binary_interop 0.0.28 copy "binary_interop: ^0.0.28" to clipboard
binary_interop: ^0.0.28 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

Binary interop is a library that allows load shared libraries, invoke their functions and get access to their data.

binary_interop #

Binary interop is a library that allows load shared libraries, invoke their functions and get access to their data.

Version: 0.0.28

Donate to binary interop for dart

Interrelated (binary) software


  • Binary type "long double" not supported

Supportedd platforms

  • ARM Android (Initial support)
  • ARM Linux (Initial support)
  • X86 Linux
  • X86 Mac OS (Will be removed)
  • X86 Windows
  • X86_64 Linux
  • X86_64 Mac OS
  • X86_64 Windows

Binary interop is a low-level way of interacting with dynamic loadable libraries.
It support interaction only through the low level binary types and binary objects.


import "dart:io";

import "package:binary_interop/binary_interop.dart";
import "package:unittest/unittest.dart";

import "libc.dart";

void main() {
  var libc = loadLibc();
  var helper = new BinaryTypeHelper(_t);

  // Strlen
  var string = "0123456789";
  var length = libc.strlen(string);
  expect(length, string.length, reason: "Call 'strlen'");

  string = "Hello Dartisans 2015\n";

  // printf
  length = libc.printf("Hello %s %i\n", ["Dartisans", 2015]);
  expect(length, string.length, reason: "Wrong length");

  // sprintf
  var buffer = alloc(_t["char[500]"]);
  length = libc.snprintf(buffer, 500, "Hello %s %i\n", ["Dartisans", 2015]);
  var string2 = helper.readString(buffer);
  expect(length, string.length, reason: "Wrong length");
  expect(string, string2, reason: "Wrong string");

  // sprintf (w/o direct alloc binary buffer)
  var buffer2 = new List<int>(500);
  length = libc.snprintf(buffer2, buffer2.length, "Hello %s %i\n", ["Dartisans", 2015]);
  string2 = stringFromArray(buffer2);
  expect(length, string.length, reason: "Wrong length");
  expect(string, string2, reason: "Wrong string");

  // printf
  length = libc.printf("True is %i\n", [true]);
  expect(length, 10, reason: "Wrong length");

final BinaryTypes _t = new BinaryTypes();

BinaryObject alloc(BinaryType type, [value]) => type.alloc(value);

Libc loadLibc() {
  String libname;
  var operatingSystem = Platform.operatingSystem;
  switch (operatingSystem) {
    case "macos":
      libname = "libSystem.dylib";
    case "android":
    case "linux":
      libname = "";
    case "windows":
      libname = "msvcr100.dll";
      throw new UnsupportedError("Unsupported operating system: $operatingSystem");

  var library = DynamicLibrary.load(libname, types: _t);
  if (library == null) {
    throw new StateError("Failed to load library: $libname");

  return new Libc(library);

String stringFromArray(List array) {
  var index = array.indexOf(0);
  if (index == -1) {
    return "";

  return new String.fromCharCodes(array.sublist(0, index));

Library wrapper for libc.

// This code was generated by a tool.
// Processing tool available at

import "package:binary_interop/binary_interop.dart";

class Libc {
  String _header = '''
int printf(const char *format, ...);
#if OS == windows
int snprintf(char *s, size_t n, const char *format, ...) __attribute__((alias(_sprintf_p)));
int snprintf(char *s, size_t n, const char *format, ...);
size_t strlen(const char *s);''';

  DynamicLibrary _library;

  Libc(DynamicLibrary library) {
    if (library == null) {
      throw new ArgumentError.notNull("library");

    _library = library;

   * int printf(const char* format, ...)
  dynamic printf(format, [List params]) {
    var arguments = [format];
    if (params != null) {

    return _library.invoke("printf", arguments);

   * int snprintf(char* s, size_t n, const char* format, ...)
  dynamic snprintf(s, int n, format, [List params]) {
    var arguments = [s, n, format];
    if (params != null) {

    return _library.invoke("snprintf", arguments);

   * size_t strlen(const char* s)
  dynamic strlen(s) {
    return _library.invoke("strlen", [s]);


pub points


unverified uploader

Binary interop is a library that allows load shared libraries, invoke their functions and get access to their data.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


binary_declarations, binary_types, file_utils, libffi_binaries, path, pub_semver, system_info, unsafe_extension


Packages that depend on binary_interop