flutter_xlider 2.4.3
flutter_xlider: ^2.4.3 copied to clipboard
(Flutter Xlider) A material design slider and range slider, horizontal and vertical, with RTL support and lots of options and customizations for flutter
flutter_xlider #
(Flutter Xlider) A material design slider and range slider, horizontal and vertical, with rtl support and lots of options and customizations for flutter
Version 2.4.1 and above, will break functionality of older versions
Get Started #
Single Slider #
A single slider
values: [300],
max: 500,
min: 0,
onDragging: (handlerIndex, lowerValue, upperValue) {
_lowerValue = lowerValue;
_upperValue = upperValue;
setState(() {});
To make slider Right To Left
use rtl: true
rtl: true,
Range Slider #
A simple example of range slider
values: [30, 420],
rangeSlider: true,
max: 500,
min: 0,
onDragging: (handlerIndex, lowerValue, upperValue) {
_lowerValue = lowerValue;
_upperValue = upperValue;
setState(() {});
Vertical Axis #
You can change the axis of your slider by setting axis
to Axis.vertical
. Default is horizontal
axis: Axis.vertical,
[] []
Handlers #
You can customize handlers using handler
and rightHandler
Both handler
and rightHandler
accept FlutterSliderHandler
class which has following properties:
: is a widgetdisabled
: to disable the handlerdecoration
are come fromContainer()
handler: FlutterSliderHandler(
decoration: BoxDecoration(),
child: Material(
type: MaterialType.canvas,
color: Colors.orange,
elevation: 3,
child: Container(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(5),
child: Icon(Icons.adjust, size: 25,)),
rightHandler: FlutterSliderHandler(
child: Icon(Icons.chevron_left, color: Colors.red, size: 24,),
Handler Scale Animation #
You can control the scale animation type of your handlers, it's duration and it's scale size using handlerAnimation
accepts a FlutterSliderHandlerAnimation
class which has 4 properties as following
handlerAnimation: FlutterSliderHandlerAnimation(
curve: Curves.elasticOut,
reverseCurve: Curves.bounceIn,
duration: Duration(milliseconds: 500),
scale: 1.5
if you don't want scale animation, then just pass 1
to scale
if you don't want reverseCurve
, just ignore it. default is null
Trackbars #
To customize track bars you can use FlutterSliderTrackBar
. You can see the details here
trackBar: FlutterSliderTrackBar(
activeTrackBarColor: Colors.redAccent,
activeTrackBarHeight: 5,
inactiveTrackBarColor: Colors.greenAccent.withOpacity(0.5),
Tooltips #
In order to customize your tooltips, you can use FlutterSliderTooltip
class. You can see all properties here
tooltip: FlutterSliderTooltip(
textStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 17, color: Colors.white),
boxStyle: FlutterSliderTooltipBox(
decoration: BoxDecoration(
color: Colors.redAccent.withOpacity(0.7)
Here there is a range slider with customized handlers, trackbars and tooltips
Tooltip Prefix #
You can use leftPrefix
, leftSuffix
, rightPrefix
, rightSuffix
to add your desired widget around tooltip content.
tooltip: FlutterSliderTooltip(
leftPrefix: Icon(Icons.attach_money, size: 19, color: Colors.black45,),
rightSuffix: Icon(Icons.attach_money, size: 19, color: Colors.black45,),
Tooltip Number Format #
You can customize tooltip numbers by using NumberFormat
here is an example
tooltip: FlutterSliderTooltip(
numberFormat: intl.compact(),
// numberFormat: intl.NumberFormat(),
You can find more about NumberFormat
Disable tooltip #
To disable tooltips, use disabled
in FlutterSliderTooltip
tooltip: FlutterSliderTooltip(
disabled: true,
Always Show Tooltips #
Tooltips always displayed if this property is set to true
tooltip: FlutterSliderTooltip(
alwaysShowTooltip: true,
Controls #
Handlers width and height #
By default both handlers size are 35 width and height, but you can change this by handlerWidth
and handlerHeight
handlerWidth: 30,
handlerHeight: 30,
Select By Tap #
You can tap on the slider to select it's value.
if slider is range-slider, then the closest handler to the selected point will move to that point
selectByTap: true, // default is true
Jump #
By default slider handlers move fluently, if you set jump
to true, handlers will jump between intervals
jump: true,
Step #
The amount the slider changes on movement can be set using step
step: 100,
Ignore Steps #
If your configurations requires that some steps are not available, you can use ignoreSteps
this property accepts a simple class to define from
and to
ignoreSteps: [
FlutterSliderIgnoreSteps(from: 8000, to: 12000),
FlutterSliderIgnoreSteps(from: 18000, to: 22000),
Minimum Distance #
When using range slider, the minimum distance between two handlers can be defined using minimumDistance
minimumDistance: 300,
Maximum Distance #
This is the opposite of minimum distance, when using range slider, the maximum distance between two handlers can be defined using maximumDistance
maximumDistance: 300,
Hatch Mark #
You can display a Hatch Mark
underneath or beside of your slider based on axis
. In order to display hatch mark you must
use FlutterSliderHatchMark
class which has following properties:
: The distance between slider and hatch markdensity
: The amount of lines per percent. 1 is default. any number less or more than 1 will decrease and increase lines respectivelylabels
: If you want to display some label or text at certain percent in your hatch mark, you can uselabels
: The style of the label textsmallLine
: The widget of small lines in hatch markbigLine
: The widget of big lines in hatch marklabelBox
: The widget of label box
Here is an example:
hatchMark: FlutterSliderHatchMark(
distanceFromTrackBar: 10,
density: 0.5, // means 50 lines, from 0 to 100 percent
labels: [
FlutterSliderHatchMarkLabel(percent: 0, label: 'Start'),
FlutterSliderHatchMarkLabel(percent: 10, label: '10,000'),
FlutterSliderHatchMarkLabel(percent: 50, label: '50 %'),
FlutterSliderHatchMarkLabel(percent: 80, label: '80,000'),
FlutterSliderHatchMarkLabel(percent: 100, label: 'Finish'),
Each Label(FlutterSliderHatchMarkLabel
) in labels
property, has it's own textStyle which overrides labelTextStyle
You MUST define width or height for the parent container of your slider to display hatchMark
Touch Size #
You can control how big a handler's touch area could be. by default touch size is 25 The range is between 5 to 50
touchSize: 25,
To see the touchable area for handlers, set visibleTouchArea
to true and test your slider
visibleTouchArea: true,
Disabled #
to disable your slider, you can use disabled
disabled: true,
makes the slider Right To Left
rtl: true,
Events #
There are 3 events
: fires when drag starts
fires when drag ends
keeps firing when dragging
All three of above functions returns three values.
(int handlerIndex, double lowerValue, double upperValue)
First value is handlerIndex
, which determines the handler. 0 is Left Handler
and 1 refers to Right Handler
onDragging: (handlerIndex, lowerValue, upperValue) {
_lowerValue = lowerValue;
_upperValue = upperValue;
if(handlerIndex == 0)
print(" Left handler ");
setState(() {});