flutter_clean 0.0.1 copy "flutter_clean: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
flutter_clean: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard


flutter_clean library #

Introduction #

The flutter_clean is a package that helps to generate files according to this dataflow: #

Generation result. Folders structure: #

Entry point #

After generation the new feature you will be got a file that names: <FeatureName>_builder.dart. There is our entry point. #

Example: #

class NewFeatureBuilder {
  static NewFeaturePage build() {
    final dataSource = NewFeatureDataSource();
    final repository = NewFeatureRepository(dataSource);
    final usecase = NewFeatureUsecase(repository);
    final viewModel = NewFeatureViewModel(usecase);
    return NewFeaturePage(viewModel: viewModel);

To use a new feature you just need to call <FeatureName>Buidler.build() this method will return <FeatureName>Page with all dependencies #

Generator #

Example: #

    flutter pub run flutter_clean --name NewFeature --output lib/src/features

Feature naming convention: #

    -n example
    --name example
    -n Example
    --name Example
    -n ExampleFeature
    --name ExampleFeature

Output parameter is optional. Default path is: lib/features. #

    -o lib/src/features
    --output lib/src/features