assets_codegen 2.0.0 assets_codegen: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard
Code generator for assets plugin. Using this with assets_annotation package and one of @AstHelp, @IntlHelp annotations. More info at
assets_plugin #
Code generator for assets plugin
This plugin consist of three packages:
Getting Started #
@AstHelp part: #
This package should use with the asset_annotation package.
The main idea of this is a generating dart class with fields, which can help you access your assets in code and give you autocomplete and static preload of text assets in one place. For an example of usage go-to example project. You can configure the generator in a build.ya?ml file of your project. At now the only thing is an extension of files, which can be preloaded. By default, it is a .txt and .json files, but you can pass your additional types in this manner:
- your_file_type
- other_your_file_type
To use this package - install it and create file such as
import 'package:assets_annotations/assets_annotations.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; // <== IT IMPORT IS REQUIRED FOR WORKING AUTO-PRELOAD FOR DEFINED FILE EXTENSIONS (json, txt, etc...)
part 'asset_helper.g.dart';
class AssetHelper with _$AssetHelper {}
Plugin will search assets section in your pubspec.ya?ml file and watch directories, which is described there and deeper (recursive), after you run
flutter pub run build_runner build|watch [--delete-conflicting-outputs]
plugin will generate mixin near your annotated file-class.
@IntlHelp part: #
From version 1.1.0 this plugin can help you to generate LocalizationDelegates easy as possible from yaml files with your messages. That yaml files must be placed in language code folders, for example: .../ru/intl.yaml .../en/intl.yaml or contain language code delimited by dot with prefix: .../ru.intl.yaml .../en.intl.yaml
For example this two files will produce Delegate: ru:
ok: OK # value
value: Сохранить
desc: Сохранение чего-либо где-либо
zero: Детей
one: Ребенок
two: Ребенка
few: Детей
many: Детей
other: Детей
desc: Используется для описания количества детей
zero: коров
one: корова
other: коровы
desc: Используется для описания количества коров
ok: OK # value
value: Save
desc: Сохранение чего-либо где-либо
zero: children
one: child
two: children
other: children
desc: Используется для описания количества детей
zero: cows
one: cow
other: cows
desc: Используется для описания количества коров
Yaml file should contain key-value messages for specific locale. There are formats, which supports by plugin at now: simplest:
key: yourMessage
with desc:
value: yourMessage
desc: yourMessageDescription
with pluralization supports:
zero: yourMessage for 0
one: yourMessage for 1
two: yourMessage for 2 <- It's an optional field for that type
other: yourMessage for other
desc: yourMessageDescription <- It's an optional field for that type
Plugin can understand difference between your description and other fields by it's content and choose correct type
After you create your messages yaml files you should place its at asset folder (or other folder, which is marked as "asset" in your pubspec.yaml. Each language yaml must contain a "intl" substring or other, if you want by pass prefix param to @IntlHelp annotation:
@IntlHelp(prefix: 'your_yaml_files_prefix')
class LocalizationDelegate extends _$LocalizationDelegate {}
Then all you need to get your LocalizationDelegate is:
import 'package:assets_annotations/assets_annotations.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
part 'localization_delegate.g.dart';
class LocalizationDelegate extends _$LocalizationDelegate {}
then run
flutter pub run build_runner build|watch [--delete-conflicting-outputs]
and use generated delegate in your app:
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
localizationsDelegates: [
supportedLocales: [
const Locale('en'),
const Locale('ru'),
title: 'Assets demo',
theme: ThemeData(
home: MyHomePage(),
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('${Messages.of(context).cow(1)} app'),
body: Center(
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
Text('You have ${Messages.of(context).cow(_counter)}'),
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: _incrementCounter,
tooltip: 'Increment',
child: Icon(Icons.add),
you can ask what is a Messages, well, it's is a generated helper for extract you messages from context, which can be imported from generated file:
class Messages {
static LocalizationMessages of(BuildContext context) =>
Localizations.of(context, LocalizationMessages);