flutter_dynatrace 0.0.5 copy "flutter_dynatrace: ^0.0.5" to clipboard
flutter_dynatrace: ^0.0.5 copied to clipboard


Mobile agent integration with Flutter!

flutter_dynatrace #

This plugin allows you to use the Dynatrace Mobile SDKs (iOS and Android) to help monitor your Flutter apps. Please give the example app attached to the plugin repo a go if you want to test out the similar SDK calls in this doc.

This plugin is NOT officially supported by Dynatrace.

How to use the plugin: #

Android: #

Grade snippet in WebUI

Add the code snippet from the WebUI to your Root build.gradle file: Grade snippet in Android Studio Link to the official Dynatrace doc on implementing the above

iOS: #

Go to your project in terminal and run: pod install pod install command in terminal

Add the code snippet from the WebUI to your Runner info.plist: info.plist in WebUI info.plist in Xcode

Starting the Agent manually: #

import 'package:flutter_dynatrace/flutter_dynatrace.dart';
import 'dart:io' show Platform;

String appId = "updateThisValue";
String beaconUrl = "updateThisValue";

// This can be set in the initState function so that the agents can start when the app starts
  void initState() {
	if (Platform.isIOS == true) {
	} else if (Platform.isAndroid == true) {
		// startup(String appId, String beaconUrl, bool withDebugLogging, bool certValidation, bool crashReporting, bool optIn)
		Dynatrace.startup(appId, beaconUrl, true, false, false, false);


Single/Parent Action: #

Dynatrace.enterAction(); Required parameters:

  • parentAction
  • parentActionName

Dynatrace.leaveAction(); Required parameters:

  • parentAction
Dynatrace.enterAction(parentAction: actions[0], parentActionName: "Touch on " + options[1]);
// do something
Dynatrace.leaveAction(parentAction: actions[0]);

Result: Single Action

Sub Actions: #

Dynatrace.enterAction(); Required parameters:

  • parentAction
  • subAction
  • subActionName

Dynatrace.leaveAction(); Required parameters:

  • subAction
Dynatrace.enterAction(parentAction: actions[1], parentActionName: "Touch on " + options[2]);
// do something
Dynatrace.enterAction(subAction: actions[2], subActionName: "First Sub Action", parentAction: actions[1]);
// do something
Dynatrace.enterAction(subAction: actions[3], subActionName: "Second Sub Action", parentAction: actions[1]);
// do something
Dynatrace.enterAction(subAction: actions[4], subActionName: "Third Sub Action", parentAction: actions[1]);
// do something
Dynatrace.leaveAction(subAction: actions[4]);
Dynatrace.leaveAction(subAction: actions[3]);
Dynatrace.leaveAction(subAction: actions[2]);
Dynatrace.leaveAction(parentAction: actions[1]);

Result: Sub Actions

Web Action (Needs to be inside of a Parent or Sub Action): #

Note: Currently have this set for JSON requests and request types of POST or GET. I will work on making this more dynamic in the future.

Dynatrace.dynaWebRequest(); Required parameters:

  • parentAction OR subAction
  • url
  • requestType
    • "GET"
    • "POST"
List<String> urls = ["https://dog.ceo/api/breed/husky/image/random", "https://dog.ceo/api/breed/labrador/image/random", "https://dog.ceo/api/breed/retriever/images/random", "https://dog.ceo/api/breed/sheepdog/images/random", "https://dog.ceo/api/breed/chow/images/random"];
Dynatrace.enterAction(parentAction: actions[5], parentActionName: "Touch on " + options[3]);
// This is used for web requests of application/json and will automatically tag and time the request and return of response body if you want to use it.
// I will add more functionality to this in upcoming releases/updates
// requestType can be "POST" or "GET" - if others are used, the web request will not occur
Dynatrace.dynaWebRequest(parentAction: actions[5], url: urls[0], requestType: "GET");
Dynatrace.dynaWebRequest(parentAction: actions[5], url: urls[1], requestType: "GET");
Dynatrace.dynaWebRequest(parentAction: actions[5], url: urls[2], requestType: "GET");
Dynatrace.dynaWebRequest(parentAction: actions[5], url: urls[3], requestType: "GET");
Dynatrace.dynaWebRequest(parentAction: actions[5], url: urls[4], requestType: "GET");
Dynatrace.leaveAction(parentAction: actions[5]);

Result: Web Action

Web Action with reportValue - String: #

Dynatrace.reportValue(); (String) Required parameters:

  • parentAction OR subAction
  • key
  • stringValue
Dynatrace.enterAction(parentAction: actions[6], parentActionName: "Touch on Web Action + reportString");
// This is used for web requests of application/json and will automatically tag and time the request and return of response body if you want to use it.
// I will add more functionality to this in upcoming releases/updates
// requestType can be "POST" or "GET" - if others are used, the web request will not occur
// set response to String of JSON
String reportValueMessage = await Dynatrace.dynaWebRequest(parentAction: actions[6], url: "https://dog.ceo/api/breeds/image/random", requestType: "GET");
// decode response
var jsonResp = json.decode(reportValueMessage);
// set new String to grab the key title's value
var message = jsonResp["message"];
// use the reportValue(string) SDK to put it in the waterfall
Dynatrace.reportValue(parentAction: actions[6], key: "Message", stringValue: message);
// leave action
Dynatrace.leaveAction(parentAction: actions[6]);

Result: Web Action with reportString

With just a parentAction and reportString: reportValue - String

reportValue - Int: #

Dynatrace.reportValue(); (Int) Required parameters:

  • parentAction OR subAction
  • key
  • intValue
Dynatrace.enterAction(parentAction: actions[8], parentActionName: "Touch on + " + options[6]);
Dynatrace.reportValue(parentAction: actions[8], key: "Jenny", intValue: 8675309);
Dynatrace.leaveAction(parentAction: actions[8]);

Result: reportValue - Int

reportValue - Double: #

Dynatrace.reportValue(); (Double) Required parameters:

  • parentAction OR subAction
  • key
  • doubleValue
Dynatrace.enterAction(parentAction: actions[9], parentActionName: "Touch on + " + options[7]);
Dynatrace.reportValue(parentAction: actions[9], key: "Mobile", doubleValue: 1.337);
Dynatrace.leaveAction(parentAction: actions[9]);

Result: reportValue - Double

reportEvent: #

Dynatrace.reportEvent(); Required parameters:

  • parentAction OR subAction
  • event
Dynatrace.enterAction(parentAction: actions[10], parentActionName: "Touch on + " + options[8]);
Dynatrace.reportEvent(parentAction: actions[10], event: "Data has been received!");
Dynatrace.leaveAction(parentAction: actions[10]);

Result: reportEvent

reportError: #

This is essentially the same implementation as reportEvent currently. I will update this in a future release.

Dynatrace.reportError(); Required parameters:

  • parentAction OR subAction
  • error
int a = 100; 
int b = 0; 
int result;

Dynatrace.enterAction(parentAction: actions[12], parentActionName: "Touch on + " + options[10]);

	try {  
    	result = a ~/ b; 
    } catch(e) { 
        Dynatrace.reportError(parentAction: actions[12], error: e.toString()); 

Dynatrace.leaveAction(parentAction: actions[12]);

Result: reportError2 reportError

All options for reportValue + reportEvent + reportError: #

int a = 100; 
int b = 0; 
int result;

Dynatrace.enterAction(parentAction: actions[12], parentActionName: "Touch on + " + options[10]);
Dynatrace.reportValue(parentAction: actions[12], key: "Dynatrace", stringValue: "All-in-one, all you need");
Dynatrace.reportValue(parentAction: actions[12], key: "Jenny", intValue: 8675309);
Dynatrace.reportValue(parentAction: actions[12], key: "Mobile", doubleValue: 1.337);
Dynatrace.reportEvent(parentAction: actions[12], event: "Data has been received!");

	try {  
    	result = a ~/ b; 
    } catch(e) { 
        Dynatrace.reportError(parentAction: actions[12], error: e.toString()); 

Dynatrace.leaveAction(parentAction: actions[12]);

Result: reportValues

Using identifyUser: #

String userName = "flutter@dynatrace.com"; 

Setting Data Collection Level: #

// Set level to off - You can use "OFF" or "off"

// Set level to performance - You can use "PERFORMANCE" or "performance"

// Set level to user behavior - You can use "USER_BEHAVIOR" or "user_behavior"

Setting Crash Reporting Capture: #

// On

// Off

No parameter SDK calls: #


SDK calls with return values: #

These will return a Future

dataCollectionLevel() async {	
    String collLevel = await Dynatrace.getDataCollectionLevel();

crashReportCapture() async {
	bool crashReport = await Dynatrace.isCrashReportingOptedIn();

isCaptureStatus() async {
	bool capture = await Dynatrace.getCaptureStatus();

Results from the Example app in Dynatrace (Left is Android - Right is iOS): #

Overall Session view from the above examples: Sessions

I will provide more examples and features in upcoming releases. Any feedback on what you like and or don't like and what would be useful to have changed/updated, would be fantastic!


pub points


unverified uploader

Mobile agent integration with Flutter!

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, http


Packages that depend on flutter_dynatrace