flutter_bloc_generator 0.1.2 copy "flutter_bloc_generator: ^0.1.2" to clipboard
flutter_bloc_generator: ^0.1.2 copied to clipboard


Automatic BLoC generator for flutter.

flutter_bloc_generator #

Usage #

Add flutter_bloc_generator and build_runner as dev_dependencies to make the build_runner cli and BLoCGenerator available for generation.

  build_runner: <latest_version>
  flutter_bloc_generator: <latest_version>

Output #

flutter_bloc_generator outputs a .bloc.dart file in the same directory as the file using the annotations. This file is a part of file that needs to be a part of the original file. To generate the files use build_runners command line package to build out any annotations. E.g.

> flutter packages pub run build_runner build

or to watch for changes:

> flutter packages pub run build_runner watch

Example #

A more extensive example can be found in the root example/ directory.