title' String? The title of the form field
'prefixText' String? The prefix text of the form field
'textInputType' TextInputType? The type of the form field
'controller' TextEditingController? The controller of the form field
'onChanged' Function(String)? The callback function when the form field value changes
'label' String? The label of the form field
'hint' String? The hint of the form field
'enable' bool? The enable state of the form field
'obscureText' bool? The obscure text state of the form field
'onTap' Function()? The callback function when the form field is tapped
'maxLines' int? The maximum number of lines of the form field

FormElement #
    controller: TextEditingController(),
    onChanged: (value) {
    onTap: () {
    enable: true,

FormElement Description Parameters
.email() Email form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.verifyEmail() Verify email form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.password() Password form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap, obscureText
.confirmPassword() Confirm password field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap, obscureText
.name() Name form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.firstName() First name form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.lastName() Last name form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.phone() Phone form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap, prefixText
.fax() Fax form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap, prefixText
.mobile() Mobile form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap, prefixText
.officeNumber() Office number form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap, prefixText
.address() Address form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap, maxLines
.addressTwo() Extra Address field for form controller, onChanged , enable, onTap, maxLines
.city() City form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.state() State form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.zip() Zip form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.pincod() Pincode form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.country() Country form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.age() Age form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.dob() Date of birth form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.motherName() Mother name form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.motherFirstName() Mother first name form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.motherLastName() Mother last name form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.fatherName() Father name form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.fatherFirstName() Father first name form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.fatherLastName() Father last name form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.spouseName() Spouse name form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.spouseFirstName() Spouse first name form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.spouceLastName() Spouse last name form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.grandFatherName() Grand father name form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.grandFatherFirstName() Grand father first name form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.grandFatherLastName() Grand father last name form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.grandMotherName() Grand mother name form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.grandMotherFirstName() Grand mother first name form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.grandMotherLastName() Grand mother last name form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.relation() Relation form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.website() Website form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.companyName() Company name form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.companyAddress() Company address form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap, maxLines
.companyNumber() Company number form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap, prefixText
.companyFax() Company fax form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap, prefixText
.companyEmail() Company email form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.companyWebsite() Company website form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap
.custom() Custom form field controller, onChanged , enable, onTap, label, hint, textInputType, title, prefixText, maxLines , obscureText

GitHub Repository #

Form Maker

Author #

Shubham Kumar - Github

Also check out #

Package Description
Dad Jokes Get random dad jokes
Timestamp to String Convert timestamp to string
pub points


unverified uploader

The Form Maker package is a convenient tool for developers to easily create forms in their Flutter applications.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)




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