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A simplified library for creating stream-based bloc view models that adhere to the BLoC paradigm. Includes Flutter widgets to integrate blocs into the Flutter ecosystem.

pub package

A Flutter library aimed at making it simple to use the BLoC design pattern to separate the presentation code from the business logic and the state.

This library is built to be used in conjunction with bloc_lite.

API Reference #

Examples #

Glossary #

  • An InheritedBloc is an inherited widget that uses dependency injection to insert a bloc into the widget tree. This bloc can then later be retrieved by calling InheritedBloc.of<BlocTypeHere>(context) on any widget that is a descendent of this widget.
  • An InheritedBlocTree is a widget that allows a convenient way to insert multiple InheritedBlocs into the widget tree without bloating the UI code.
  • A BlocBuilder is a widget that registers a bloc and reactively rebuilds its widget tree whenever that bloc triggers an update. This is the primary way to use blocs in Flutter using this library.
  • A BlocWidget is an abstract widget that user-defined widgets can extend from. It manages a bloc's lifetime events and automatically subscribes to its updates.

Usage #

We can use the counter example from the bloc_lite docs to build a simple counter app in Flutter. (See above for a complete working example of a counter app using several methodologies.)

class CounterBloc extends BlocController {
    int value = 0;

    void increment() {
        value += 1;

    void decrement() {
        value -= 1;

To use this bloc in a widget, you can simply create the controller in your widget class and pass it to a BlocBuilder:

class CounterWidget extends StatefulWidget {
    CounterWidgetState createState() => CounterWidgetState();

class CounterWidgetState extends State<CounterWidget> {
    final controller = CounterBloc();

    dispose() {

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return BlocBuilder(
            controller: controller,
            builder: (BuildContext context, CounterBloc bloc)
                => Center(
                    child: Text(bloc.value.toString()),

Whenever controller publishes an update (for example, by elsewhere in the app calling the increment or decrement function), the BlocBuilder will automatically refresh its widget tree. (Note that the widget class extends StatefulWidget and within the state the dispose method is overriden to call controller.dispose(). This is important as the controller must be disposed in order to close the underlying stream and free up its resources.)

Declaring the bloc in the same class as the widget that uses it is fine for widgets that utilize a local controller and state, but for global controllers and states, you need to be able to access a bloc further down the widget tree from where it was created. This is where InheritedBloc comes in:

class ParentWidget extends StatefulWidget {
    ParentWidgetState createState() => ParentWidgetState();

class ParentWidgetState extends State<ParentWidget> {
    final controller = CounterBloc();

    dispose() {

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return InheritedBloc(
            bloc: controller,
            child: ChildWidget(),

class ChildWidget extends StatelessWidget {
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        final controller = InheritedBloc.of<CounterBloc>(context);
        return BlocBuilder(
            controller: controller,
            builder: (BuildContext context, CounterBloc bloc)
                => Center(
                    child: Text(bloc.value.toString()),

(Note that, although the parent widget extends StatefulWidget in order to properly dispose of the controller, the child widget does not need to and can safely extend StatelessWidget.)

In the previous example, ChildWidget uses InheritedBloc.of to get a reference to the inherited bloc. When the bloc is going to be used as the controller of a BlocBuilder, this is not necessary, as those classes expose a convenient inherited<BlocType> factory constructor for that purpose:

class ChildWidget extends StatelessWidget {
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return BlocBuilder<CounterBloc>.inherited(
            context: context,
            builder: (BuildContext context, CounterBloc bloc)
                => Center(
                    child: Text(bloc.value.toString()),

In that example, the inherited bloc is automatically inferred from the corresponding InheritedBloc, eliminating the need to explicitly obtain it.

Sometimes you may find yourself injecting multiple blocs at once into the widget tree. To do this, you can nest multiple InheritedBlocs, but that can quickly bloat the widget tree:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return InheritedBloc(
        bloc: controllerA,
        child: InheritedBloc(
            bloc: controllerB,
            child: InheritedBloc(
                bloc: controllerC,
                child: InheritedBloc(

Instead, you can use an InheritedBlocTree to insert many blocs into the tree at once in an organized and concise fashion:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return InheritedBlocTree(
        blocs: [
            InheritedBloc(bloc: controllerA),
            InheritedBloc(bloc: controllerB),
            InheritedBloc(bloc: controllerC),
        child: ...

Any blocs injected into the tree in this manner can be retrieved using the same InheritedBloc.of approach as before.

In situations where you are using a bloc controller as a simple correspondence with a widget, you can extend the widget's class with BlocWidget. This abstract class offers a convenient way to associate a controller with a widget as well as automatically manage its lifecycle and subscribe to updates:

class CounterWidget extends BlocWidget<CounterBloc> {
    CounterBloc createController(BuildContext context) => CounterBloc();

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Center(
           child: Text(controller.value.toString()),

As you can see, this method offers a much more concise way to use a bloc controller than BlocBuilder or InheritedBloc. The controller is still added to the widget tree in the usual fashion, so widgets further down the widget tree can still access the controller with InheritedBloc.of. The controller is also automatically disposed of when the widget is removed from the widget tree and marked for disposal.

Todo #

  • Add testing suite
  • CodeMagic integration for automated testing and deployment
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A simplified library for creating stream-based bloc view models that adhere to the BLoC paradigm. Includes Flutter widgets to integrate blocs into the Flutter ecosystem.

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bloc_lite, flutter


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