ff_annotation_route 4.2.3 copy "ff_annotation_route: ^4.2.3" to clipboard
ff_annotation_route: ^4.2.3 copied to clipboard


Provide a route generator to create route map quickly by annotations.

ff_annotation_route #

pub package GitHub stars GitHub forks GitHub license GitHub issues flutter-candies

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Description #

Provide a route generator to create route map quickly by annotations.

Usage #

Add packages to dev_dependencies #

Add the package to dev_dependencies in your project/packages's pubspec.yaml

  ff_annotation_route: latest-version

Download with flutter packages get

Add annotation #

Empty Constructor

import 'package:ff_annotation_route/ff_annotation_route.dart';

  name: "fluttercandies://mainpage",
  routeName: "MainPage",
class MainPage extends StatelessWidget
  // ...

Constructor with arguments

The tool will handle it. What you should take care is that provide import url by setting argumentImports if it has class/enum argument.

import 'package:ff_annotation_route/ff_annotation_route.dart';

  name: 'flutterCandies://testPageE',
  routeName: 'testPageE',
  description: 'This is test page E.',
  argumentImports: <String>[
    'import \'package:example/src/model/test_model.dart\';',
    'import \'package:example/src/model/test_model1.dart\';'
  exts: <String, dynamic>{
    'group': 'Complex',
    'order': 1,
class TestPageE extends StatelessWidget {
  const TestPageE({
    this.testMode = const TestMode(
      id: 2,
      isTest: false,
  factory TestPageE.deafult() => TestPageE(
        testMode: TestMode.deafult(),

  factory TestPageE.required({@required TestMode testMode}) => TestPageE(
        testMode: testMode,

  final TestMode testMode;
  final TestMode1 testMode1;


Parameter Description Default
name The name of the route (e.g., "/settings") required
showStatusBar Whether to show the status bar. true
routeName The route name to track page. ''
pageRouteType The type of page route.(material, cupertino, transparent) -
description The description of the route. ''
exts The extend arguments. -
argumentImports The imports of arguments. For example, class/enum argument should provide import url. -

Generate Route File #


Add dart bin into to your $PATH.


More info

Activate the plugin

pub global activate ff_annotation_route

Execute command

Go to your project's root and execute command.

ff_route <command> [arguments]

Command Parameter

Available commands:

-h, --[no-]help                   Help usage.

-p, --path                        Flutter project root path.
                                  (defaults to ".")

-o, --output                      The path of main project route file and helper file.It is relative to the lib directory.

-n, --name                        The class name for the routes constant.
                                  (defaults to "Routes")

-g, --git                         Scan git lib (you should specify package names and split multiple by ,)
    --routes-file-output          The path of routes file. It is relative to the lib directory
    --const-ignore                The regular to ignore some route consts    
    --[no-]route-names            Whether generate route names as a list
    --[no-]route-helper           Whether generate xxx_route_helper.dart
    --[no-]route-constants        Whether generate route names as constants
    --[no-]no-arguments           Whether RouteSettings has arguments(for lower flutter sdk)
    --[no-]package                Is it a package
    --[no-]no-is-initial-route    Whether RouteSettings has isInitialRoute(for higher flutter sdk)
    --[no-]supper-arguments       Whether generate page arguments helper class

-s, --[no-]save                   Whether save the arguments into the local
                                  It will execute the local arguments if run "ff_route" without any arguments.

Main.dart #

  • If you execute command with --route-helper, FFNavigatorObserver/FFRouteSettings will generate in xxx_route_helper.dart which help you to track page or change status bar state.

  • If you execute command with --route-helper, FFTransparentPageRoute will generate in xxx_route_helper.dart which helps you to push a transparent page route.

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  // This widget is the root of your application.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'ff_annotation_route demo',
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      theme: ThemeData(
        primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
      initialRoute: Routes.fluttercandiesMainpage,
      onGenerateRoute: (RouteSettings settings) {
        //when refresh web, route will as following
        //   /
        //   /fluttercandies:
        //   /fluttercandies:/
        //   /fluttercandies://mainpage
        if (kIsWeb && settings.name.startsWith('/')) {
          return onGenerateRouteHelper(
            settings.copyWith(name: settings.name.replaceFirst('/', '')),
                getRouteResult(name: Routes.fluttercandiesMainpage).widget,
        return onGenerateRouteHelper(settings,
            builder: (Widget child, RouteResult result) {
          if (settings.name == Routes.fluttercandiesMainpage ||
              settings.name == Routes.fluttercandiesDemogrouppage) {
            return child;
          return CommonWidget(
            child: child,
            result: result,

Push #

Push name

  Navigator.pushNamed(context, Routes.fluttercandiesMainpage /* fluttercandies://mainpage */);

Push name with arguments

  • arguments MUST be a Map<String, dynamic>
    arguments: <String, dynamic>{
      constructorName: 'required',
      'testMode': const TestMode(
        id: 100,
        isTest: true,
  • enable --supper-arguments
    arguments: Routes.flutterCandiesTestPageE.requiredC(
      testMode: const TestMode(
        id: 100,
        isTest: true,

Code Hints

you can use route as 'Routes.flutterCandiesTestPageE', and see Code Hints from ide.

  • default
  /// 'This is test page E.'
  /// [name] : 'flutterCandies://testPageE'
  /// [routeName] : 'testPageE'
  /// [description] : 'This is test page E.'
  /// [constructors] :
  /// TestPageE : [TestMode testMode, TestMode1 testMode1]
  /// TestPageE.deafult : []
  /// TestPageE.required : [TestMode(required) testMode]
  /// [exts] : {group: Complex, order: 1}
  static const String flutterCandiesTestPageE = 'flutterCandies://testPageE';
  • enable --supper-arguments
  /// 'This is test page E.'
  /// [name] : 'flutterCandies://testPageE'
  /// [routeName] : 'testPageE'
  /// [description] : 'This is test page E.'
  /// [constructors] :
  /// TestPageE : [TestMode testMode, TestMode1 testMode1]
  /// TestPageE.test : []
  /// TestPageE.requiredC : [TestMode(required) testMode]
  /// [exts] : {group: Complex, order: 1}
  static const _FlutterCandiesTestPageE flutterCandiesTestPageE =

  class _FlutterCandiesTestPageE {
    const _FlutterCandiesTestPageE();
    String get name => 'flutterCandies://testPageE';
    Map<String, dynamic> d(
            {TestMode testMode = const TestMode(id: 2, isTest: false),
            TestMode1 testMode1}) =>
        <String, dynamic>{
          'testMode': testMode,
          'testMode1': testMode1,
    Map<String, dynamic> test() => const <String, dynamic>{
          'constructorName': 'test',
    Map<String, dynamic> requiredC({@required TestMode testMode}) =>
        <String, dynamic>{
          'testMode': testMode,
          'constructorName': 'requiredC',
    String toString() => name;

pub points


verified publisherfluttercandies.com

Provide a route generator to create route map quickly by annotations.

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unknown (LICENSE)


analyzer, args, dart_style, io, meta, path, yaml


Packages that depend on ff_annotation_route