bazel 0.2.2 copy "bazel: ^0.2.2" to clipboard
bazel: ^0.2.2 copied to clipboard


Bazel support for Dart

Bazel extension support for Dart.

Bazel is a correct, reproducible, and fast build tool used internally at Google, and now open source, that provides a powerful and extensible framework for building software and maintaining code.

Why Bazel #

Large applications in Google like AdWords Next and AdSense have used Dart and Angular Dart in production with Bazel for a while, and now we want to share Bazel with the rest of the community.

Getting Started #

WARNING: This package is highly experimental. While the underlying framework (such as BUILD rules and extensions) are stable, we're still iterating on a good stable solution for end users that are used to primarily working with pub and pubspec.yaml files.

Have a suggestion to make this better? File an issue.

Our Bazel package publishes a bazelify command that takes an existing pub package and automatically generates a Bazel worskpace: full of extensions, macros, rules, and more.

Installation #

NOTE: bazelify requires an existing installation of bazel

If you're familiar with pub run, then bazelify is easy:

$ pub global activate bazel

Generation #

You can run bazelify on a typical pub package:

$ cd my_new_package
$ pub global run bazel:bazelify init

If you don't have a project, you can use our workspace folder of examples. See tool/presubmit.dart for some examples.

Usage #

You can bazel run files in bin/:

# Assume you have bin/hello.dart
# We automatically generate a "hello_bin" target in your BUILD file.
$ bazel run :hello_bin

You can also bazel run a development sever for your web application:

# Assume you have web/main.dart, and web/index.html.
$ bazel run :main_dartium_serve

Oh, and did we mention support for the Dart dev compiler?

$ bazel run :main_ddc_serve

Cleaning up #

We automatically generate a bunch of file for you - don't worry about checking them in for now - you can safely ignore them when commiting. Here is an example snippet you can include in a .gitignore:


You may also want to exclude the bazel-* folders from the Dart analyzer using an .analysis_options file. This prevents the Dart analyzer from accidentally "seeing" generated and copied code and needlessly analyzing it.

    - 'bazel-*/**'