config_builder 1.1.0 config_builder: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard
Build your app config via code generation from .json files in a type safe way
[1.1.0] #
- update dependencies
[1.0.1] #
- lint fixes
[1.0.0] #
Breaking Change: Now use BuiltStep.findAssets to let build_runner watch the consumed files for changes! This means that the caches are properly invalidated on changes! But this also means that only files under /lib can be found, so this is a breaking change: if you stored your config.json files outside of lib/ the will not be found anymore!
fixed deprecated analyzer fields/methods
[0.5.0] #
Add better error messages
Update dependency versions
[0.4.0+1] #
Lint fixes
[0.4.0] #
Use analyzer ^0.39.0.
[0.3.0] #
Use analyzer ^0.38.0 and newer source_gen versions. built_value and json_serializable support this version by now.
[0.2.0] #
Use analyzer ^0.36.4 in order to be compatible to built_value
[0.1.0] #
Use analyzer >= 0.37.0