flutter_dynatrace 0.0.2 copy "flutter_dynatrace: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
flutter_dynatrace: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard


Mobile agent integration with Flutter!

flutter_dynatrace #

This plugin allows you to use the Dynatrace Mobile SDKs (iOS and Android) to help monitor your Flutter apps.

This plugin is NOT officially supported by Dynatrace.

How to use the plugin: #

Android: Grade snippet in WebUI Add the code snippet from the WebUI to your Root build.gradle file: Grade snippet in Android Studio Link to the official Dynatrace doc on implementing the above

iOS: Go to your project in terminal and run: pod install pod install command in terminal Add the code snippet from the WebUI to your Runner info.plist: info.plist in WebUI info.plist in Xcode

Starting the Agent manually: #

import 'package:flutter_dynatrace/flutter_dynatrace.dart';
import 'dart:io' show Platform;

String appId = "updateThisValue";
String beaconUrl = "updateThisValue";

// This can be set in the initState function so that the agents can start when the app starts
  void initState() {
	if (Platform.isIOS == true) {
	} else if (Platform.isAndroid == true) {
		// startup(String appId, String beaconUrl, bool withDebugLogging, bool certValidation, bool crashReporting, bool optIn)
		Dynatrace.startup(appId, beaconUrl, true, false, false, false);


Create user action: #

You will need to use the following combinations of parameters(or this SDK call won’t work): For enterAction: parentAction and parentActionName or subAction, subActionName AND parentAction

For leaveAction: parentAction or subAction

Single Action

Dynatrace.enterAction(parentAction: actions[0], parentActionName: "Touch on " + options[1]);
// do something
Dynatrace.leaveAction(parentAction: actions[0]);

Sub Actions

Dynatrace.enterAction(parentAction: actions[1], parentActionName: "Touch on " + options[2]);
// do something
Dynatrace.enterAction(subAction: actions[2], subActionName: "First Sub Action", parentAction: actions[1]);
// do something
Dynatrace.enterAction(subAction: actions[3], subActionName: "Second Sub Action", parentAction: actions[1]);
// do something
Dynatrace.enterAction(subAction: actions[4], subActionName: "Third Sub Action", parentAction: actions[1]);
// do something
Dynatrace.leaveAction(subAction: actions[4]);
Dynatrace.leaveAction(subAction: actions[3]);
Dynatrace.leaveAction(subAction: actions[2]);
Dynatrace.leaveAction(parentAction: actions[1]);

Web Action

String url = "https://dog.ceo/api/breeds/image/random";
Dynatrace.enterAction(parentAction: actions[5], parentActionName: "Touch on " + options[3]);
// This is used for web requests of application/json and will automatically tag and time the request and return of response body if you want to use it.
// I will add more functionality to this in upcoming releases/updates
// requestType can be "POST" or "GET" - if others are used, the web request will not occur
Dynatrace.dynaWebRequest(parentAction: actions[5], url: url, requestType: "GET");
Dynatrace.dynaWebRequest(parentAction: actions[5], url: url, requestType: "GET");
Dynatrace.dynaWebRequest(parentAction: actions[5], url: url, requestType: "GET");
Dynatrace.dynaWebRequest(parentAction: actions[5], url: url, requestType: "GET");
Dynatrace.dynaWebRequest(parentAction: actions[5], url: url, requestType: "GET");
Dynatrace.leaveAction(parentAction: actions[5]);

Web Action with reportValue (String)

Dynatrace.enterAction(parentAction: actions[6], parentActionName: "Touch on Web Action + reportString");
// This is used for web requests of application/json and will automatically tag and time the request and return of response body if you want to use it.
// I will add more functionality to this in upcoming releases/updates
// requestType can be "POST" or "GET" - if others are used, the web request will not occur
// set response to String of JSON
String reportValueMessage = await Dynatrace.dynaWebRequest(parentAction: actions[6], url: "https://dog.ceo/api/breeds/image/random", requestType: "GET");
// decode response
var jsonResp = json.decode(reportValueMessage);
// set new String to grab the key title's value
var message = jsonResp["message"];
// use the reportValue(string) SDK to put it in the waterfall
Dynatrace.reportValue(parentAction: actions[6], key: "Message", stringValue: message);
// leave action
Dynatrace.leaveAction(parentAction: actions[6]);

Using reportValue:

You will need to use the following combinations of parameters(or this SDK call won’t work): parentAction, key AND either stringValue, intValue or doubleValue or subAction, key AND either stringValue, intValue or doubleValue

reportError will require parentAction || subAction + error as string (appednd .toString()) I will also try and find a better way to approach the reportError SDK call in future releases

reportEvent will require parentAction || subAction + event

int a = 100; 
int b = 0; 
int result;

Dynatrace.enterAction(parentAction: actions[12], parentActionName: "Touch on + " + options[10]);
Dynatrace.reportValue(parentAction: actions[12], key: "Dynatrace", stringValue: "All-in-one, all you need");
Dynatrace.reportValue(parentAction: actions[12], key: "Jenny", intValue: 8675309);
Dynatrace.reportValue(parentAction: actions[12], key: "Mobile", doubleValue: 1.337);
Dynatrace.reportEvent(parentAction: actions[12], event: "Data has been received!");
try {  
    result = a ~/ b; 
} catch(e) { 
    Dynatrace.reportError(parentAction: actions[12], error: e.toString()); 
Dynatrace.leaveAction(parentAction: actions[12]);

Using identifyUser:

String userName = "flutter@dynatrace.com"; 

No parameter SDK calls:


SDK calls with return values:

These will return a Future

dataCollectionLevel() async {	
    String collLevel = await Dynatrace.getDataCollectionLevel();

crashReportCapture() async {
	bool crashReport = await Dynatrace.isCrashReportingOptedIn();

isCaptureStatus() async {
	bool capture = await Dynatrace.getCaptureStatus();

Results from the Example app in Dynatrace (Left is Android - Right is iOS): #

Overall Sessions: Sessions

Single Action: Single Action

Sub Actions: Sub Actions

Web Action: Web Action

Web Action with reportString: Web Action

reportValue - String: reportValue - String

reportValue - Int: reportValue - Int

reportValue - Double: reportValue - Double

reportEvent: reportEvent

reportError: reportError

reportValues: reportValues

I will provide more examples and features in upcoming releases. Any feedback on what you like and or don't like and what would be useful to have changed/updated, would be fantastic!


pub points


unverified uploader

Mobile agent integration with Flutter!

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, http


Packages that depend on flutter_dynatrace