flutter_cache_store 0.1.1-beta copy "flutter_cache_store: ^0.1.1-beta" to clipboard
flutter_cache_store: ^0.1.1-beta copied to clipboard


More configurable cache manager for Flutter. Cache http get requests to mobile devices file system.

flutter_cache_store #

A flexible cache manager for Flutter.

This package is highly inspired by flutter_cache_manager. Can be easily switched to each other.

Quick Start #

import 'package:flutter_cache_store/flutter_cache_store.dart';

void demo(String url) async {
  final store = await CacheStore.getInstance();
  final file = await store.getFile(url);
  // do something with file...

APIs #

void api() async {
  // set expiration policy.
  // must be called before `CacheStore.getInstance` or will raise an exception.
  // default: LessRecentlyUsedPolicy(maxCount: 999)
  CacheStore.setPolicy(LessRecentlyUsedPolicy(maxCount: 4096));

  // get a singleton store instance
  CacheStore store = await CacheStore.getInstance(
      clearNow: true // default: false - whethere to clean up immediately

  // fetch a file from an URL and cache it
  File file = await store.getFile(
    'url', // GET method
    key: null, // use custom string instead of URL
    headers: {}, // same as http.get
    flushCache: false, // whether to re-download the file

  // flush specific files by keys
  await store.flush([
    'key', // key (default is the URL) passed to `getFile`

  // remove all cached files
  await store.clearAll();

About Policy #

Currently, there is only one policy available. More policies may be added soon.

  1. LessRecentlyUsedPolicy

    Less Recently Used files will be removed when reached maxCount. Each time you access a file will update its used timestamp.

    new LessRecentlyUsedPolicy(
      maxCount: 999, // default: 999

    The current version is super naive. It's simply sorting all items by last used timestamp. So it still possible hits performance you because of O(N*logN) complexity with a very large number.

How to implement your own policy #

The interface is a simple abstract class. You only have to implement a few methods.

abstract class CacheStorePolicy {
  // `store` will invoke this method from time to time.
  // Make sure return all expired items at once.
  // then `store` will manage to remove the cached files.
  // you also have to save your data if need to persist some data.
  Future<Iterable<CacheItem>> cleanup(Iterable<CacheItem> allItems);

  // will be invoked when store.clearAll called.
  Future<void> clearAll(Iterable<CacheItem> allItems) async {}

  // will invoke only once when the `store` is created and load saved data.
  // you need to load persistent data and restore items' payload.
  // only returned items will be cached. others will be recycled later.
  Future<Iterable<CacheItem>> restore(List<CacheItem> allItems) async => allItems;

  // event when a new `CacheItem` has been added to the cache.
  // you may need to attach a `CacheItemPayload` instance to it.
  Future<void> onAdded(final CacheItem addedItem) async {}

  // event when an item just been accessed.
  // you may need to attach or update item's payload.
  Future<void> onAccessed(final CacheItem accessedItem, bool flushed) async {}

  // event when a request just finished.
  // the response headers will be passed as well.
  Future<void> onDownloaded(final CacheItem item, final Map<String, String> headers) async {}

  // event when `store.flush` has called
  Future<void> onFlushed(final Iterable<CacheItem> flushedItems) async {}

  // filename (including path) relative to `CacheItem.rootPath`
  // usually ignore this unless need a better files structure
  String generateFilename() => Utils.genName();
  • Tips

    You don't have to implement all of the onAdded, onAccessed and onDownloaded. Only override the one you needed. For example:

    1. You can create a FIFO policy with onAdded
    2. Least Frequently Used policy can be implement with only onAccessed
    3. Standard http cache can just use onDownloaded
pub points


unverified uploader

More configurable cache manager for Flutter. Cache http get requests to mobile devices file system.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, http, path_provider, shared_preferences, synchronized


Packages that depend on flutter_cache_store