dart_object_extension 0.1.1 dart_object_extension: ^0.1.1 copied to clipboard
This plugin extends the functionality of the object class.
dart_object_extension #
This plugin is a dart object extension plugin.
Features #
- CopyWith (nullable available)
Setup #
Set the following in pubspec.yaml
dart_object_extension: latest
build_runner: ^2.1.11
dart_object_extension_gen: latest
Annotation Example #
CopyWith #
for example, create a stduent.dart
import 'package:dart_object_extension/dart_object_extension.dart';
part 'person.g.dart';
class Person {
final int id;
final String name;
final int? age;
const Person({
required this.id,
required this.name,
Run code generation
flutter pub run build_runner build
copywith extension uses Functional parameters. A null check is also possible.
- Basic Example
const person = Person(id: 0, name: 'Jin');
final personOther = person.copyWith(
name: () => 'Sugar',
age: () => 25,
- Compile Error Example (name is not nullable)
const person = Person(id: 0, name: 'Jin');
final personOther = person.copyWith(
name: () => null, // compile error
- Compile Pass Example (age is nullable)
const person = Person(id: 0, name: 'Jin');
final personOther = person.copyWith(
age: () => null, // compile pass