flutter_net_promoter_score 1.0.0 copy "flutter_net_promoter_score: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
flutter_net_promoter_score: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

Simple Flutter component that presents Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey.

Flutter Net Promoter Score #

A Flutter component that presents Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey.

Features #

  • Show Net Promoter Score survey
  • Get user interactions call backs (such as score changes and feedback input)
  • Get final survery result with Score, Promoter type and feedback text
  • Support flutter themes to customize look and feel
  • Customize all texts with your own textss

Table of contents #

How to use #

Installation #

Add flutter_net_promoter_score to your project dependencies


Show the survey #

Import flutter_net_promoter_score

import 'package:flutter_net_promoter_score/flutter_net_promoter_score.dart';

In order to show the survery call the function showNetPromoterScore and provide the required parameters.


  void _showNPS() {
      context: context,
      texts: NpsSurveyTexts(
        selectScorePageTexts: NpsSelectScorePageTexts(
              "How likely are you to recommend flutter_net_promoter_score to a friend or colleague?",
      onSurveyCompleted: (result) {
        print("NPS Completed");
        print("Score: ${result.score}");
        print("Feedback: ${result.feedback}");
        print("Promoter Type: ${result.promoterType}");
      onClosePressed: () {
        print("User closed the survery");
      onScoreChanged: (newScore) {
        print("User changed the score to $newScore");
      onFeedbackChanged: (newFeedback) {
        print("User change the feedback to $newFeedback");
      thankYouIcon: Icon(
      theme: ThemeData.dark()

Customize texts #

You can customize the texts with your own texts by passing the text parameter. The text parameter contains the following members. Change this members to set you own texts.

  • selectScorePageTexts- Controls the first view texts: "Select Score" .
  • feedbackPageTexts - Controls the second view texts: "Feedback".
  • thankYouPageTexts - Controls the last view texts: "Thank You".

Theming #

flutter_net_promoter_score supports Flutter's themes and gets its look and feel by the app's default Theme style. To customize the look and feel with your favorite appearance you can use the theme parameter and change it according to the following parameters:

Attributes Type Description
cardColor Color Change Background Color
textTheme.caption TextStyle Labels style
textTheme.subtitle2 TextStyle Questions and titles style
bodyText1.bodyText1 TextStyle Score numbers text style
textTheme.button TextStyle Buttons text style
sliderTheme.thumbColor Color Selected score color
buttonColor Color Buttons background color
focusColor Color text field background color
backgroundColor Color Score slider background color
sliderTheme.activeTickMarkColor Color Score slider unselected dots color
iconTheme IconThemeData Close button icon and default thank you icon IconThemeData
hintColor Color Feedback field hint text color

Change Log #

See Change Log page.

Contribution #

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.

Author #

Tomer Shalom

pub points


verified publisherapplitom.com

Simple Flutter component that presents Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues




flutter, flutter_score_slider


Packages that depend on flutter_net_promoter_score