flutter_ui_box 0.0.6 flutter_ui_box: ^0.0.6 copied to clipboard
flutter Ui tools box. such as address select dialog,date select dialog
FlutterUiKit #
个人flutter ui 工具盒.
v0.0.1 级联选择框,自定义支持日期选择,时间选择,省市级地址选择
v0.0.2 增加 高度动画变化容器,展开收起控件,预加载pageView 三个UI控件
v0.0.3 bug fix
v0.0.4 bug 正则表达式bug fix
v0.0.5 bug 文案样式fix
v0.0.5 bug 展开收起文本 宽度计算问题
AnimationHeightViewWidget #
自适应高度容器,例如pageview左右滑动时 ,可以让pageview高度自动变化
CascadeSelectWidget #
FoldUpTextWidget #
PreloadPageView #
预加载的pageView,参考了 https://github.com/octomato/preload_page_view
flutter_keyboard_visibility #
github地址: https://github.com/allenyulun/flutter_keyboard_visibility
参考地址 https://github.com/adee42/flutter_keyboard_visibility
demo请见 #
Getting Started #
This project is a starting point for a Dart package, a library module containing code that can be shared easily across multiple Flutter or Dart projects.
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
Installation #
flutter_ui_box: ^0.0.1
Import #
import 'package:flutter_ui_kit/flutter_ui_kit.dart';
Usage #
参考demo库 https://github.com/allenyulun/flutter_just_test
License #
MIT License