flutter_iconpicker 3.6.6 copy "flutter_iconpicker: ^3.6.6" to clipboard
flutter_iconpicker: ^3.6.6 copied to clipboard

A Dialog for picking Icons in Flutter and use them anywhere. Can be used as a default Dialog or as a Adaptive Dialog.

[3.6.6] - 07.09.2024 #

  • 🐛 [Hotfix]: Fix mutually exclusive icons while searching (flatten results)

[3.6.5] - 07.09.2024 #

  • 🐛 Fix generate_packs --packs allowed packs parameter

[3.6.4] - 07.09.2024 #

  • 📝 Update generate_packs --help documentation to show allowed packs parameter

[3.6.3] - 07.09.2024 #

  • 🐛 Fix mutually exclusive icons while searching

[3.6.2] - 03.09.2024 #

  • 🐛 Fix typo in Cupertino.dart icons

[3.6.1] - 01.09.2024 #

  • 📝 Add hints to picker modes

[3.6.0] - 31.08.2024 #

  • 💡 [BREAKING CHANGE] showIconPicker and showMultipleIconPicker use now the optional parameter: SinglePickerConfiguration and MultiplePickerConfiguration to configure the picker. Also the parameter selectedIcon is now called: preSelected.
  • 💡 Add support for selecting multiple icons by showMultipleIconPicker which returns List<IconPickerIcon>
  • 💡 Add support for pre-selected icons by preSelected which consumes List<IconPickerIcon>
  • 💡 Update serialization helpers to support multiple icons to serialize
    • Use new helpers serializeIcons and deserializeIcons

[3.5.2] - 31.08.2024 #

  • 🐛 Fix update scrollview_observer web support

[3.5.1] - 30.08.2024 #

  • 🐛 Fix key mapped value for custom icons

[3.5.0] - 30.08.2024 #

  • 💡 [BREAKING CHANGE] Improve returned Icon type
    • Migrate from IconData to IconPickerIcon model which holds now the key, data and pack informations. For more see IconPickerIcon Model. Raw icon data can now be accessed by icon.data.
  • 💡 Add pre-selected Icon when opening the Icon picker by selectedIcon
  • 💡 Add shouldScrollToSelectedIcon to control if scrolling to pre-selected Icon when opening the Icon picker should be enabled or disabled
  • 💡 Add pre-selected color for selected icons by selectedIconBackgroundColor

[3.4.7] - 29.08.2024 #

  • ⬆️ Update dependencies to latest Flutter 3.24.* and Dart SDK 3.5.*
  • ⬆️ Update dcli to 6.0.5

[3.4.6] - 10.07.2024 #

  • 🐛 (Windows): Support empty strings in project path
    • Thanks to: #71

[3.4.5] - 27.05.2024 #

  • ⬆️ Update dependencies to latest Flutter 3.22.* and Dart SDK 3.3.*
  • 📝 Add more hints in documentation
  • 🐛 Fix generate_packs command (caused by dcli package). Thanks for the hint #66

[3.4.4] - 20.02.2024 #

  • 📝 Fix documentation

[3.4.3] - 19.02.2024 #

  • ⬆️ Update dependencies to latest Flutter 3.19.*

[3.4.2] - 14.02.2024 #

  • 📝 Update documentation

[3.4.1] - 14.02.2024 #

  • 🐛 Fix generate_packs command for macOS

[3.4.0] - 14.02.2024 #

  • 🐛 Fix App Size (Flutter app bundles were increased around >= 1 MB)
    • IconPack's are now generated on demand! For more see: Troubleshooting to generate the Icons you need as a developer!
    • Also see: dart run flutter_iconpicker:generate_packs --help for general usage
  • 📝 Update documentation

[3.3.3] - 09.02.2024 #

  • 🐛 Fix iconPickerShape was not applied anymore with Material 3
  • 📝 Update documentation

[3.3.2] - 09.02.2024 #

  • ⬆️ [BREAKING CHANGE] Update main interface
    • The IconPicker is now called via IconData? icon = await showIconPicker(... and not anymore like: IconData? icon = await FlutterIconPicker.showIconPicker(.... Please update your code accordingly!
  • 📝 Update documentation

[3.3.1] - 08.02.2024 #

  • ⬆️ [BREAKING CHANGE] Update dependencies
    • Seperate Material Icons
    • Please check this Migration Guide for more information
  • 📝 Update documentation

[3.3.0] - 08.02.2024 #

  • 💡 Add searchComparator to define a custom search function which can be used instead
  • ⬆️ Update to latest flutter 3.16.*
  • ⬆️ Update dependencies
  • 📝 Update documentation

[3.2.4] - 04.06.2023 #

  • ⬆️ Update to latest flutter 3.10.*
  • ⬆️ Update dependencies:
    • Material Icons
    • FontAwesome Icons

[3.2.2] - 01.11.2022 #

  • 📝 Add Disclaimer to Readme (please read!)
  • ⬆️ Update dependencies (based on flutter stable 3.3.6):
    • Material Icons
    • Cupertino Icons
    • FontAwesome Icons

[3.2.1] - 29.08.2022 #

  • 🐛 Fix mainAxisSpacing and crossAxisSpacing. Thanks for the hint #41

[3.2.0] - 29.08.2022 #

    • Update CupertinoIcons icon call by static accessor -> please check if your already stored icons matches and can be resolved!
  • Update dependencies to latest Flutter 3.0.5 Release
  • Update Material Icons to latest Icons from Stable branch
  • Update Cupertino Icons to latest Icons from Stable branch

[3.1.4+1] - 26.04.2022 #

  • Update Docs

[3.1.4] - 26.04.2022 #

  • Update Dependencies
  • Update font_awesome_flutter icons
  • 🐛 Fix Format

[3.1.3] - 16.04.2022 #

  • 🐛 Fixed pie_chart_outlined not exists.
    • Thanks to: #43

[3.1.2] - 04.01.2022 #

  • 🐛 Fixed default return Material Icons wiht new iconPackModes interface. Thanks to jlnrrg for his hint in #34

[3.1.1] - 29.12.2021 #

  • Remove iconPackMode. Use now: iconPackModes, where you can add a List<IconPack> to provide users multiple packs (including your own customIconPack).

[3.1.0] - 26.12.2021 #

    • iconPackMode is now iconPackModes, where you can add a List<IconPack> to provide users multiple packs (including your own customIconPack). You can also use only a single pack, just do: [IconPack.blabla]
      • Thanks for Feature Request: #34
    • Mark iconPackMode as deprecated

[3.0.5] - 26.12.2021 #

  • 🐛 Fix outdated Material Icons.
  • 🐛 Fix outdated Font Awesome Icons.
  • Update dependencies

[3.0.4] - 02.09.20213 #

  • 🐛 Fix outdated Material Icons.

[3.0.2] - 27.05.2021 #

  • 🐛 Update MaterialIcons to pick through Icons rather then IconData

[3.0.1+2] - 20.05.2021 #

  • Remove main dependencies hive and provider, because PubSpec-Assist for IntelliJ did something wrong here
    • Thanks to: #21

[3.0.1+1] - 20.05.2021 #

  • Breaking Change:
    • iconDataToMap is now named: serializeIcon
      • Works still the same with a little addition: serializeIcon(IconData icon, {IconPack iconPack})
    • mapToIconData is now named: deserializeIcon

[3.0.1] - 20.05.2021 #

  • 🐛 Fix and adapt to constant changes in IconPacks (especially: MaterialIcons) changes in codePoints
  • Update example-project with explicit DB example (hive + provider)

[3.0.0] - 05.03.2021 #

  • Migrate to nullsafety
    • Use 2.2.3 if you are not ready for null-safety yet
  • Remove some dependencies to be more independent with null-safety
  • Update Material Icons:
    • Add all Sharp, Rounded and Outlined icons
    • General clean up and update with Flutter 2.0.1

[2.2.3] - 20.02.2021 #

  • Update flutter components
  • clean-up

[2.2.2] - 26.10.2020 #

  • 🐛 Update dependencies (Cupertino, LineAwesome, FontAwesome)
  • Add showSearchBar

[2.1.5] - 13.08.2020 #

  • Format for publication with dartfmt -w .

[2.1.4] - 13.08.2020 #

  • 🐛 Fix Search-Bar if custom icons are selected

[2.1.2] - 18.07.2020 #

  • Major Performance fixes (Many thanks goes to: Leonard Arnold)
    • Added dynamic GridView.builder with SliverGridDelegateWithMaxCrossAxisExtent
    • Remove additional _buildIcons method
  • Add custom as a new IconPackMode so you can now add your own customized Icons
  • Add customIconPack as Map<String, IconData>
  • Update example with myCustomIcons

[2.0.6] - 21.05.2020 #

  • 🐛 Fix FontAwesomeIcons Pack

[2.0.5] - 18.05.2020 #

  • Add option showTooltips for showing the name of the icon in a Tooltip

[2.0.4] - 17.05.2020 #

  • Introducing: AdaptiveDialog with the help of Rody Davis - Adaptive Dialogs
    • Minor changes and additions to improve AdaptiveDialog with BoxConstraints and ShapeBorder
    • Use of raw Dialog
  • Update pub dependencies (Fixes on font_awesome_flutter landed)
  • Add AlertDialog constraints for custom dialog size
  • Add Color parameters for background and icons
  • Add Icon parameters for custom prefix and suffix icons in SearchBar
  • Add ColorBrightness to detect proper colors for texts depending of dialogs background color
  • 🐛 Fix white gaps inside IconPicker
  • Add custom parameters: main and cross axis spacing between icons
  • Add barrierDismissible
  • Add API-Reference in Readme
  • Update Example:
    • add Theme-Modes
    • add AdaptiveDialog switch

[1.1.3] - 04.05.2020 #

  • Performance optimization:
    • Switch from InkResponse to GestureDetector for selecting Icons: #6

[1.1.2] - 27.04.2020 #

  • Add missing fontPackage to Serialization
    • Thanks to: PR5

[1.1.1] - 31.03.2020 #

  • 🐛 Fixed FontAwesome import

[1.1.0] - 21.03.2020 #

  • 🐛 Add new IconPacks: Material Outline, Cupertino, LineAwesome, FontAwesome
    • Fixes: #2
  • Refactor IconPacks
  • Add iconPackMode

[0.8.2] - 20.03.2020 #

  • 🐛 Add default values
    • Fixes: #3
  • Swiped last search

[0.1.5] - 11.01.2020 #

  • Improve performance with loading icons on showIconPicker
    • render icons async
    • add const where possible

[0.1.4] - 07.01.2020 #

  • Support Light & Dark Mode with:
    • Theme.of(context).dialogBackgroundColor for LinearGradient

[0.1.3] - 02.01.2020 #

  • Add Serialization for persisting IconData
    • iconDataToMap(iconData)
    • mapToIconData(map)
  • Add additional information in Readme

[0.1.2] - 19.12.2019 #

  • Add example project

[0.1.0] - 16.12.2019 #

  • Add scrollable Material Icons
  • Add SearchBar
  • Add CloseButton
  • Add arguments for picker
pub points


verified publisherahmadre.com

A Dialog for picking Icons in Flutter and use them anywhere. Can be used as a default Dialog or as a Adaptive Dialog.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


args, collection, cupertino_icons, dcli, equatable, flutter, font_awesome_flutter, path, provider, scrollview_observer


Packages that depend on flutter_iconpicker