- FIX: allow comparison of LocationStack. (a0f83e2f)
- FIX: router errors when restoring state (#41). (879a8863)
- DOCS: improve README to highlight philosophy. (6b871e00)
- FEAT: feat: add support for fire-and-forget deeplink handling (#32). (728a9a69)
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- BREAKING FEAT: remove need to specify onPopInvoked (#31). (dffbfc86). Please see the README for how to create custom pages.
Note: This release has breaking changes.
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- BREAKING FEAT: use Location Type for popUntil (#25). (ea2ff70d)
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- FIX: child back button dispatcher (#8). (a8cba916)
- FEAT: catch case where users pushes duplicate path (#9). (5a504661)
- FIX: add code highlighting to README. (071845a2)