elevarm_ui 0.3.1 copy "elevarm_ui: ^0.3.1" to clipboard
elevarm_ui: ^0.3.1 copied to clipboard

Elevarm design system for Flutter.

0.3.1 #

Added #

  • Callback onTextChanged in ElevarmAutocompleteInputField when ElevarmTextInputField's value changed.

0.3.0 #

Added #

  • ElevarmStepper component widget class.
  • ElevarmConfirmAlertDialog component widget class.

0.2.1 #

Added #

  • neutral25 color (same with the deprecated grey25).

Changed #

  • Callbacks in ElevarmSnackBar to include AnimationController?.

Fixed #

  • Close icon path in ElevarmSnackBarContent widget.
  • Typo in ElevarmColors deprecated message.

0.2.0 #

Added #

  • showElevarmSnackBar and showElevarmSnackBarDesktop methods for displaying SnackBars.
  • ElevarmInputFieldLabel for labeling inputField

Changed #

  • flutter_svg version to 2.0.3 to avoid conflict with flutter_gen.

0.1.0 #

Added #

  • ElevarmPrimaryCard component widget class.
  • ElevarmOutlinedCard component widget class.
  • ElevarmNeutralCard component widget class.
  • ElevarmElevatedCard component widget class.

Changed #

  • Refactor positiveButtonLabel, negativeButtonLabel, and weekNames from ElevarmDatePickerDialog component widget.

Fixed #

  • Set counterText to empty string in properties ElevarmTextInputField component widget.

0.0.1+20 #

Added #

  • ElevarmAlert component widget class.
  • ElevarmDatePickerDialog capability to select year.
  • ElevarmFileUploadCard component widget class.
  • ElevarmBottomSheet component widget class.

Changed #

  • Move screenshots to Firebase Cloud Storage.

Fixed #

  • ElevarmTertiaryNeutralButton background color to transparent.

0.0.1+19 #

Fixed #

  • Increase ElevarmTextInputField & ElevarmTextDropdownInputField content padding again.

0.0.1+18 #

Fixed #

  • Increase ElevarmTextInputField & ElevarmTextDropdownInputField content padding.

0.0.1+17 #

Added #

  • Added key identity for ElevarmLinkNeutralButton, ElevarmLinkPrimaryButton, ElevarmOutlineButton, ElevarmPrimaryButton,ElevarmTertiaryNeutralButton
  • ElevarmSecondaryButton component widget class.
  • ElevarmTertiaryPrimaryButton component widget class.
  • prefixText, prefixAddOnText, and prefixUseMastercard properties in ElevarmTextInputField component widget.
  • dropdownShowTrailingIcon and dropdownEnabled properties in ElevarmTextDropdownInputField component widget.
  • ElevarmSwitch component widget class.

Fixed #

  • Icon size of button component with 2XL size.

0.0.1+16 #

Fixed #

  • Downgrade intl package version to ^0.17.0 to avoid conflict in AgriMaps & AgriPOS

0.0.1+15 #

Added #

  • showElevarmDatePickerDialog for displaying date picker/date range picker dialog.
  • prefixIconAssetName property in ElevarmTextInputField.

0.0.1+14 #

Added #

  • ElevarmDrawer make show profile optional
  • ElevarmDesktopDrawer make show profile optional
  • customData property in ElevarmStackedHorizontalBarChartData.
  • splineType property in ElevarmLineChartCard.

Changed #

  • legendValueBuilder type to String Function(ElevarmStackedHorizontalBarChartData data)?.
  • Legend text in ElevarmLineChartCard to a custom one.

Fixed #

  • Overflowed legend text in ElevarmStackedHorizontalBarChartCard widget class.

0.0.1+13 #

Added #

  • ElevarmOtpField advanced component widget class.
  • ElevarmLinkNeutralButton component widget class.
  • ElevarmLinkPrimaryButton component widget class.
  • ElevarmTextDropdownInputField component widget class.
  • isRequired property to ElevarmTextInputField, ElevarmAutocompleteInputField, and ElevarmDropdownInputField.
  • ElevarmAutocompleteInputField component widget class (only Default variant).
  • ElevarmDropdownInputField component widget class (only Default variant).

0.0.1+12 #

Added #

  • ElevarmLogo component widget class.
  • ElevarmTextInputField component widget class (only Default variant).

Changed #

  • Elevarm logo asset from PNG to SVG.

Removed #

  • Unused properties in ElevarmThemeData.light().

0.0.1+11 #

Added #

  • ElevarmDonutChartCard component widget class.
  • Elevarm404DesktopScreen screen widget class.
  • ElevarmUnderConstructionDesktopScreen screen widget class.
  • ElevarmErrorDesktopScreen screen widget class.
  • ElevarmLineChartCard component widget class.
  • ElevarmStackedHorizontalBarChartCard component widget class.
  • ElevarmStackedVerticalBarChartCard component widget class.
  • ElevarmPasswordStrength component widget class.

Changed #

  • Move ElevarmLinearProgressIndicator default properties to constructor.

Fixed #

  • ElevarmBaseBadge BoxFit to scale down as to not stretching the container.
  • Set maximumLabelWidth to zero for ElevarmLineChartCard's Y axis.

0.0.1+10 #

Added #

  • ElevarmTabBar component widget class.
  • ElevarmMobilePaginationFooter advanced component widget class.
  • ElevarmRadioButton component widget class.
  • StringUtils utility class.

Changed #

  • ElevarmLinearProgressIndicator component widget class to its own folder.

Fixed #

  • Button's text alignment to center.
  • ElevarmDesktopDrawer's expand button position.

0.0.1+9 #

Added #

  • ElevarmBoxShadow theme class.
  • ElevarmTertiaryNeutralButton component widget class.
  • ElevarmCheckbox component widget class.
  • ElevarmDivider widget component.

Changed #

  • ElevarmRoundedCorners to ElevarmBorderRadius.
  • ElevarmElevatedButton to ElevarmPrimaryButton.
  • ElevarmOutlinedButton to ElevarmOutlineButton.

0.0.1+8 #

Added #

  • ElevarmFilledBadge component widget.
  • ElevarmOutlinedBadge component widget.

Removed #

  • ElevarmBadge component widget in favor of ElevarmFilledBadge and ElevarmOutlinedBadge.

0.0.1+7 #

Added #

  • initialFontSize, emptyIconSize, onlineIndicatorSize, and verifiedTickSize properties in ElevarmAvatar component widget.

0.0.1+6 #

Fixed #

  • Missing showHeaderLogo in ElevarmDrawer widget.

0.0.1+5 #

Added #

  • Add ElevarmIcon widget component.
  • Add ElevarmAvatar widget component.
  • Add ElevarmDrawer widget component.
  • Add ElevarmDesktopDrawer widget component.

0.0.1+4 #

Added #

  • Add ElevarmBadge widget component.
  • Add ElevarmLinearProgressIndicator widget component.
  • Add ElevarmRoundedCorners class.
  • Add ElevarmThemeData class.
  • More colors

0.0.1+3 #

Changed #

  • Add allowRuntimeFetching property in ElevarmFonts.init method.

0.0.1+2 #

Added #

  • ElevarmFonts class.
  • ElevarmFontSizes class.
  • ElevarmFontWeights class.

Fixed #

  • primary300 color to #8995DC.

0.0.1+1 #

Added #

  • ElevarmColorsExt extension class.

0.0.1 #

Added #

  • ElevarmColors class.