budoux_dart 1.1.0 copy "budoux_dart: ^1.1.0" to clipboard
budoux_dart: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard

A BudouX implementation in Dart.

BudouX-Dart #

pub package

This is the Dart implementation of BudouX.

This is referencing the Java implementation of Release v0.6.1 · google/budoux.

Flutter Example #

# pubspec.yaml
    - packages/budoux_dart/models/ja.json
    # or ja_knbc.json
  final budouX = BudouX(
    await rootBundle.loadString('packages/budoux_dart/models/ja.json'),
    // or ja_knbc.json
return Scaffold(
  body: DefaultTextStyle(
    style: const TextStyle(
      fontSize: 48,
      color: Colors.black,
    child: Column(
      mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
      crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
      children: [
        const Text('今日はいい天気ですね。'),
        const Divider(),
          children: budouX
スクリーンショット 2023-09-25 17 59 52