floop 0.3.0 copy "floop: ^0.3.0" to clipboard
floop: ^0.3.0 copied to clipboard


Dynamic values for widgets. Changes values from anywhere and affected widgets are updated.

Floop #

Dynamic values for Flutter widgets. Inspired by react-recollect. Allows building interactive apps using purely Stateless Widgets.

Example - How to use #

-class Clicker extends StatelessWidget {
+class Clicker extends StatelessWidget with Floop {

-Widget build(BuildContext context) {
+Widget buildWithFloop(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Center(
+          child: Text(floop['clicks'].toString())
      floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
        child: Icon(Icons.add),
+        onPressed: () => floop['clicks']++    // change 'clicks' from anywhere in the app and the widget will get updated

The example above displays everything required to use the library. An additional feature worth mentioning is that it is also possible to use transition(3000) within the [buildWithFloop] method to have a value transition from 0 to 1 in 3000 milliseconds. See transitions for more information.

floop is just an instance of an [ObservedMap] that comes with the library, but any number of [ObservedMap] can be created instead, for example: Map<String, int> myDynamicInts = ObservedMap().

On Stateful widgets: ...extends FloopState (the Widget itself is left unchanged).

  • Store data that affects many widgets (eg. user data). If the data changes anywhere in the app, the widgets are automatically updated.

  • Great for asynchronous operations like data fetching. Store the async data on floop and conditionally check floop['myData'] == null ? LoadingWidget() : DisplayDataWidget(floop['myData']). Example. It might even be convenient to store the widget itself instead of the data: floop['myWidget'] ?? LoadingWidget().

  • Perform simple animations.

Install #

Add floop dependency to your project's pubspec.yaml

  floop: any

Run flutter pub get in the root folder of your project.

Transitions and Animations #


  Widget buildWithFloop(BuildContext context) {
    return Opacity(
      opacity: transition(3000),
      child: Container(Text('Text will completely appear after 3 seconds')),

Disclaimer(to be updated when more knowledge is acquired): I have not digged in into the Flutter animations API, neither have I used it. I suspect animated widgets work directly on an internal layer of the framework that allows them to be far more efficient. Making a fully animated app with Floop is possible as it can be corroborated with the examples, however I cannot ensure this is a good idea, since there is an overhead that would be unnecesary with a specialized API. What I can ensure for now is that it is perfectly fine to use for simple sporadic animations, that's what it is designed for. The great advantage is that of being extremely flexible and easy to use.

Details #

floop is an instance of [ObservedMap], which implements [Map]. create alternative 'stores' doing Map myStore = ObservedMap() ([Map<K, V>] also possible).

Widgets only subscribe to the keys read during the last build. This means that keys that were read in a previous build that for example are used inside conditions that didn't trigger, will not get subscribed to the widget and will therefore not update the widget. This is consistent, if a key is not read during the last build, a change on it's value has no impact on the widget's build output.

[Map] and [List] values will not be stored as they are, but rather they'll get deep copied (automatically). Every [Map] gets copied as an [ObservedMap] instance, while lists get copied using [List.unmodifiable]. Maps and Lists can be stored as they are using the method [ObservedMap.setValue], however by doing so the values inside the Map or List will not update Widgets when they change. [ObservedMap.setValue] also offers the option to stop widgets from updating when setting the value.

Floop Light #

Performance hit by using [Floop] shouldn't be an issue in common use cases. However, when attempting to optimize the app, switch from the [Floop] mixin to [FloopLight] mixin whenever possible. [FloopLight] only allows listening to one [ObservedMap] during each Widget's build. This should satisfy most use cases, but it's uncompatible with transitions API when also reading from an [ObservedMap] while building the widget, since transitions use an internal [ObservedMap].

Performance #

As a rule of thumb, including Floop in a Widget can be considered (being pessimistic) as wrapping the Widget with a small Widget. In practice it's better than that, because there is only one widget, so there is not impact that goes beyond the Widget's build time. It also has to be considered that a Widget's build time is far from being the bottleneck of the rendering process in Flutter. Even an order of magnitude of performance hit in the Widgets build time might go unnoticed.

The following performance impact exist on the Floop Widget build time when reading data from an [ObservedMap], compared to building the Widget without Floop and reading the same data from a [LinkedHashMap]. Bear in mind these are rough numbers, the benchmarks had quite some variability and they depend on the device where they are run.

In very small Widgets (less than 10 lines in the build method), including Floop implies the following performance hit in build time:

  • x1.6 when 0 values are read (x1.1 FloopLight).
  • x4 when up to 5 values are read (x2.6 FloopLight).
  • x6 when up to 20 values are read (x3.3 FloopLight).

In medium Widgets:

  • x1.4 when 0 values are read (x1.06 FloopLight).
  • x3 when up to 5 values are read (x2.1 FloopLight).
  • x4.5 when up to 20 values are read (x2.8 FloopLight).

If more values are read, the [Map] read operation starts becoming the bottleneck of the Widget's build time even when reading from a regular [Map] and so the performance hit starts approaching the difference between reading from a [Map] and an [ObservedMap] while listening. The performance hit when reading from an [ObservedMap] in comparison to a regular [LinkedHashMap] is the following:

  • x1.25 using the map like a regular map.
  • x2.5 while Floop is on 'listening' mode (when a Widget is building).
  • x5 - x8 considering the whole preprocessing (start listening) and post processing (stop listening), which means preparing to listen and commiting all the reads that were 'observed' during the build of a widget.

Benchmarks have quite some variability on each run, it depends if debugging or not, the type of data being written or read, the amount of data, etc. Generally the performance hit is proportional to the amount of data read, converging at about x7 for 100 values read, then it increases logarithmically (x8 for 100000 thousand).

For optimizing the app, the alternative [FloopLight] mixin can be used, which converges at about x4 build time increase (less than 3x for few values, 1.1x no values read). It has the limitation described in the details section.

Writing performance #

Writing to an [ObservedMap] has a rough performance hit of x3.2 in all circumstances, unless there are widgets subscribed to the key, in which case there is the extra time that takes Flutter to run [Element.markNeedsBuild]. This time is not counted, since that method would be called anyways to update the Widget.

Collaborate #

Feel free to collaborate, report bugs, give advice or ideas to improve the library.

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Dynamic values for widgets. Changes values from anywhere and affected widgets are updated.

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