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Digit UI Design specification
DIGIT Components
DigitActionDialog : A customizable dialog with multiple action buttons / widgets.
onPressed : () => DigitActionDialog.show(
context, widget: your_widget() )
DigitCheckBox : A single checkbox component.
label: “your_label”,
value: boolean_value,
DigitDateFormPicker : A Reactive Date Picker widget with custom label header. The formControlName is required to bind this ReactiveDatePicker to a FormControl.
label: t.translate(i18.common.dateOfBirth), padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 32.0), isRequired: true, cancelText: t.translate(i18.common.cancel), fieldHintText: 'dd/mm/yyyy', confirmText: t.translate(i18.common.oK), icon: Icons.info_outline_rounded, toolTipMsg: t.translate(i18.wageSeeker.ageValidation), formControlName: ’dob_key’, autoValidation: AutovalidateMode.always, requiredMessage: t.translate(i18.wageSeeker.dobRequired), validationMessages: { 'required': () => ‘Date of birth is required’, 'max': () => ‘Age cannot be greater than 18 years’ },) DigitDivider : A simple divider widget
DigitDropdown : A custom dropdown component with label header.
value: state.selectedBoundaryMap.entries .firstWhereOrNull( (element) => element.key == label, ) ?.value, label: label, menuItems: your_item_list, onChanged: (value) { if (value == null) return; //Any functions to perform on change or on select of the dropdown }, valueMapper: (value) { return value.name ?? value.code ?? 'No Value'; },)
DigitIconButton : A custom icon widget with customizable icon, icon Text, icon color, icon Text Color
icon: Icons.check_circle, iconText: 'delivered', iconTextColor: Colors.white, iconColor: Colors.orange, )
DigitIntegerFormPicker : An Integer Picker with option to select any number by increasing or decreasing the using + and - end buttons
Usage: DigitIntegerFormPicker( form: form, minimum: 0, formControlName: _quantityDistributedKey, label: ‘Number of members’, incrementer: true, ), DigitOutlineIconButton : An outlined button with a leading icon based on DIGIT figma.
icon: Icons.warning, label:’Decline’, onPressed: () => call_your_on_pressed_function(), )
DigitReactiveDropdown : A reactive dropdown form component. The formControlName is required to bind this ReactiveDropdownField to a FormControl
label: ‘relationship’, menuItems: relationship.map((e) => e.toString()).toList(), isRequired: true, formControlName: relationshipKey, valueMapper: (value) => t.translate('CORE_COMMON_$value'), onChanged: (value) {}, validationMessages: { 'required': (_) => t.translate( i18.wageSeeker.relationshipRequired, ), }, )
DigitTextFormField : A reactive form reactive dropdown component. The formControlName is required to bind this ReactiveTextField to a FormControl
formControlName: fatherNameKey, isRequired: true, label: t.translate(i18.common.guardianName), inputFormatter: [ FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow(RegExp("[A-Za-z ]")) ], validationMessages: { 'required': () => t.translate( i18.wageSeeker.fatherNameRequired, ), 'minLength': () => t.translate( i18.wageSeeker.minFatherNameCharacters, ), 'maxLength': (_) => t.translate( i18.wageSeeker.maxFatherNameCharacters, ), }, ) DigitToast : To show a toast message based on completion of user actions
context, options: DigitToastOptions( message ?? 'Unable to login', true, theme, ), ); DigitCard : A Card component with onPressed functions
child: Text(‘Card Details’),
onPressed: null)
DigitCheckBoxTile : It is a List of checkbox widgets, with label heading
Usage: DigitCheckboxTile( margin: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 16), padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0, 8, 8, 8), label: hint ?? 'Some', value: (control.value ?? false) as bool, onChanged: (value) => control.value = value, )
DigitDialog : A customizable dialog with options to add a custom title for the dialog , subtitle for the dialog and action buttons. It can be used on any on Pressed buttons to show this dialog
Usage: () => DigitDialog.show(context, options: DigitDialogOptions( titleIcon: const Icon( Icons.warning, color: Colors.red, ), titleText: ‘Warning’ contentText: ‘Are you sure to decline ?’, primaryAction: DigitDialogActions( label: ‘Confirm’, action: (BuildContext context) { //your_primary_action(); }, ), secondaryAction: DigitDialogActions( label: ‘Cancel’, action: (BuildContext context) => //your_secondary_action(), )));
DigitDobPicker : It is an enhanced component of DigitDateFormPicker. Here we have an additional Text field component which will be displaying the age based on the selected date and validate the age.
DigitDobPicker( datePickerFormControl: _dobKey, datePickerLabel: localizations.translate( i18.individualDetails.dobLabelText, ), ageFieldLabel: localizations.translate( i18.individualDetails.ageLabelText, ), separatorLabel: localizations.translate( i18.individualDetails.separatorLabelText, ), ),
DigitElevatedButton : It is an elevated button with label widget options and onPressed functions based on DIGIT Figma
DigitElevatedButton( onPressed: ()=> your_on_Pressed_function(), child: Center( child: Text( ‘Manage wage seekers’, style: Theme.of(context) .textTheme .titleMedium! .apply(color: Colors.white)), ),);
DigitIconTile : A custom list tile widget with options to add leading icon and onPressed function. Mostly it is used in Sidebar tiles.
DigitIconTile( title: ‘View Profile’, selected: context.router.currentPath.contains('orgProfile'), icon: Icons.perm_contact_cal_sharp, onPressed: () => your_on_pressed_function())
DigitInfoCard : A custom information card based on DIGIT Figma. Here we have options to add the desired icon, background color, icon color, description and heading title of the information card.
DigitInfoCard( icon: Icons.info, backgroundColor: theme.colorScheme.tertiaryContainer, iconColor: theme.colorScheme.surfaceTint, description: localizations .translate(i18.home.dataSyncInfoContent) .replaceAll('{}', count.toString()), title: localizations.translate( i18.home.dataSyncInfoLabel, ), ),
DigitOutlineButton : An outlined button based on DIGIT figma.
label: localizations.translate( i18.memberCard.deliverDetailsUpdateLabel, ), onPressed: () => your_on_pressed_function(), )
DigitReactiveTypeAhead : A TypeAhead (autocomplete) widget , where you can show suggestions to users as they type
DigitReactiveTypeAhead<T, T>(
formControlName: formControlName, stringify: valueMapper, initialValue: initialValue, initialValueText: initialValueText, onSuggestionSelected: onSuggestionSelected, debounceDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 100), suggestionsCallback: (pattern) => suggestionsCallback( menuItems, pattern, ), itemBuilder: (context, item) { return Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(kPadding * 2), child: Text( valueMapper(item), style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyLarge, ), ); }, )
DigitSearchBar : A search bar based on DIGIT figma. It has on change functionality to perform actions on text change. A hint text can also be added on the search bar
controller: searchController, hintText: localizations.translate( i18.searchBeneficiary.beneficiarySearchHintText, ), textCapitalization: TextCapitalization.words, onChanged: (value) => your_on_change_function() ), DigitSearchDropdown : A searchable drop down that wraps DigitReactiveTypeAhead and has a custom label widget.
DigitSearchDropdown<T, T>(
label: ‘City’
formControlName: formControlName, stringify: valueMapper, initialValue: initialValue, initialValueText: initialValueText, onSuggestionSelected: onSuggestionSelected, debounceDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 100), suggestionsCallback: (pattern) => suggestionsCallback( menuItems, pattern, ), itemBuilder: (context, item) { return Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(kPadding * 2), child: Text( valueMapper(item), style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyLarge, ), ); }, )
DigitSyncDialogContent : A sync dialog with options to add a custom label for the dialog , and type of the dialog. There are 3 types of sync dialog : In Progress Completed Failed
Usage: () => DigitSyncDialogContent.show( context, type: DigitSyncDialogType.complete, label: 'Data Synced', primaryAction: DigitDialogActions( label: 'Close', action: (act) { Navigator.pop(act); }, ), );
DigitTextField : A text field component similar to DigitTextFormField. It can be used without wrapping under reactive form
readOnly: true, label: localizations.translate( i18.householdLocation.administrationAreaFormLabel, ), controller: TextEditingController( text: context.boundary.code, ), ),
LabeledField : A labeled widget which has a child widget. If any field need to have a label on its top, then that widget can be wrapped with this LabeledField.
label: '$label ${isRequired ? '*' : ''}', padding: padding, labelStyle: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyLarge, icon: icon, toolTipMsg: toolTipMsg, child: ReactiveDatePicker()) PoweredByDigit : Generic Digit Footer.
isWhiteLogo: true, )
ScrollableContent : A Scrollable wrapper widget. All children widgets can be wrapped inside a single scroll card.
header: Column(children: const [ Back(), DigitCard(), ]), footer: PoweredByDigit() )