build_runner_core 0.2.2 copy "build_runner_core: ^0.2.2" to clipboard
build_runner_core: ^0.2.2 copied to clipboard


Core tools to write binaries that run builders.

0.2.2 #

  • Changed the default file caching logic to use an LRU cache.

0.2.1+2 #

  • Clarify wording for conflicting output directory options. No behavioral differences.
  • Reduce the memory consumption required to create an output dir significantly.
  • Increased the upper bound for the sdk to <3.0.0.

0.2.1+1 #

  • Allow reuse cache between machines with different OS

0.2.1 #

  • The hash dir for the asset graph under .dart_tool/build is now based on a relative path to the build script instead of the absolute path.
    • This enables .dart_tool/build directories to be reused across different computers and directories for the same project.

0.2.0 #

New Features #

  • The BuildPerformance class is now serializable, it has a fromJson constructor and a toJson instance method.
  • Added BuildOptions.logPerformanceDir, performance logs will be continuously written to that directory if provided.
  • Added support for global_options in build.yaml of the root package.
  • Allow overriding the default Resolvers implementation.
  • Allows building with symlinked files. Note that changes to the linked files will not trigger rebuilds in watch or serve mode.

Breaking changes #

  • BuildPhasePerformance.action has been replaced with BuildPhasePerformance.builderKeys.
  • BuilderActionPerformance.builder has been replaced with BuilderActionPerformance.builderKey.
  • BuildResult no longer has an exception or stackTrace field.
  • Dropped failOnSevere arguments. Severe logs are always considered failing.

Internal changes #

  • Remove dependency on package:cli_util.

0.1.0 #

Initial release, migrating the core functionality of package:build_runner to this package.