dazel 0.3.3 copy "dazel: ^0.3.3" to clipboard
dazel: ^0.3.3 copied to clipboard


Bazel support for Dart

dazel is a tool to generate an manage bazel workspaces for Dart projects.

Installation #

NOTE: dazel requires an existing installation of bazel

If you're familiar with pub run, then dazel is easy. Start by adding a dev_dependency on the dazel package.

Generation #

You can run dazel on a typical pub package:

$ cd my_new_package
$ pub run dazel init

If you don't have a project, you can use our workspace folder of examples. See tool/presubmit.dart for some examples.

Usage #

You can bazel run files in bin/:

# Assume you have bin/hello.dart
# We automatically generate a "hello_bin" target in your BUILD file.
$ bazel run :hello_bin

You can also run a development sever for your web application:

# Assume you have web/main.dart, and web/index.html.
$ pub run dazel serve

Oh, and did we mention support for the Dart dev compiler?

The dazel server supports both dart code on Dartium and js compiled with DDC.

Cleaning up #

We automatically generate a bunch of file for you - these should not be checked in to your repository - you can safely ignore them when commiting. Here is an example snippet you can include in a .gitignore:


You may also want to exclude the bazel-* folders from the Dart analyzer using an .analysis_options file. This prevents the Dart analyzer from accidentally "seeing" generated and copied code and needlessly analyzing it.

    - 'bazel-*/**'

Customizing your generated BUILD files #

Customizing the BUILD file output of a package is done by creating a build.yaml file, which describes your configuration.

Splitting your package into multiple targets

It is fairly common for a package to want to split up their sources into multiple bazel targets. Specifically, this is useful if your package has some sources which are web friendly, and others which are not.

This is done by adding a targets section to your build.yaml file, which defines the different targets that you wish to be generated. This is a map of target names to configuration. Each target config may contain the following keys:

  • default: Optional, defaults to false. If true, this is the target a users package will depend on if they don't have a custom build.yaml file.
    • Exactly one target must be listed as default: true.
    • It is also the target you will get if you list the package without a target name in the dependencies of one of your targets.
  • sources: Required. A list of globs to include as sources.
  • exclude_sources: Optional. A list of globs to to exclude from sources.
  • dependencies: Optional, defaults to empty. The targets that this target depends on. The syntax is $package:$target.
  • platforms: Optional, defaults to all platforms. If specified, then this indicates which platforms this target is compatible with. Options today are vm and web.
    • If a target is not web compatible, it won't be compiled with the dart dev compiler, but that is the only effect of this attribute today.
  • builders: Optional, defaults to empty. The builders to apply to this target. These are defined by this package or other packages in the builders section of their build.yaml.
    • NOTE: This is not implemented and will throw an UnimplementedError.
    • A List<String|Map>, for Map values the key is the name of the builder, and the value will be parsed and passed into the builder constructor as a part of the BuilderSettings object.
    • There is one magic config option, $generate_for, which overrides the target's generate_for option just for this builder.
  • generate_for: Optional, defaults to sources. The files to treat as inputs to all builders. Supports glob syntax.
    • NOTE: This is not implemented and will throw an UnimplementedError.

Example targets section for a package with two targets and some builders applied.

    default: true
      - "lib/a.dart"
      - "lib/src/**"
      - "lib/src/transformer/**"
      - "some_package"
      - "some_package:web"
      - "some_package:builder":
          my_option: some_value
      - "lib/a.dart"
      - "vm"
      - "lib/transformer.dart"
      - "lib/src/transformer/**"
      - "barback"

Defining Builders in your package (similar to transformers)

NOTE: Using this config is not yet implemented, adding this to your build.yaml will cause an UnimplementedError to be thrown by dazel today.

If users of your package need to apply some code generation to their package, then you can define Builders (from [package:build] (https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/build)) and have those be either be automatically applied based on existing transformer settings, or simply available for users to opt into as needed.

You tell dazel about your Builders using the builders section of your build.yaml. This is a map of builder names to configuration. Each builder config may contain the following keys:

  • target: The name of the target which defines contains your Builder class definition.
  • import: Required. The import uri that should be used to import the library containing the Builder class. This should always be a package: uri.
  • class: The name of the Builder class to instantiate, must be exported by the library referenced by import.
  • constructor: Optional. The name of the constructor to use for class if not the default one.
    • This must follow a specific format, probably taking a single BuilderSettings positional parameter.
  • replaces_transformer: Optional. The name of a transformer (as it would appear in a pubspec) that this should be used in place of. Any package with that transformer and a dependency on this package should get this builder applied.
    • If a user has a custom build.yaml file then this has no effect, they must explicitly list all builders.
  • input_extension: Required. The input extensions to treat as primary inputs to the builder.
  • output_extensions: Required. The output extensions of this builder.
    • For each file matching input_extension, a matching file with each of output_extensions must be output.
  • shared_part_output: Optional, defaults to false. If true then the output of this rule is actually treated as only a piece of a larger dart file, which is a part (dart part) of a different library.
    • It may not contain any directives that have ordering concerns such as library, import, export, or part.
    • All of the buiders that output to the same file will be output to a temp file and then be concatenated together into the actual part file (and the part of statement will be prepended to it).

Example builders config:

  # The target containing the builder sources.
  _my_builder: # By convention, this is private
      - "lib/src/builder/**/*.dart"
      - "lib/builder.dart"
      - "source_gen"
  # The actual builder config.
    target: ":_my_builder"
    import: "package:my_package/builders/my_builder.dart"
    class: "MyBuilder"
    constructor: "withBuildConfig"
    replaces_transformer: "my_package"
    input_extension: ".dart"
      - ".g.dart"
    shared_part_output: true