flutter_tappay 0.1.0 copy "flutter_tappay: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
flutter_tappay: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard


A new flutter plugin project.

FlutterTappay #

pub package

A Flutter plugin to slove Tappay sdk. (only Direct pay and Android for now.)


Usage #

To use this plugin, add flutter_tappay as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

Preparation #

There is something that need to add before using this plugin, please follow the steps:

  1. Add default activity styles under res/values/styles.xml
    <style name="AppCompactTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
  1. Add activity under AndroidManifest.xml, just below flutter activity.

That's it.

Example #

// Import package
import 'package:flutter_tappay/flutter_tappay.dart';

// Instantiate it
FlutterTappay payer = FlutterTappay ();

// Listen to token
payer.onTokenReceived.listen((data) {
  setState(() {
    _token = data;
}, onError: (err){ print("$err");}, onDone: (){ print("done");});

// Show Payment (The key and the id is the api that used in [official web demo](https://tappay.github.io/tappay-web-example/TapPay_Fields/example/index.html))
await FlutterTappay.showPayment(
  title: "Custom Title",
  btnName: "Custom BtnName",
  appKey: "app_whdEWBH8e8Lzy4N6BysVRRMILYORF6UxXbiOFsICkz0J9j1C0JUlCHv1tVJC",
  appId: 11334,
  serverType: FlutterTappayServerType.Sandbox

More Info #

It's really frustrated for flutter users to use ugly UI with native Android, If you are good at Android, please feel free to customize layout/activity_main.xml to make It more beauty, Moreover, pull request is welcome!

If you are using DirectPay only. The oher options might be just call API directly, since there is no rules for Tappay to prevent this happened, but this package is target to intergation with native method, that provided by official documentation.

Contribution #

Again, If you are better on Android, fork and pull request to improve the layout! If you will add more feature on FlutterTappay, Add in example and gif It in PR :)