flutter_introduction_tooltip 0.0.2 copy "flutter_introduction_tooltip: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
flutter_introduction_tooltip: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard


A new Flutter plugin to show introduction tooltip for first time app open

Flutter Introduction Tooltip #

A new Flutter plugin to show introduction tooltip for first timer user of the app.

It should support both Android and iOS since it's pure written in Dart.

Getting Started #

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation.

For help on editing plugin code, view the documentation.

Screenshots #

Installation and Usage #

To install this package, you need to add flutter_introduction_tooltip (0.1.0 or higher) to the dependencies list of the pubspec.yaml file as follow:

    sdk: flutter

  flutter_introduction_tooltip: ^0.1.0

Then run command flutter packages get on the console.

How to use #

Add the import to flutter_introduction_tooltip/flutter_introduction_tooltip.dart

Create a global key and attach to the widget you preferred.

import 'package:flutter_introduction_tooltip/flutter_introduction_tooltip.dart

GlobalKey globalKey = GlobalKey();
bool isShowing = false;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: const Text('Plugin example app'),
        body: Builder(
            builder: (BuildContext context) {
              return Stack(
                children: <Widget> [
                    width: MediaQuery
                    alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter,
                    child: Container(
                      color: Colors.blue,
                      key: globalKey,
                      child: Text(
                        'Running on: $_platformVersion\n',

void showTutorial(BuildContext context) async {
    if (!isShowing) {
      new Timer(Duration(milliseconds: 100), () async {
        try {
                  () => popAndNextTutorial(context),
              "MAMA IS A LOREM IPSUM",
          setState(() {
            isShowing = true;
        } catch (e) {
          print("ERROR $e");

If you want the dialog to be on top of the widget, use showTopTutorialOnWidget, If you want the dialog to be on bottom of the widget, use showBottomTutorialOnWidget

The reason i use delay for the execution is because i run the function on the build method, and the build hasn't done yet so i can't draw the tutorial right there, so i delayed it.

Other alternative for doing this is to use library like https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/after_layout

Call Parameters #


  • BuildContext (current context)
  • GlobalKey (globalkey attached to your widget)
  • Color primaryColor (primary color used for the button and circle pointer)
  • VoidCallback positiveCallback (positive callback used when the positive button is clicked)
  • String title (title of the dialog)
  • String subtitlte (subtitle of the dialog)
  • String positiveBtn (title of the positive btn)


  • LineHorizontalPosition lineHorizontalPosition (where you want the line to be, the options is Left, Center, and Right)
  • Widget childBoxWidget (the custom widget if you don't want to use the dialog i provided)
  • bool showLine *defaults to true (whether you want to show the line on top of the dialog or not)
  • double lineHeight *defaults to 7.0 (the height of the line you desired)
  • Widget circleWidget (the circle widget at the end of the line if you want to customize it)
  • bool barrierDismissable *defaults to true (whether you want the background click will dismiss it or not)

Contributors #

Contributions #

Any contributions is very welcomed in this package, just fork this repository to your own github account and create a pull request with the changes description.

Contact #

If you need to ask or discuss about anything, just email me at anggadwiarifandi96@gmail.com

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A new Flutter plugin to show introduction tooltip for first time app open

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Packages that depend on flutter_introduction_tooltip