fluttin 1.0.0 fluttin: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
A Flutter version of koin.
fluttin #
A Flutter version of koin.
Getting Started #
This is the Flutter version of koin, which is almost the same as the original koin in use. It's just that dart's closure doesn't support receiver type, so it looks a bit complicated in this class But the principle is the same. For the concept of DI, please refer to the official website of koin: https://insert-koin.io/
The following is a simple instruction: #
- If you want to use it, you can directly use inject() to generate it
class _XXState extends State<XXWidget> {
ChatUseCase _chatUseCase = inject();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold();
If you want to write a module, there are several ways to provide it:
- factory: Each inject() generates a new instance.
- single: Only the first inject() will be a new instance, and the instance generated for the first time will be used later. It is equivalent to the concept of singleton.
- scoped: When the scope condition is met, only the first inject() will be a new instance, and it will be reused later. for example: scope=UserScope, which means that when the user is logged in, the same instance will be output from inject(), When the user logs out and then logs in again, the new instance will be tried again. It can be understood as a singleton in user login.
If other classes will be used in the class I want to generate
- scope.get()
module.factory((Scope scope, DefinitionParameters parameters) => MessageScreenCubit(scope.get(), scope.get());
- scope.get()
If I want to dynamically pass in parameters
- DefinitionParameters
messageScreenCubit = inject(parameters: () { return DefinitionParameters(values: [ widget.conversation, widget.conversationId, widget.targetUserId, ]); });
module.factory((Scope scope, DefinitionParameters parameters) { return MessageScreenCubit(conversation: parameters[0], conversationId: parameters[1], userId: parameters[2], ); });
- DefinitionParameters
If I want to provide different implementations for an interface in the module
class _XXState extends State<XXWidget> { Animal animal = inject(qualifier: StringQualifier('dog')); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold(); } }
module.factory<Animal>( (Scope scope, DefinitionParameters parameters) => Dog(), qualifier: StringQualifier('dog') ); module.factory<Animal>( (Scope scope, DefinitionParameters parameters) => Cat(), qualifier: StringQualifier('cat') );