dartson 0.1.4 copy "dartson: ^0.1.4" to clipboard
dartson: ^0.1.4 copied to clipboard


Dartson is a Dart library that can be used to convert Dart objects into a JSON string. It uses dart:mirrors reflection to rebuild the schema. It also works in dart2js when using the dartson builder.

dartson #

Build Status

Dartson is a Dart library that can be used to convert Dart objects into a JSON string. It uses dart:mirrors reflection to rebuild the schema.

NOTICE: Latest tests using dart > 1.1.0 passed successful using dart2js without any further adjustments. Feedback is appreciated!

Serializing objects in dart #

library example;

import 'package:dartson/dartson.dart';

// If the builder should recognize this class add the following annotation
class EntityClass {
  String name;
  bool otherName;
  String notVisible;
  // private members are never serialized
  String _private = "name";
  String get doGetter => _private;

void main() {
  EntityClass object = new EntityClass();
  object.name = "test";
  object.otherName = "blub";
  object.notVisible = "hallo";
  String jsonString = serialize(object);
  // will return: '{"name":"test","renamed":"blub","doGetter":"name"}'

Parsing json to dart object #

library example;

import 'package:dartson/dartson.dart';

// If the builder should recognize this class add the following annotation
class EntityClass {
  String name;
  String _setted;
  bool otherName;
  String notVisible;
  List<EntityClass> children;
  set setted(String s) => _setted = s;
  String get setted => _setted;

void main() {
  EntityClass object = parse('{"name":"test","renamed":"blub","notVisible":"it is", "setted": "awesome"}', EntityClass);
  print(object.name); // > test
  print(object.otherName); // > blub
  print(object.notVisible); // > it is
  print(object.setted); // > awesome
  // to parse a list of items use [parseList]
  List<EntityClass> list = parseList('[{"name":"test", "children": [{"name":"child1"},{"name":"child2"}]},{"name":"test2"}]', EntityClass);
  print(list.length); // > 2
  print(list[0].name); // > test
  print(list[0].children[0].name); // > child1

Roadmap #


I'm thinking of a transformer which saves the hole mirrors reflection and increases the performance. It also should reduce the JavaScript size.

Custom serializing handler

Version 0.2.0 will have the functionality to define the way you want to encode / decode specific types.


  • Better dart2js solution
  • Handle recrusive errors
pub points


unverified uploader

Dartson is a Dart library that can be used to convert Dart objects into a JSON string. It uses dart:mirrors reflection to rebuild the schema. It also works in dart2js when using the dartson builder.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


Packages that depend on dartson