## Running analysis for "auth_screen_lock" version "1.0.6" STARTED: 2024-12-17T14:55:19.563405Z ### Starting pana 2024-12-17 14:55:32.244900 INFO: Running `dart pub unpack auth_screen_lock:1.0.6 --output /tmp/pana-auth_screen_lockNWUQCJ/auth_screen_lock --no-resolve`... 2024-12-17 14:55:33.391353 INFO: Running `/home/worker/dart/stable/bin/dart --version`... 2024-12-17 14:55:33.425476 INFO: Running `/home/worker/flutter/stable/bin/flutter --no-version-check --version --machine`... 2024-12-17 14:55:33.579909 INFO: Running `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`... 2024-12-17 14:55:33.768838 INFO: Running `/home/worker/flutter/stable/bin/flutter --no-version-check pub pub get --no-example`... 2024-12-17 14:55:34.816442 INFO: Running `/home/worker/flutter/stable/bin/flutter --no-version-check pub pub get --no-example`... 2024-12-17 14:55:38.547821 INFO: Running `git init`... 2024-12-17 14:55:38.573717 INFO: Running `git remote add origin https://github.com/Kijacode/flutter_screen_lock`... 2024-12-17 14:55:38.596377 INFO: Running `git remote show origin`... 2024-12-17 14:55:38.840551 INFO: Running `git fetch --depth 1 --no-recurse-submodules origin master`... 2024-12-17 14:55:49.973293 INFO: Running `git ls-tree -r --name-only --full-tree origin/master`... 2024-12-17 14:55:50.004220 INFO: Running `git show origin/master:example/pubspec.yaml`... 2024-12-17 14:55:50.032249 INFO: Running `git show origin/master:pubspec.yaml`... 2024-12-17 14:55:51.462684 INFO: Analyzing pub downgrade... 2024-12-17 14:55:51.469315 INFO: Running `/home/worker/flutter/stable/bin/flutter --no-version-check packages pub downgrade --no-example`... 2024-12-17 14:55:52.578921 INFO: [pub-downgrade-error] 2024-12-17 14:55:52.579214 INFO: Resolving dependencies... 2024-12-17 14:55:52.579214 INFO: The current Dart SDK version is 3.6.0. 2024-12-17 14:55:52.579214 INFO: 2024-12-17 14:55:52.579214 INFO: Because auth_screen_lock requires SDK version >=3.2.6 <=3.4.3, version solving failed. 2024-12-17 14:55:52.579214 INFO: 2024-12-17 14:55:52.579214 INFO: 2024-12-17 14:55:52.579214 INFO: You can try the following suggestion to make the pubspec resolve: 2024-12-17 14:55:52.579214 INFO: * Try using the Flutter SDK version: 3.22.2. 2024-12-17 14:55:52.579214 INFO: Failed to update packages. 2024-12-17 14:55:52.585131 INFO: Running `/home/worker/flutter/stable/bin/flutter --no-version-check packages pub upgrade --no-example`... 2024-12-17 14:55:53.755056 INFO: Writing summary.json 2024-12-17 14:55:53.758478 INFO: Running dartdoc post-processing 2024-12-17 14:55:53.761062 INFO: Creating .tar.gz archive 2024-12-17 14:55:53.773981 INFO: Finished post-processing 2024-12-17 14:55:53.779335 INFO: Finished .tar.gz archive ### Execution of pana exited 0 STOPPED: 2024-12-17T14:55:53.876332Z