assets_gen 1.1.0 copy "assets_gen: ^1.1.0" to clipboard
assets_gen: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard

discontinuedreplaced by: flutter_gen

The assets_gen package helps you to generate a .dart file that contains all assets according to `pubspec.yaml`.

assets_gen #

Pub Version

The assets_gen package helps you to generate a .dart file that contains all assets according to pubspec.yaml.

Way to reference asset path Sample Code
Use string path directly Image.asset('assets/images/foo.png'); ❌ Unsafe
Use assets_gen Image.asset(Assets.assets_images_foo_png); ✅ Good

Getting Started #

Install #

  build_runner: ">=1.0.0 < 2.0.0" # Optional.
  assets_gen: any # Replace 'any' with version number.

Usage #

Use build_runner Call directly (Recommend)
Run a single build and exit. flutter pub run build_runner build flutter pub run assets_gen build
Continuously run builds as you edit files. flutter pub run build_runner watch flutter pub run assets_gen watch

Note: Call assets_gen script directly will take effect on the target package and it's dependencies.

More info about pub-run and build_runner.

Options #

# Specify an assets_gen section in pubspec.yaml
    - path/to/asset
option type default value
enable bool true Enable or not.
output String assets.dart Output position, always under lib/.
class_name String Assets The generated class name.
gen_package_path bool true Whether the builder should generate extra const variable with package info, e.g. packages/${package}/path/to/foo.png
ignore_resolution bool true Whether the builder should ignore resolution variant. e.g. path/to/3.0x/foo.png will be ignored.
omit_path_levels int 0 The path levels of generated key that the builder will omit. e.g. if levels is 2, the key of path/to/foo.png is foo_png.
exclude List none Listed assets in exclude will be ignored in generated class. It supports glob syntax.
plurals List none Plurals support. e.g. Specify a plural - assets/vip/*.svg will generate a function like static String assets_vip_x_svg(Object p0) => 'assets/vip/${p0.toString()}.svg';.
pub points


unverified uploader

The assets_gen package helps you to generate a .dart file that contains all assets according to `pubspec.yaml`.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


ansicolor, args, build, glob, logging, path, watcher, yaml


Packages that depend on assets_gen